[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga.org at 178758c [gh-pages] blog: publish 3.0.7 release entry

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HAYASHI Kentaro null+****@clear*****
Thu Aug 29 11:54:36 JST 2013

HAYASHI Kentaro	2013-08-29 11:54:36 +0900 (Thu, 29 Aug 2013)

  New Revision: 178758cd5427502a93bd3e2c643975a7f6a11179

    blog: publish 3.0.7 release entry

  Added files:

  Added: en/_posts/2013-08-29-release.textile (+88 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ en/_posts/2013-08-29-release.textile    2013-08-29 11:54:36 +0900 (8d02321)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+layout: post.en
+title: Groonga 3.0.7 has been released
+description: Groonga 3.0.7 has been released!
+h2. Groonga 3.0.7 has been released
+"Groonga 3.0.7":/docs/news.html#release-3-0-7 has been released!
+How to install: "Install":/docs/install.html
+There are two topics for this release.
+* Added API documentation
+* Supported log related groonga-httpd directives
+h3. Added API documentation
+There is no API documentation for a long time. We wrote the following entry in the past.
+* "We want a person who improve API documentation together":http://groonga.org/ja/blog/2013/07/22/api-documentation.html [written in japanese]
+Luckily, we had been able to find the person who works for API documentation together. As a result, @whombx had done many contribution by sending pull requests for groonga API documentation. We thank @whombx for that great work.
+Now, we can release that outcome in this release even though translation task is not fully finished yet.
+h3. Supported log related groonga-httpd directives
+There is a HTTP server package which is based on nginx. It is provided to support more functionality for groonga user.
+In this release, groonga-httpd supports new directives which is related to logging.
+* groonga_log_path
+* groonga_log_level
+groonga_log_path is used for specifying the path where to save log. groonga_log_level is used for specifying the level of logging. In the previous version, default value is applied to both of them.
+Usually, the path is specified to groonga_log_path, but you can disable logging by specifying 'off' to groonga_log_path.
+For example, it can be disabled.
+location /d/ {
+  groonga_log_path off;
+See the following documentation about "groonga_log_path":http://groonga.org/docs/reference/executables/groonga-httpd.html#groonga-log-path directive.
+On the other hand, you can custimize log level by groonga_log_level directive.
+There is a list which is used for groonga_log_level directive. The default value is 'notice'.
+* emergency
+* alert
+* critical
+* error
+* warning
+* notice
+* debug
+* dump
+* none
+You can disable logging by specifying 'none' to groonga_log_level.
+See the following documentation about "groonga_log_level":http://groonga.org/docs/reference/executables/groonga-httpd.html#groonga-log-level directive.
+groonga-httpd also supports new directives which is related to max query cache.
+* groonga_cache_limit
+It is applied to all workers. Here is the configuration example which set cache limit to 1000.
+http {
+    groonga_cache_limit 1000;
+    ...
+If you want to apply multiple query cache limit, use multiple groonga-httpd.conf.
+h3. Conclusion
+See "Release 3.0.7 2013/08/29":/docs/news.html#release-3-0-7 about detailed changes since 3.0.6.
+Let's search by groonga!

  Added: ja/_posts/2013-08-29-release.textile (+92 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ ja/_posts/2013-08-29-release.textile    2013-08-29 11:54:36 +0900 (c599e86)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+layout: post.ja
+title: groonga 3.0.7リリース
+description: groonga 3.0.7をリリースしました!
+h2. groonga 3.0.7リリース
+"groonga 3.0.7":/ja/docs/news.html#release-3-0-7 をリリースしました!
+それぞれの環境毎のインストール方法: "インストール":/ja/docs/install.html
+これまでも、groonga.orgにて "利用事例":http://groonga.org/ja/users/ を紹介してきましたが、それとは別に、 "gihyo.jp":http://gihyo.jp/ にてgroonga関連の記事の連載を "隔週連載groonga":http://gihyo.jp/dev/clip/01/groonga としてはじめました。
+* "第8回 CentOS6でのRPMパッケージを用いた MySQL 5.6 & mroonga & PHP 5.4 環境の作り方":http://gihyo.jp/dev/clip/01/groonga/0008
+* "第9回 mroongaを広く使ってもらうために大事なこと - mroongaのパッケージング動向の紹介":http://gihyo.jp/dev/clip/01/groonga/0009
+第一回から第七回までの過去記事については "隔週連載groonga":http://gihyo.jp/dev/clip/01/groonga のページを参照してください。
+h3. APIドキュメント化しました
+長い間懸案であったgroongaのAPIのドキュメント化作業について、どなたか協力していただけませんか、という "エントリ":http://groonga.org/ja/blog/2013/07/22/api-documentation.html を以前書きました。
+具体的な手順をお知らせすることで、これだったらできるかもと思ってもらえたらいいなということだったのですが、結果として whombxさんがたくさんAPIドキュメント化作業のための pull requestを送ってくれました。
+h3. groonga-httpdへ実験的なディレクティブを追加しました
+* groonga_log_path
+* groonga_log_level
+groonga_log_pathにはログの保存先のパスを指定しますが、ログを無効にすることもできます。その場合には offを指定します。
+location /d/ {
+  groonga_log_path off;
+groonga_log_pathの詳細は "ドキュメント":http://groonga.org/ja/docs/reference/executables/groonga-httpd.html#groonga-log-path を参照してください。
+* emergency
+* alert
+* critical
+* error
+* warning
+* notice
+* debug
+* dump
+* none
+groonga_log_levelの詳細は "ドキュメント":http://groonga.org/ja/docs/reference/executables/groonga-httpd.html#groonga-log-level を参照してください。
+* groonga_cache_limit
+http {
+    groonga_cache_limit 1000;
+    ...
+h3. さいごに
+3.0.6からの詳細な変更点は "3.0.7リリース 2013/08/29":/ja/docs/news.html#release-3-0-7 を確認してください。
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