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Descripción del Proyecto

SQLObject is an object-relational mapper, i.e., a library that will wrap your database tables in Python classes and your rows in Python instances. It currently supports MySQL through the 'MySQLdb' package, PostgreSQL through the 'psycopg' package, SQLite, Firebird, MaxDB (SAP DB), MS SQL, and Sybase. It should support Python versions back to 2.4.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-03-02 08:03

Se corrigió un error en la SQLiteConnection: claro _threadPool de close().
Tags: Stable, minor bugfix
A bug was fixed in SQLiteConnection: clear _threadPool on close().

2011-12-05 01:50

Un error se corrigió en la manipulación del módulo operador (SQLite implementa sólo "%", MySQL sólo implementa MOD() y PostgreSQL implementa ambos).
Tags: Stable, minor bugfix
A bug was fixed in handling the modulo operator (SQLite implements only "%", MySQL only implements MOD(), and PostgreSQL implements both).

2011-11-21 05:18

Las cadenas son tratadas especialmente en seleccionar permitir seleccionar (['id, 'nombre'], donde =' valor = 42'). ForeignKey ('Tabla', refColumn = 'refcol_id') permite ForeignKey apuntar a una columna de id no. Soporte para PostgreSQL 7.* se pierde; la versión mínima soportada de PostgreSQL es 8.1. Citando las reglas han cambiado para PostgreSQL: SQLObject utiliza la E'' escapar de la cadena. Un bug causado por psycopg2 recientemente agregar que se fijó un nuevo atributo booleano autocommit no invocable. sqlobject.__doc__ y main.__doc__ ya no contienen el número de versión: utilice sqlobject.version o version_info.
Tags: Stable
Strings are treated specially in Select to allow Select(['id, 'name'], where='value = 42'). ForeignKey('Table', refColumn='refcol_id') allows ForeignKey to point to a non-id column. Support for PostgreSQL 7.* is dropped; the minimal supported version of PostgreSQL is 8.1. Quoting rules have changed for PostgreSQL: SQLObject uses the E'' escape string. A bug caused by psycopg2 recently adding a new Boolean non-callable autocommit attribute was fixed. sqlobject.__doc__ and main.__doc__ no longer contain the version number: use sqlobject.version or version_info.

2011-08-31 05:36

Un error se corrigió con Postgres - agregue comillas en "SET CLIENT_ENCODING" de la consulta.
Tags: Stable, minor bugfix
A bug was fixed with Postgres - add quotes in "SET client_encoding" query.

2011-08-08 22:27

Un error se corrigió en SelectResults corte que le impidió cortar una rebanada (por ejemplo, my_results [: 20] [1:5]).
Tags: minor bugfix, Stable
A bug was fixed in SelectResults slicing that prevented you from slicing a slice (for example, my_results[:20][1:5]).

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