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Descripción del Proyecto

The stmpclean utility removes old files (and old
empty directories) from the specified directory.
It is meant to be used to clean directories such
as "/tmp" where old files tend to accumulate.
stmpclean never removes files or directories owned
by root, which is a feature, not a bug. Great care
is taken while descending into the directory, and
the operation is secure. Anything that's not a
directory, regular file, or symbolic link is also
left alone (because programs like screen(1) create
sockets and FIFOs under /tmp and expect them to be
long-lived). Unlike other programs that do the
same task, stmpclean never forks and consumes
limited amount of memory. If stmpclean determines
a race condition it will log the situation and
exit with a failure.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
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2003-06-11 01:19

stmpclean se niega a ejecutar en las rutas relativas (no hay necesidad, y las consecuencias potencialmente desastrosas).
Tags: Minor bugfixes
stmpclean refuses to run on relative pathnames (no need, and potentially disastrous consequences).

2003-03-22 23:59

Sólo los archivos regulares y los directorios vacíos se eliminan ahora. El sete System V [UG] secuencia de ID es ahora compatible. Hardlinked archivos ya no se eliminan. Los archivos con ctime recientes no se eliminan.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
Only regular files and empty directories are deleted now. The System V sete[ug]id sequence is now supported. Hardlinked files are no longer deleted. Files with recent ctime are not deleted.

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