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Descripción del Proyecto

syslog-ng is a syslogd replacement for a wide variety of UNIX systems that supports IPv6 and is capable of transferring log messages reliably using TCP and SSL and filtering the content of messages using regular expressions. Both RFC3164 and RFC5424 style messages are handled, but more esoteric formats like BSD process accounting logs are supported too. Apart from regular text files, it supports storing messages into SQL and MongoDB databases, and forward messages to local processes via pipes or UNIX domain sockets. This makes syslog-ng ideal as an integration platform. syslog-ng supports extracting structured information from the traditionally text based syslog via csv-parser(), db-parser(), and patterndb. Tag based classification, rewriting messages, and outputting messages in JSON is also possible. This makes syslog-ng ideal for preprocessing events for further analysis, be that home-grown scripts or SIEM systems. syslog-ng scales well on today's multi processor and multi-core systems: reaching 1,000,000 messages per second is a reality for the simplest use cases.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-09-10 13:06

El script de configuración se ha fijado para detectar automáticamente si está instalado y libnet a la burla desactivar fuente de apoyo, si no lo es. El tratamiento de la log_fifo_size mundial () la opción se fijó, en algunos casos, la opción global no tuvo un efecto. Posible bloqueo en / proc / kmsg durante el arranque, cuando se generan un gran número de mensajes de mensajes del núcleo, fue corregido. Un error de segmentación posible durante el syslog-ng procedimiento de salida se ha fijado. Esto podría ser provocado por detener a un syslog-ng ejemplo, después de haber sido cargado al menos una vez.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The configure script was fixed to automatically
detect whether libnet is installed and to disable
spoof-source support if it isn't. The processing
of the global log_fifo_size() option was fixed; in
some cases, the global option did not have an
effect. Possible blocking on /proc/kmsg during
boot, when a great number of messages kernel
messages are generated, was fixed. A possible
segfault during the syslog-ng exit procedure was
fixed. This could be triggered by stopping a
syslog-ng instance after it had been reloaded at
least once.

2005-07-07 13:57

Esta versión incluye importantes correcciones de errores y una actualización de la documentación.
Tags: Development, Major bugfixes
This release adds major bugfixes and a documentation update.

2005-05-26 12:06

Minor fixes y una corrección de compatibilidad de 64 bits.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Minor fixes and a 64-bit compatibility fix.

2005-04-09 21:45

Spoof fuente relacionada con correcciones se hicieron.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Spoof-source related bugfixes were made.

2005-01-24 23:45

La primera versión utilizable de la rama de desarrollo, con una reescritura completa y la adición de numerosas funciones.
Tags: Development, Major feature enhancements
The first usable release from the development branch, featuring a complete rewrite and adding numerous features.

Project Resources