[Groonga-commit] groonga/grnxx [master] Implement insertion. (DoubleArray)

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susumu.yata null+****@clear*****
Mon Jan 21 22:10:20 JST 2013

susumu.yata	2013-01-21 22:10:20 +0900 (Mon, 21 Jan 2013)

  New Revision: 203ad3b219bbc90c99173e935bd9ff02bc2243cb

    Implement insertion. (DoubleArray)

  Modified files:

  Modified: lib/alpha/double_array.cpp (+288 -13)
--- lib/alpha/double_array.cpp    2013-01-20 15:18:02 +0900 (c68db51)
+++ lib/alpha/double_array.cpp    2013-01-21 22:10:20 +0900 (00a37e4)
@@ -132,14 +132,13 @@ bool DoubleArrayImpl::insert(const uint8_t *ptr, uint64_t length,
   uint64_t node_id = root_node_id();
   uint64_t query_pos = 0;
-  // TODO
-//  search_leaf(ptr, length, node_id, query_pos);
-//  if (!insert_leaf(ptr, length, node_id, query_pos)) {
-//    if (key_pos) {
-//      *key_pos = nodes_[node_id].key_pos();
-//    }
-//    return false;
-//  }
+  search_leaf(ptr, length, node_id, query_pos);
+  if (!insert_leaf(ptr, length, node_id, query_pos)) {
+    if (key_pos) {
+      *key_pos = nodes_[node_id].key_pos();
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
   const uint64_t new_key_id = header_->next_key_id();
   const uint64_t new_key_pos = append_key(ptr, length, new_key_id);
@@ -237,13 +236,106 @@ bool DoubleArrayImpl::search_leaf(const uint8_t *ptr, uint64_t length,
     return true;
-  // FIXME: Remove the magic numbers (TERMINAL_LABEL).
-  const uint64_t next = node.offset() ^ 0x100;
-  if (nodes_[next].label() != 0x100) {
+  if (node.child() != DOUBLE_ARRAY_TERMINAL_LABEL) {
     return false;
-  node_id = next;
-  return nodes_[next].is_leaf();
+  node_id = node.offset() ^ DOUBLE_ARRAY_TERMINAL_LABEL;
+  return true;
+bool DoubleArrayImpl::insert_leaf(const uint8_t *ptr, uint64_t length,
+                                  uint64_t &node_id, uint64_t query_pos) {
+  const DoubleArrayNode node = nodes_[node_id];
+  if (node.is_terminal()) {
+    return true;
+  } else if (node.is_leaf()) {
+    const DoubleArrayKey &key = get_key(node.key_pos());
+    uint64_t i = query_pos;
+    while ((i < length) && (i < node.key_length())) {
+      if (ptr[i] != key[i]) {
+        break;
+      }
+      ++i;
+    }
+    if ((i == length) && (i == node.key_length())) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    // TODO
+//    GRN_DAT_THROW_IF(SIZE_ERROR, num_keys() >= max_num_keys());
+//    GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(next_key_id() > max_num_keys());
+    for (uint64_t j = query_pos; j < i; ++j) {
+      node_id = insert_node(node_id, ptr[j]);
+    }
+    node_id = separate(ptr, length, node_id, i);
+    return true;
+  } else {
+    // TODO
+//    GRN_DAT_THROW_IF(SIZE_ERROR, num_keys() >= max_num_keys());
+    const uint16_t label = (query_pos < length) ?
+        static_cast<uint16_t>(ptr[query_pos]) : DOUBLE_ARRAY_TERMINAL_LABEL;
+    if ((node.offset() == DOUBLE_ARRAY_INVALID_OFFSET) ||
+        nodes_[node.offset() ^ label].is_phantom()) {
+      resolve(node_id, label);
+    }
+    node_id = insert_node(node_id, label);
+    return true;
+  }
+uint64_t DoubleArrayImpl::insert_node(uint64_t node_id, uint16_t label) {
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(node_id >= num_nodes());
+  const DoubleArrayNode node = nodes_[node_id];
+  uint64_t offset;
+  if (node.is_leaf() || (node.offset() == DOUBLE_ARRAY_INVALID_OFFSET)) {
+    offset = find_offset(&label, 1);
+  } else {
+    offset = node.offset();
+  }
+  const uint64_t next = offset ^ label;
+  reserve_node(next);
+  nodes_[next].set_label(label);
+  if (node.is_leaf()) {
+//    GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(nodes_[offset].is_offset());
+    nodes_[offset].set_is_origin(true);
+    nodes_[next].set_key(node.key_pos(), node.key_length());
+  } else if (node.offset() == DOUBLE_ARRAY_INVALID_OFFSET) {
+//    GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(nodes_[offset].is_offset());
+    nodes_[offset].set_is_origin(true);
+//  } else {
+//    GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(!nodes_[offset].is_origin());
+  }
+  nodes_[node_id].set_offset(offset);
+  const uint16_t child_label = nodes_[node_id].child();
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(child_label == label);
+  if (child_label == DOUBLE_ARRAY_INVALID_LABEL) {
+    nodes_[node_id].set_child(label);
+  } else if ((label == DOUBLE_ARRAY_TERMINAL_LABEL) ||
+             ((child_label != DOUBLE_ARRAY_TERMINAL_LABEL) &&
+              (label < child_label))) {
+//    GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(nodes_[offset ^ child_label).is_phantom());
+//    GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(nodes_[offset ^ child_label).label() != child_label);
+    nodes_[next].set_sibling(child_label);
+    nodes_[node_id].set_child(label);
+  } else {
+    uint64_t prev = offset ^ child_label;
+//    GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(nodes_[prev).label() != child_label);
+    uint16_t sibling_label = nodes_[prev].sibling();
+    while (label > sibling_label) {
+      prev = offset ^ sibling_label;
+//      GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(nodes_[prev].label() != sibling_label);
+      sibling_label = nodes_[prev].sibling();
+    }
+//    GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(label == sibling_label);
+    nodes_[next].set_sibling(nodes_[prev].sibling());
+    nodes_[prev].set_sibling(label);
+  }
+  return next;
 uint64_t DoubleArrayImpl::append_key(const uint8_t *ptr, uint64_t length,
@@ -267,6 +359,189 @@ uint64_t DoubleArrayImpl::append_key(const uint8_t *ptr, uint64_t length,
   return key_pos;
+uint64_t DoubleArrayImpl::separate(const uint8_t *ptr, uint64_t length,
+                                   uint64_t node_id, uint64_t i) {
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(node_id >= num_nodes());
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(!nodes_[node_id].is_leaf());
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(i > length);
+  const DoubleArrayNode node = nodes_[node_id];
+  const uint64_t key_pos = node.key_pos();
+  const DoubleArrayKey &key = get_key(key_pos);
+  uint16_t labels[2];
+  labels[0] = (i < node.key_length()) ?
+      static_cast<uint16_t>(key[i]) : DOUBLE_ARRAY_TERMINAL_LABEL;
+  labels[1] = (i < length) ?
+      static_cast<uint16_t>(ptr[i]) : DOUBLE_ARRAY_TERMINAL_LABEL;
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(labels[0] == labels[1]);
+  const uint64_t offset = find_offset(labels, 2);
+  uint64_t next = offset ^ labels[0];
+  reserve_node(next);
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(nodes_[offset).is_offset());
+  nodes_[next].set_label(labels[0]);
+  nodes_[next].set_key(key_pos, length);
+  next = offset ^ labels[1];
+  reserve_node(next);
+  nodes_[next].set_label(labels[1]);
+  nodes_[offset].set_is_origin(true);
+  nodes_[node_id].set_offset(offset);
+  if ((labels[0] == DOUBLE_ARRAY_TERMINAL_LABEL) ||
+      ((labels[1] != DOUBLE_ARRAY_TERMINAL_LABEL) &&
+       (labels[0] < labels[1]))) {
+    nodes_[node_id].set_child(labels[0]);
+    nodes_[offset ^ labels[0]].set_sibling(labels[1]);
+  } else {
+    nodes_[node_id].set_child(labels[1]);
+    nodes_[offset ^ labels[1]].set_sibling(labels[0]);
+  }
+  return next;
+void DoubleArrayImpl::resolve(uint64_t node_id, uint16_t label) {
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(node_id >= num_nodes());
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(nodes_[node_id].is_leaf());
+  uint64_t offset = nodes_[node_id].offset();
+    uint16_t labels[DOUBLE_ARRAY_MAX_LABEL + 1];
+    uint16_t num_labels = 0;
+    uint16_t next_label = nodes_[node_id].child();
+    // FIXME: How to check if the node has children or not.
+    while (next_label != DOUBLE_ARRAY_INVALID_LABEL) {
+//      GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(next_label > MAX_LABEL);
+      labels[num_labels++] = next_label;
+      next_label = nodes_[offset ^ next_label].sibling();
+    }
+//    GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(num_labels == 0);
+    labels[num_labels] = label;
+    offset = find_offset(labels, num_labels + 1);
+    migrate_nodes(node_id, offset, labels, num_labels);
+  } else {
+    offset = find_offset(&label, 1);
+    if (offset >= header_->num_nodes()) {
+//      GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF((offset / BLOCK_SIZE) != num_blocks());
+      reserve_chunk(header_->num_chunks());
+    }
+    nodes_[offset].set_is_origin(true);
+    nodes_[node_id].set_offset(offset);
+  }
+void DoubleArrayImpl::migrate_nodes(uint64_t node_id, uint64_t dest_offset,
+                                    const uint16_t *labels,
+                                    uint16_t num_labels) {
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(node_id >= num_nodes());
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(nodes_[node_id].is_leaf());
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(labels == NULL);
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(num_labels == 0);
+  const uint64_t src_offset = nodes_[node_id].offset();
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(!nodes_[src_offset].is_origin());
+  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < num_labels; ++i) {
+    const uint64_t src_node_id = src_offset ^ labels[i];
+    const uint64_t dest_node_id = dest_offset ^ labels[i];
+//    GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(ith_node(src_node_id).is_phantom());
+//    GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(ith_node(src_node_id).label() != labels[i]);
+    reserve_node(dest_node_id);
+    DoubleArrayNode dest_node = nodes_[src_node_id];
+    dest_node.set_is_origin(nodes_[dest_node_id].is_origin());
+    nodes_[dest_node_id] = dest_node;
+  }
+  header_->set_num_zombies(header_->num_zombies() + num_labels);
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(nodes_[dest_offset].is_origin());
+  nodes_[dest_offset].set_is_origin(true);
+  nodes_[node_id].set_offset(dest_offset);
+uint64_t DoubleArrayImpl::find_offset(const uint16_t *labels,
+                                      uint16_t num_labels) {
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(labels == NULL);
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(num_labels == 0);
+//  GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(num_labels > (MAX_LABEL + 1));
+  // Chunks are tested in descending order of level. Basically, lower level
+  // chunks contain more phantom nodes.
+  uint32_t level = 1;
+  while (num_labels >= (1U << level)) {
+    ++level;
+  }
+  level = (level < DOUBLE_ARRAY_MAX_CHUNK_LEVEL) ?
+      (DOUBLE_ARRAY_MAX_CHUNK_LEVEL - level) : 0;
+  uint64_t chunk_count = 0;
+  do {
+    uint64_t leader = header_->ith_leader(level);
+    if (leader == DOUBLE_ARRAY_INVALID_LEADER) {
+      // This level group is skipped because it is empty.
+      continue;
+    }
+    uint64_t chunk_id = leader;
+    do {
+      const DoubleArrayChunk &chunk = chunks_[chunk_id];
+//      GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(chunk.level() != level);
+      const uint64_t first =
+          (chunk_id * DOUBLE_ARRAY_CHUNK_SIZE) | chunk.first_phantom();
+      uint64_t node_id = first;
+      do {
+//        GRN_DAT_DEBUG_THROW_IF(!nodes_[node_id=]).is_phantom());
+        const uint64_t offset = node_id ^ labels[0];
+        if (!nodes_[offset].is_origin()) {
+          uint16_t i = 1;
+          for ( ; i < num_labels; ++i) {
+            if (!nodes_[offset ^ labels[i]].is_phantom()) {
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+          if (i >= num_labels) {
+            return offset;
+          }
+        }
+        node_id = (chunk_id * DOUBLE_ARRAY_CHUNK_SIZE) | nodes_[node_id].next();
+      } while (node_id != first);
+      const uint64_t prev = chunk_id;
+      const uint64_t next = chunk.next();
+      chunk_id = next;
+      chunks_[prev].set_failure_count(chunks_[prev].failure_count() + 1);
+      // The level of a chunk is updated when this function fails many times,
+      // actually DOUBLE_ARRAY_MAX_FAILURE_COUNT times, in that chunk.
+      if (chunks_[prev].failure_count() == DOUBLE_ARRAY_MAX_FAILURE_COUNT) {
+        update_chunk_level(prev, level + 1);
+        if (next == leader) {
+          break;
+        } else {
+          // Note that the leader might be updated in the level update.
+          leader = header_->ith_leader(level);
+          continue;
+        }
+      }
+    } while ((++chunk_count < DOUBLE_ARRAY_MAX_CHUNK_COUNT) &&
+             (chunk_id != leader));
+  } while ((chunk_count < DOUBLE_ARRAY_MAX_CHUNK_COUNT) && (level-- != 0));
+  return header_->num_nodes() ^ labels[0];
 void DoubleArrayImpl::reserve_node(uint64_t node_id) {
   if (node_id >= header_->num_nodes()) {
     reserve_chunk(node_id / DOUBLE_ARRAY_CHUNK_SIZE);

  Modified: lib/alpha/double_array.hpp (+43 -33)
--- lib/alpha/double_array.hpp    2013-01-20 15:18:02 +0900 (aa7dc40)
+++ lib/alpha/double_array.hpp    2013-01-21 22:10:20 +0900 (05d48d9)
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ extern struct DoubleArrayOpen {} DOUBLE_ARRAY_OPEN;
 constexpr uint64_t DOUBLE_ARRAY_INVALID_ID     = 0xFFFFFFFFFFULL;
 constexpr uint64_t DOUBLE_ARRAY_INVALID_OFFSET = 0;
+constexpr uint16_t DOUBLE_ARRAY_TERMINAL_LABEL  = 0x100;
+constexpr uint16_t DOUBLE_ARRAY_MAX_LABEL       = 0x100;
+constexpr uint16_t DOUBLE_ARRAY_INVALID_LABEL   = 0x1FF;
 constexpr uint64_t DOUBLE_ARRAY_CHUNK_SIZE      = 0x200;
 constexpr uint64_t DOUBLE_ARRAY_CHUNK_MASK      = 0x1FF;
@@ -270,17 +274,18 @@ class DoubleArrayNode {
   // This node is valid (false) or not (true).
   bool is_phantom() const {
     // 1 bit.
-    return qword_ & IS_PHANTOM_FLAG;
+    return (qword_ & IS_PHANTOM_FLAG) && (~qword_ & IS_LEAF_FLAG);
   // This node is associated with a key (true) or not (false).
   bool is_leaf() const {
     // 1 bit.
     return qword_ & IS_LEAF_FLAG;
-  // A child of this node is a leaf node (true) or not (false).
+  // This node is a leaf node with a valid label (false) or not (true).
   bool is_terminal() const {
     // 1 bit.
-    return qword_ & IS_TERMINAL_FLAG;
+    return (qword_ & (IS_PHANTOM_FLAG | IS_LEAF_FLAG)) ==
   void set_is_origin(bool value) {
@@ -292,23 +297,23 @@ class DoubleArrayNode {
   void set_is_phantom(bool value) {
     if (value) {
-      qword_ &= ~IS_PHANTOM_FLAG;
+      qword_ &= ~(IS_PHANTOM_FLAG | IS_LEAF_FLAG);
     } else {
-      qword_ |= IS_PHANTOM_FLAG;
+      qword_ = (qword_ | IS_PHANTOM_FLAG) & ~IS_LEAF_FLAG;
   void set_is_leaf(bool value) {
     if (value) {
-      qword_ &= ~IS_LEAF_FLAG;
+      qword_ &= ~(IS_PHANTOM_FLAG | IS_LEAF_FLAG);
     } else {
-      qword_ |= IS_LEAF_FLAG;
+      qword_ = (qword_ | IS_LEAF_FLAG) & ~IS_PHANTOM_FLAG;
   void set_is_terminal(bool value) {
     if (value) {
-      qword_ &= ~IS_TERMINAL_FLAG;
+      qword_ &= ~(IS_PHANTOM_FLAG | IS_LEAF_FLAG);
     } else {
-      qword_ |= IS_TERMINAL_FLAG;
+      qword_ |= IS_PHANTOM_FLAG | IS_LEAF_FLAG;
@@ -359,15 +364,6 @@ class DoubleArrayNode {
                          (KEY_LENGTH_MASK << KEY_LENGTH_SHIFT))) |
              (key_pos << KEY_POS_SHIFT) | (key_length << KEY_LENGTH_SHIFT);
-  // FIXME: may not be required.
-//  void set_key_pos(uint64_t value) {
-//    qword_ = (qword_ & ~(KEY_POS_MASK << KEY_POS_SHIFT)) |
-//             (value << KEY_POS_SHIFT);
-//  }
-//  void set_key_length(uint64_t value) {
-//    qword_ = (qword_ & ~(KEY_LENGTH_MASK << KEY_LENGTH_SHIFT)) |
-//             (value << KEY_LENGTH_SHIFT);
-//  }
   // A non-phantom and non-leaf node stores the offset to its children,
   // the label of its next sibling, and the label of its first child.
@@ -375,12 +371,12 @@ class DoubleArrayNode {
     // 36 bits.
     return (qword_ >> 8) & ((uint64_t(1) << 36) - 1);
-  uint8_t child() const {
-    // 8 bits.
+  uint16_t child() const {
+    // 9 bits.
     return static_cast<uint8_t>(qword_ >> 44);
-  uint8_t sibling() const {
-    // 8 bits.
+  uint16_t sibling() const {
+    // 9 bits.
     return static_cast<uint8_t>(qword_ >> 52);
@@ -400,10 +396,9 @@ class DoubleArrayNode {
   uint64_t qword_;
-  static constexpr uint64_t IS_ORIGIN_FLAG   = uint64_t(1) << 63;
-  static constexpr uint64_t IS_PHANTOM_FLAG  = uint64_t(1) << 62;
-  static constexpr uint64_t IS_LEAF_FLAG     = uint64_t(1) << 61;
-  static constexpr uint64_t IS_TERMINAL_FLAG = uint64_t(1) << 60;
+  static constexpr uint64_t IS_ORIGIN_FLAG    = uint64_t(1) << 63;
+  static constexpr uint64_t IS_PHANTOM_FLAG   = uint64_t(1) << 62;
+  static constexpr uint64_t IS_LEAF_FLAG      = uint64_t(1) << 61;
   static constexpr uint64_t NEXT_MASK  = 0x1FF;
   static constexpr uint8_t  NEXT_SHIFT = 0;
@@ -412,16 +407,16 @@ class DoubleArrayNode {
   static constexpr uint64_t LABEL_MASK = 0xFF;
-  static constexpr uint64_t KEY_POS_MASK     = (uint64_t(1) << 40) - 1;
+  static constexpr uint64_t KEY_POS_MASK     = (uint64_t(1) << 41) - 1;
   static constexpr uint8_t  KEY_POS_SHIFT    = 8;
   static constexpr uint64_t KEY_LENGTH_MASK  = (uint64_t(1) << 12) - 1;
-  static constexpr uint8_t  KEY_LENGTH_SHIFT = 48;
+  static constexpr uint8_t  KEY_LENGTH_SHIFT = 49;
-  static constexpr uint64_t OFFSET_MASK   = (uint64_t(1) << 36) - 1;
+  static constexpr uint64_t OFFSET_MASK   = (uint64_t(1) << 35) - 1;
   static constexpr uint8_t  OFFSET_SHIFT  = 8;
-  static constexpr uint64_t CHILD_MASK    = (uint64_t(1) << 8) - 1;
-  static constexpr uint8_t  CHILD_SHIFT   = 44;
-  static constexpr uint64_t SIBLING_MASK  = (uint64_t(1) << 8) - 1;
+  static constexpr uint64_t CHILD_MASK    = (uint64_t(1) << 9) - 1;
+  static constexpr uint8_t  CHILD_SHIFT   = 43;
+  static constexpr uint64_t SIBLING_MASK  = (uint64_t(1) << 9) - 1;
   static constexpr uint8_t  SIBLING_SHIFT = 52;
@@ -536,10 +531,13 @@ class DoubleArrayKey {
   DoubleArrayKey(uint64_t id, const void *address, uint64_t length);
   explicit operator bool() const {
-    // FIXME: Magic number.
     return id() != DOUBLE_ARRAY_INVALID_ID;
+  const uint8_t &operator[](uint64_t i) const {
+    return buf_[i];
+  }
   uint64_t id() const {
     return id_low_ | (static_cast<uint64_t>(id_high_) << 32);
@@ -626,8 +624,20 @@ class DoubleArrayImpl {
   bool search_leaf(const uint8_t *ptr, uint64_t length,
                    uint64_t &node_id, uint64_t &query_pos);
+  bool insert_leaf(const uint8_t *ptr, uint64_t length,
+                   uint64_t &node_id, uint64_t query_pos);
+  uint64_t insert_node(uint64_t node_id, uint16_t label);
   uint64_t append_key(const uint8_t *ptr, uint64_t length, uint64_t key_id);
+  uint64_t separate(const uint8_t *ptr, uint64_t length,
+                    uint64_t node_id, uint64_t i);
+  void resolve(uint64_t node_id, uint16_t label);
+  void migrate_nodes(uint64_t node_id, uint64_t dest_offset,
+                     const uint16_t *labels, uint16_t num_labels);
+  uint64_t find_offset(const uint16_t *labels, uint16_t num_labels);
   void reserve_node(uint64_t node_id);
   void reserve_chunk(uint64_t chunk_id);
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