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Descripción del Proyecto

XOAD, formerly known as NAJAX, is a AJAX/XAP
object oriented framework for PHP that allows you
to create richer Web applications. It uses JSON
and native PHP serialized objects to communicate.
Special attention has been paid to security. It
supports server side events (observation) and
client side events (XOAD Events). Server and
client extensions allow features such as HTML
manipulation and caching. It is extensively
documented, and includes tutorials and examples.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-08-07 12:25

NAJAX_Server apoyo para los eventos del lado del servidor se ha añadido. najax_optimized.js se ha comprimido utilizando El paquete de documentación se ha actualizado. NAJAX_Server:: Initialize (...) ha sido renombrado a NAJAX_Server:: runserver (...).
Tags: Major feature enhancements
NAJAX_Server support for server side events was
added. najax_optimized.js has been compressed
using The
package documentation has been updated.
NAJAX_Server::initialize(...) has been renamed to

2005-08-01 22:40

NAJAX_Server:: (...) mapClass ha sido añadido. Utilice este método para asignar nombres de clase a los archivos donde se han definido, y sólo la clase que es la fuente de la devolución de llamada se cargarán. El ejemplo de Chat ahora soporta enlaces y emoticonos. __clone está utilizando (...) najaxClone para combinar dos objetos, cuando un método elimina un miembro, su valor será nulo. Cuando un método añade un nuevo miembro, estará disponible inmediatamente después de la llamada termina.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
NAJAX_Server::mapClass(...) has been added. Use this method to map class names to the files where they are defined; only the class that is the source of the callback will be loaded. The Chat example now supports emoticons and hyperlinks. __clone is now using najaxClone(...) to merge two objects; when a method deletes a member, its value will be null. When a method adds a new member, it will be available immediately after the call ends.

2005-08-01 02:02

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources