[geeklog-jp commit] r902 - trunk/geeklog-1-jp-extended/public_html/admin/install

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codes****@googl***** codes****@googl*****
2008年 10月 6日 (月) 03:00:29 JST

Author: hirorongl
Date: Sun Oct  5 10:59:40 2008
New Revision: 902

       - copied unchanged from r901,  

r881のIssue #24に対応する修正を geeklog-1-jp-extended にも反映

Modified: trunk/geeklog-1-jp-extended/public_html/admin/install/index.php
--- trunk/geeklog-1-jp-extended/public_html/admin/install/index.php	 
+++ trunk/geeklog-1-jp-extended/public_html/admin/install/index.php	Sun  
Oct  5 10:59:40 2008
@@ -37,20 +37,20 @@
  // | Please read docs/install.html which describes how to install  
Geeklog.     |
-// $Id: index.php,v 1.47 2008/06/15 06:41:26 mwest Exp $
+// $Id: index.php,v 1.55 2008/09/06 14:46:24 dhaun Exp $

  // this should help expose parse errors even when
  // display_errors is set to Off in php.ini
-if (function_exists ('ini_set')) {
-    ini_set ('display_errors', '1');
+if (function_exists('ini_set')) {
+    ini_set('display_errors', '1');
-error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_COMPILE_ERROR);
+error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_COMPILE_ERROR);

-if (!defined ("LB")) {
+if (!defined("LB")) {
      define("LB", "\n");
-if (!defined ('VERSION')) {
-    define('VERSION', '1.5.0');
+if (!defined('VERSION')) {
+    define('VERSION', '1.5.1');
  if (!defined('XHTML')) {
      define('XHTML', ' /');
@@ -108,6 +108,147 @@

+* Checks for Static Pages Version
+* @return   0 = not installed, 1 = original plugin, 2 = plugin by Phill or  
Tom, 3 = v1.3 (center block, etc.), 4 = 1.4 ('in block' flag)
+* Note: Needed for upgrades from old versions - don't remove.
+function get_SP_Ver()
+    global $_TABLES;
+    $retval = 0;
+    if (DB_count ($_TABLES['plugins'], 'pi_name', 'staticpages') > 0) {
+        $result = DB_query ("DESCRIBE {$_TABLES['staticpage']}");
+        $numrows = DB_numRows ($result);
+        $retval = 1; // assume v1.1 for now ...
+        for ($i = 0; $i < $numrows; $i++) {
+            $A = DB_fetchArray ($result, true);
+            if ($A[0] == 'sp_nf') {
+                $retval = 3; // v1.3
+            } elseif ($A[0] == 'sp_pos') {
+                $retval = 2; // v1.2
+            } elseif ($A[0] == 'sp_inblock') {
+                $retval = 4; // v1.4
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $retval;
+ * Check if we can skip upgrade steps (post-1.5.0)
+ *
+ * If we're doing an upgrade from 1.5.0 or later and we have the necessary
+ * DB credentials, skip the forms and upgrade directly.
+ *
+ * @param   string  $dbconfig_path      path to db-config.php
+ * @param   string  $siteconfig_path    path to siteconfig.php
+ * @return  string                      database version, if possible
+ * @note    Will not return if upgrading from 1.5.0 or later.
+ *
+ */
+function INST_checkPost150Upgrade($dbconfig_path, $siteconfig_path)
+    global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_DB, $_DB_dbms, $_DB_host, $_DB_user,  
+    require $dbconfig_path;
+    require $siteconfig_path;
+    $connected = false;
+    $version = '';
+    switch ($_DB_dbms) {
+    case 'mysql':
+        $db_handle = @mysql_connect($_DB_host, $_DB_user, $_DB_pass);
+        if ($db_handle) {
+            $connected = @mysql_select_db($_DB_name, $db_handle);
+        }
+        break;
+    case 'mssql':
+        $db_handle = @mssql_connect($_DB_host, $_DB_user, $_DB_pass);
+        if ($db_handle) {
+            $connected = @mssql_select_db($_DB_name, $db_handle);
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        $connected = false;
+        break;
+    }
+    if ($connected) {
+        require $_CONF['path_system'] . 'lib-database.php';
+        $version = INST_identifyGeeklogVersion();
+        switch ($_DB_dbms) {
+        case 'mysql':
+            @mysql_close($db_handle);
+            break;
+        case 'mssql':
+            @mssql_close($db_handle);
+            break;
+        }
+        if (!empty($version) && ($version != VERSION) &&
+                (substr($version, 0, 4) == '1.5.')) {
+            // this is a 1.5.x version, so upgrade directly
+            $req_string = 'index.php?mode=upgrade&step=3'
+                        . '&dbconfig_path=' . $dbconfig_path
+                        . '&version=' . $version;
+            header('Location: ' . $req_string);
+            exit;
+        }
+    }
+    return $version;
+ * Set VERSION constant in siteconfig.php after successful upgrade
+ *
+ * @param   string  $siteconfig_path    path to siteconfig.php
+ * @return  void
+ *
+ */
+function INST_setVersion($siteconfig_path)
+    global $LANG_INSTALL;
+    $siteconfig_file = fopen($siteconfig_path, 'r');
+    $siteconfig_data = fread($siteconfig_file, filesize($siteconfig_path));
+    fclose($siteconfig_file);
+    $siteconfig_data = preg_replace
+            (
+             '/define\s*\(\'VERSION\',[^;]*;/',
+             "define('VERSION', '" . VERSION . "');",
+             $siteconfig_data
+            );
+    $siteconfig_file = fopen($siteconfig_path, 'w');
+    if (!fwrite($siteconfig_file, $siteconfig_data)) {
+        exit($LANG_INSTALL[26] . ' ' . $LANG_INSTALL[28]);
+    }
+    fclose($siteconfig_file);
   * Installer engine
   * The guts of the installation and upgrade package.
@@ -127,6 +268,18 @@
          case 1:
              require_once $dbconfig_path; // Get the current DB info

+            if ($install_type == 'upgrade') {
+                $v = INST_checkPost150Upgrade($dbconfig_path,  
+                // will skip to step 3 if possible, otherwise return here
+                if ($v == VERSION) {
+                    // looks like we're already up to date
+                    $display .= '<h2>' . $LANG_INSTALL[74] . '</h2>' . LB
+                             . '<p>' . $LANG_INSTALL[75] . '</p>';
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
              // Set all the form values either with their defaults or with  
received POST data.
              // The only instance where you'd get POST data would be if the  
user has to
              // go back because they entered incorrect database information.
@@ -297,7 +450,7 @@
                  case 'mssql':
-                    if (!$db_handle = @mssql_connect($db_host, $db_user,  
$db_pass)) {
+                    if (!$db_handle = mssql_connect($db_host, $db_user,  
$db_pass)) {
                          $invalid_db_auth = true;
@@ -432,7 +585,7 @@
                                            . '<p>' .  
$LANG_INSTALL[91] . '</p>';
                              } else {

-                                $old_versions =  
+                                $old_versions =  
                                  if (empty($curv)) {
                                      // If we were unable to determine the  
current GL
                                      // version is then ask the user what  
it is
@@ -614,23 +767,25 @@

                      if (INST_doDatabaseUpgrades($version, $use_innodb)) {
-                        // After updating the database we'll want to  
update some of the information from the form.
-                        $site_name      = isset($_POST['site_name']) ?  
$_POST['site_name'] : (isset($_GET['site_name']) ?  
$_GET['site_name'] : '') ;
-                        $site_slogan    = isset($_POST['site_slogan']) ?  
$_POST['site_slogan'] : (isset($_GET['site_slogan']) ?  
$_GET['site_slogan'] : '') ;
-                        $site_url       = isset($_POST['site_url']) ?  
$_POST['site_url'] : (isset($_GET['site_url']) ? $_GET['site_url'] : '') ;
-                        $site_admin_url =  
isset($_POST['site_admin_url']) ? $_POST['site_admin_url'] :  
(isset($_GET['site_admin_url']) ? $_GET['site_admin_url'] : '') ;
-                        $site_mail      = isset($_POST['site_mail']) ?  
$_POST['site_mail'] : (isset($_GET['site_mail']) ?  
$_GET['site_mail'] : '') ;
-                        $noreply_mail   = isset($_POST['noreply_mail']) ?  
$_POST['noreply_mail'] : (isset($_GET['noreply_mail']) ?  
$_GET['noreply_mail'] : '') ;
-                        require_once  
$_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php';
-                        $config = config::get_instance();
-                        $config->set('site_name', urldecode($site_name));
-                        $config->set('site_slogan',  
-                        $config->set('site_url', urldecode($site_url));
-                        $config->set('site_admin_url',  
-                        $config->set('site_mail', urldecode($site_mail));
-                        $config->set('noreply_mail',  
-                        $config->set_default('default_photo',  
urldecode($site_url) . '/default.jpg');
+                        if (version_compare($version, '1.5.0') == -1) {
+                            // After updating the database we'll want to  
update some of the information from the form.
+                            $site_name      = isset($_POST['site_name']) ?  
$_POST['site_name'] : (isset($_GET['site_name']) ?  
$_GET['site_name'] : '') ;
+                            $site_slogan    =  
isset($_POST['site_slogan']) ? $_POST['site_slogan'] :  
(isset($_GET['site_slogan']) ? $_GET['site_slogan'] : '') ;
+                            $site_url       = isset($_POST['site_url']) ?  
$_POST['site_url'] : (isset($_GET['site_url']) ? $_GET['site_url'] : '') ;
+                            $site_admin_url =  
isset($_POST['site_admin_url']) ? $_POST['site_admin_url'] :  
(isset($_GET['site_admin_url']) ? $_GET['site_admin_url'] : '') ;
+                            $site_mail      = isset($_POST['site_mail']) ?  
$_POST['site_mail'] : (isset($_GET['site_mail']) ?  
$_GET['site_mail'] : '') ;
+                            $noreply_mail   =  
isset($_POST['noreply_mail']) ? $_POST['noreply_mail'] :  
(isset($_GET['noreply_mail']) ? $_GET['noreply_mail'] : '') ;
+                            require_once  
$_CONF['path_system'] . 'classes/config.class.php';
+                            $config = config::get_instance();
+                            $config->set('site_name',  
+                            $config->set('site_slogan',  
+                            $config->set('site_url', urldecode($site_url));
+                            $config->set('site_admin_url',  
+                            $config->set('site_mail',  
+                            $config->set('noreply_mail',  
+                            $config->set_default('default_photo',  
urldecode($site_url) . '/default.jpg');
+                        }


@@ -792,6 +947,7 @@

      case 'mysql':
          $test = array(
+            '1.5.1'  => array("SELECT name FROM {$_TABLES['vars']} WHERE  
name = 'database_version'", 'database_version'),
              '1.5.0'  => array("DESCRIBE {$_TABLES['storysubmission']}  
              '1.4.1'  => array("SELECT ft_name FROM {$_TABLES['features']}  
WHERE ft_name = 'syndication.edit'", 'syndication.edit'),
              '1.4.0'  => array("DESCRIBE {$_TABLES['users']}  
@@ -802,34 +958,38 @@
              // It's hard to (reliably) test for 1.3.7 - let's just hope
              // nobody uses such an old version any more ...
+        $firstCheck = "DESCRIBE {$_TABLES['access']} acc_ft_id";
+        $result = DB_query($firstCheck, 1);
+        if ($result === false) {
+            // A check for the first field in the first table failed?
+            // Sounds suspiciously like an empty table ...
+            return 'empty';
+        }

      case 'mssql':
  	    $test = array(
-            '1.5.0'  => array("DESCRIBE {$_TABLES['storysubmission']}  
+            '1.5.1'  => array("SELECT name FROM {$_TABLES['vars']} WHERE  
name = 'database_version'", 'database_version'),
+            '1.5.0'  => array("SELECT c.name FROM syscolumns c JOIN  
sysobjects o ON o.id = c.id WHERE c.name='bodytext' AND  
              '1.4.1'  => array("SELECT ft_name FROM {$_TABLES['features']}  
WHERE ft_name = 'syndication.edit'", 'syndication.edit')
              // 1.4.1 was the first version with MS SQL support
+        $firstCheck = "SELECT 1 FROM sysobjects WHERE  
+        $result = DB_query($firstCheck, 1);
+        if (($result === false) || (DB_numRows($result) < 1)) {
+            // a check for the first table returned nothing.
+            // empty database?
+            return 'empty';
+        }


      $version = '';

-    $result = DB_query("DESCRIBE {$_TABLES['access']} acc_ft_id", 1);
-    if ($result === false) {
-        // A check for the first field in the first table failed?
-        // Sounds suspiciously like an empty table ...
-        return 'empty';
-    }
      foreach ($test as $v => $qarray) {
          $result = DB_query($qarray[0], 1);
          if ($result === false) {
              // error - continue with next test

          } else if (DB_numRows($result) > 0) {
@@ -1016,24 +1176,15 @@
   * Check if a table exists
+ * @see DB_checkTableExists
+ *
   * @param   string $table   Table name
   * @return  boolean         True if table exists, false if it does not
  function INST_checkTableExists ($table)
-    global $_TABLES, $_DB_dbms;
-    $exists = false;
-    if ($_DB_dbms == 'mysql') {
-        $result = DB_query ("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$_TABLES[$table]}'");
-        if (DB_numRows ($result) > 0) {
-            $exists = true;
-        }
-    }
-    return $exists;
+    return DB_checkTableExists($table);

@@ -1092,10 +1243,10 @@
             $dbconfig_path, $siteconfig_path, $html_path;

      $_DB->setDisplayError (true);
-    // Disable userconfig plugin beforehand to prevent an error
-    require_once 'disable-userconfig.php';
-    disableUserconfigPlugin();
+    // Disable incompatible plugins beforehand to prevent an error
+    require_once 'disable-plugins.php';
+    GEEKLOGJP_disablePlugins();

      // Because the upgrade sql syntax can vary from dbms-to-dbms we are
      // leaving that up to each Geeklog database driver
@@ -1491,14 +1642,26 @@
              $_SQL = '';

+        case '1.5.0':
+            require_once $_CONF['path'] . 'sql/updates/' .  
$_DB_dbms . '_1.5.0_to_1.5.1.php';
+            INST_updateDB($_SQL);
+            $current_gl_version = '1.5.1';
+            $_SQL = '';
+            break;
              $done = true;

+    INST_setVersion($siteconfig_path);
      // delete the security check flag on every update to force the user
      // to run admin/sectest.php again
-    DB_delete ($_TABLES['vars'], 'name', 'security_check');
+    DB_delete($_TABLES['vars'], 'name', 'security_check');
+    DB_change($_TABLES['vars'], 'value',  
VERSION, 'name', 'database_version');

      return true;
@@ -1748,7 +1911,7 @@
                  // See whether the file/directory is located in the  
default place or in public_html
                  $dbconfig_path = file_exists($gl_path . $dbconfig_file)
                                      ? $gl_path . $dbconfig_file
-                                    : $gl_path . 'public_html' .  
+                                    : $gl_path . 'public_html/' .  

@@ -2043,5 +2206,4 @@
  </html>' . LB;

  echo $display;

Geeklogjp-changes メーリングリストの案内
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