[Groonga-commit] droonga/fluent-plugin-droonga at 8968779 [master] Extract ResultFormatter from QuerySearcher

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Yoji Shidara null+****@clear*****
Thu Dec 19 13:06:37 JST 2013

Yoji Shidara	2013-12-19 13:06:37 +0900 (Thu, 19 Dec 2013)

  New Revision: 896877990dbcc08851910db4d72b10ba0c5d5e73

  Merged ce62e72: Merge branch 'refactor-searcher'

    Extract ResultFormatter from QuerySearcher

  Modified files:

  Modified: lib/droonga/searcher.rb (+169 -151)
--- lib/droonga/searcher.rb    2013-12-19 12:41:09 +0900 (382cf28)
+++ lib/droonga/searcher.rb    2013-12-19 13:06:37 +0900 (b483b60)
@@ -112,6 +112,172 @@ module Droonga
+    class ResultFormatter
+      def initialize(context, query, result, condition, count, start_time)
+        @context = context
+        @query = query
+        @result = result
+        @start_time = start_time
+        @count = count
+        @condition = condition
+      end
+      def format
+        formatted_result = {}
+        format_count(formatted_result)
+        format_attributes(formatted_result)
+        format_records(formatted_result)
+        if need_element_output?("startTime")
+          formatted_result["startTime"] = @start_time.iso8601
+        end
+        if need_element_output?("elapsedTime")
+          formatted_result["elapsedTime"] = Time.now.to_f - @start_time.to_f
+        end
+        formatted_result
+      end
+      private
+      def need_element_output?(element)
+        params = @query["output"]
+        elements = params["elements"]
+        return false if elements.nil?
+        elements.include?(element)
+      end
+      def format_count(formatted_result)
+        return unless need_element_output?("count")
+        formatted_result["count"] = @count
+      end
+      def format_attributes(formatted_result)
+        return unless need_element_output?("attributes")
+        # XXX IMPLEMENT ME!!!
+        attributes = nil
+        if @query["output"]["format"] == "complex"
+          # should convert columns to an object like:
+          # {"_id" => {"type" => "UInt32", "vector" => false}}
+          attributes = {}
+        else
+          # should convert columns to an object like:
+          # [{"name" => "_id", "type" => "UInt32", "vector" => false}]
+          attributes = []
+        end
+        formatted_result["attributes"] = attributes
+      end
+      def format_records(formatted_result)
+        return unless need_element_output?("records")
+        params = @query["output"]
+        attributes = params["attributes"]
+        target_attributes = normalize_target_attributes(attributes)
+        offset = params["offset"] || 0
+        limit = params["limit"] || 10
+        @result.open_cursor(:offset => offset, :limit => limit) do |cursor|
+          if params["format"] == "complex"
+            formatted_result["records"] = cursor.collect do |record|
+              complex_record(target_attributes, record)
+            end
+          else
+            formatted_result["records"] = cursor.collect do |record|
+              simple_record(target_attributes, record)
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      def complex_record(attributes, record)
+        values = {}
+        attributes.collect do |attribute|
+          values[attribute[:label]] = record_value(record, attribute)
+        end
+        values
+      end
+      def simple_record(attributes, record)
+        attributes.collect do |attribute|
+          record_value(record, attribute)
+        end
+      end
+      def record_value(record, attribute)
+        if attribute[:source] == "_subrecs"
+          if @query["output"]["format"] == "complex"
+            record.sub_records.collect do |sub_record|
+              target_attributes = resolve_attributes(attribute, sub_record)
+              complex_record(target_attributes, sub_record)
+            end
+          else
+            record.sub_records.collect do |sub_record|
+              target_attributes = resolve_attributes(attribute, sub_record)
+              simple_record(target_attributes, sub_record)
+            end
+          end
+        else
+          expression = attribute[:expression]
+          if expression
+            variable = attribute[:variable]
+            variable.value = record
+            expression.execute
+          else
+            value = record[attribute[:source]]
+            if value.is_a?(Groonga::Record)
+              value.record_id
+            else
+              value
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      def resolve_attributes(attribute, record)
+        unless attribute[:target_attributes]
+          attribute[:target_attributes] =
+            normalize_target_attributes(attribute[:attributes], record.table)
+        end
+        return attribute[:target_attributes]
+      end
+      def normalize_target_attributes(attributes, domain = @result)
+        attributes.collect do |attribute|
+          if attribute.is_a?(String)
+            attribute = {
+              "source" => attribute,
+            }
+          end
+          source = attribute["source"]
+          if accessor_name?(source)
+            expression = nil
+            variable = nil
+          else
+            expression = Groonga::Expression.new(context: @context)
+            variable = expression.define_variable(domain: domain)
+            expression.parse(source, syntax: :script)
+            condition = expression.define_variable(name: "$condition",
+                                                   reference: true)
+            condition.value = @condition
+            source = nil
+          end
+          {
+            label: attribute["label"] || attribute["source"],
+            source: source,
+            expression: expression,
+            variable: variable,
+            attributes: attribute["attributes"]
+          }
+        end
+      end
+      def accessor_name?(source)
+        /\A[a-zA-Z\#@$_][a-zA-Z\d\#@$_\-.]*\z/ === source
+      end
+    end
     class QuerySearcher
       def initialize(context, query)
         @context = context
@@ -130,17 +296,9 @@ module Droonga
       def format
-        formatted_result = {}
-        format_count(formatted_result)
-        format_attributes(formatted_result)
-        format_records(formatted_result)
-        if need_element_output?("startTime")
-          formatted_result["startTime"] = @start_time.iso8601
-        end
-        if need_element_output?("elapsedTime")
-          formatted_result["elapsedTime"] = Time.now.to_f - @start_time.to_f
-        end
-        formatted_result
+        # XXX too many arguments are passed to ResultFormatter
+        formatter = ResultFormatter.new(@context, @query, @result, @condition, @count, @start_time)
+        formatter.format
@@ -290,146 +448,6 @@ module Droonga
                    :by => sort_by)
-      def need_element_output?(element)
-        params = @query["output"]
-        elements = params["elements"]
-        return false if elements.nil?
-        elements.include?(element)
-      end
-      def format_count(formatted_result)
-        return unless need_element_output?("count")
-        formatted_result["count"] = @count
-      end
-      def format_attributes(formatted_result)
-        return unless need_element_output?("attributes")
-        # XXX IMPLEMENT ME!!!
-        attributes = nil
-        if @query["output"]["format"] == "complex"
-          # should convert columns to an object like:
-          # {"_id" => {"type" => "UInt32", "vector" => false}}
-          attributes = {}
-        else
-          # should convert columns to an object like:
-          # [{"name" => "_id", "type" => "UInt32", "vector" => false}]
-          attributes = []
-        end
-        formatted_result["attributes"] = attributes
-      end
-      def format_records(formatted_result)
-        return unless need_element_output?("records")
-        params = @query["output"]
-        attributes = params["attributes"]
-        target_attributes = normalize_target_attributes(attributes)
-        offset = params["offset"] || 0
-        limit = params["limit"] || 10
-        @result.open_cursor(:offset => offset, :limit => limit) do |cursor|
-          if params["format"] == "complex"
-            formatted_result["records"] = cursor.collect do |record|
-              complex_record(target_attributes, record)
-            end
-          else
-            formatted_result["records"] = cursor.collect do |record|
-              simple_record(target_attributes, record)
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      def complex_record(attributes, record)
-        values = {}
-        attributes.collect do |attribute|
-          values[attribute[:label]] = record_value(record, attribute)
-        end
-        values
-      end
-      def simple_record(attributes, record)
-        attributes.collect do |attribute|
-          record_value(record, attribute)
-        end
-      end
-      def record_value(record, attribute)
-        if attribute[:source] == "_subrecs"
-          if @query["output"]["format"] == "complex"
-            record.sub_records.collect do |sub_record|
-              target_attributes = resolve_attributes(attribute, sub_record)
-              complex_record(target_attributes, sub_record)
-            end
-          else
-            record.sub_records.collect do |sub_record|
-              target_attributes = resolve_attributes(attribute, sub_record)
-              simple_record(target_attributes, sub_record)
-            end
-          end
-        else
-          expression = attribute[:expression]
-          if expression
-            variable = attribute[:variable]
-            variable.value = record
-            expression.execute
-          else
-            value = record[attribute[:source]]
-            if value.is_a?(Groonga::Record)
-              value.record_id
-            else
-              value
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      def resolve_attributes(attribute, record)
-        unless attribute[:target_attributes]
-          attribute[:target_attributes] =
-            normalize_target_attributes(attribute[:attributes], record.table)
-        end
-        return attribute[:target_attributes]
-      end
-      def accessor_name?(source)
-        /\A[a-zA-Z\#@$_][a-zA-Z\d\#@$_\-.]*\z/ === source
-      end
-      def normalize_target_attributes(attributes, domain = @result)
-        attributes.collect do |attribute|
-          if attribute.is_a?(String)
-            attribute = {
-              "source" => attribute,
-            }
-          end
-          source = attribute["source"]
-          if accessor_name?(source)
-            expression = nil
-            variable = nil
-          else
-            expression = Groonga::Expression.new(context: @context)
-            variable = expression.define_variable(domain: domain)
-            expression.parse(source, syntax: :script)
-            condition = expression.define_variable(name: "$condition",
-                                                   reference: true)
-            condition.value = @condition
-            source = nil
-          end
-          {
-            label: attribute["label"] || attribute["source"],
-            source: source,
-            expression: expression,
-            variable: variable,
-            attributes: attribute["attributes"]
-          }
-        end
-      end
       def log_tag
         "[#{Process.ppid}][#{Process.pid}] query_searcher"
-------------- next part --------------

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