[Groonga-commit] groonga/grnxx at 9bf8127 [master] Remove the old implementation of Index.

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susumu.yata null+****@clear*****
Wed Dec 3 12:34:16 JST 2014

susumu.yata	2014-12-03 12:34:16 +0900 (Wed, 03 Dec 2014)

  New Revision: 9bf81273c9e2705a1587eeaaba36bca3d3a58204

    Remove the old implementation of Index.

  Removed files:
  Modified files:

  Modified: include/grnxx/index.hpp (+0 -127)
--- include/grnxx/index.hpp    2014-12-03 12:27:24 +0900 (013392e)
+++ include/grnxx/index.hpp    2014-12-03 12:34:16 +0900 (b86348e)
@@ -134,133 +134,6 @@ class Index {
   virtual ~Index() = default;
-//class Index {
-// public:
-//  virtual ~Index() = default;
-//  // Return the owner column.
-//  Column *column() const {
-//    return column_;
-//  }
-//  // Return the name.
-//  StringCRef name() const {
-//    return name_.ref();
-//  }
-//  // Return the index type.
-//  IndexType type() const {
-//    return type_;
-//  }
-//  // Check if "datum" is registered or not.
-//  //
-//  // If registered, returns true.
-//  // Otherwise, returns false.
-//  virtual bool contains(const Datum &datum) const;
-//  // Search the index for "datum".
-//  //
-//  // On success, returns the row ID of one of the matched values.
-//  // On failure, returns NULL_ROW_ID.
-//  virtual Int find_one(const Datum &datum) const;
-//  // Create a cursor to get records.
-//  //
-//  // On success, returns a pointer to the cursor.
-//  // On failure, returns nullptr and stores error information into "*error" if
-//  // "error" != nullptr.
-//  virtual unique_ptr<Cursor> find(
-//      Error *error,
-//      const Datum &datum,
-//      const CursorOptions &options = CursorOptions()) const;
-//  // Create a cursor to get records.
-//  //
-//  // Returns a pointer to the cursor on success.
-//  // On failure, returns nullptr and stores error information into "*error" if
-//  // "error" != nullptr.
-//  virtual unique_ptr<Cursor> find_in_range(
-//      Error *error,
-//      const IndexRange &range = IndexRange(),
-//      const CursorOptions &options = CursorOptions()) const;
-//  // Create a cursor to get records.
-//  //
-//  // Returns a pointer to the cursor on success.
-//  // On failure, returns nullptr and stores error information into "*error" if
-//  // "error" != nullptr.
-//  virtual unique_ptr<Cursor> find_starts_with(
-//      Error *error,
-//      const EndPoint &prefix,
-//      const CursorOptions &options = CursorOptions()) const;
-//  // Create a cursor to get records.
-//  //
-//  // Returns a pointer to the cursor on success.
-//  // On failure, returns nullptr and stores error information into "*error" if
-//  // "error" != nullptr.
-//  virtual unique_ptr<Cursor> find_prefixes(
-//      Error *error,
-//      const Datum &datum,
-//      const CursorOptions &options = CursorOptions()) const;
-//  // Insert a new entry.
-//  //
-//  // On success, returns true.
-//  // On failure, returns false and stores error information into "*error" if
-//  // "error" != nullptr.
-//  virtual bool insert(Error *error, Int row_id, const Datum &value) = 0;
-//  // Insert an entry.
-//  //
-//  // On success, returns true.
-//  // On failure, returns false and stores error information into "*error" if
-//  // "error" != nullptr.
-//  virtual bool remove(Error *error, Int row_id, const Datum &value) = 0;
-// protected:
-//  Column *column_;
-//  Name name_;
-//  IndexType type_;
-//  Index();
-//  // Initialize the base members.
-//  //
-//  // On success, returns true.
-//  // On failure, returns false and stores error information into "*error" if
-//  // "error" != nullptr.
-//  bool initialize_base(Error *error,
-//                       Column *column,
-//                       const StringCRef &name,
-//                       IndexType type,
-//                       const IndexOptions &options);
-// private:
-//  // Create a new index.
-//  //
-//  // Returns a pointer to the index on success.
-//  // On failure, returns nullptr and stores error information into "*error" if
-//  // "error" != nullptr.
-//  static unique_ptr<Index> create(
-//      Error *error,
-//      Column *column,
-//      const StringCRef &name,
-//      IndexType type,
-//      const IndexOptions &options = IndexOptions());
-//  // Change the index name.
-//  //
-//  // Returns true on success.
-//  // On failure, returns false and stores error information into "*error" if
-//  // "error" != nullptr.
-//  bool rename(Error *error, const StringCRef &new_name);
-//  // Return whether the index is removable or not.
-//  bool is_removable();
-// protected:
-//  Index() = default;
 }  // namespace grnxx
 #endif  // GRNXX_INDEX_HPP

  Deleted: lib/grnxx/index.cpp (+0 -1191) 100644
--- lib/grnxx/index.cpp    2014-12-03 12:27:24 +0900 (7edb446)
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1191 +0,0 @@
-#include "grnxx/index.hpp"
-#include "grnxx/cursor.hpp"
-#include "grnxx/impl/column.hpp"
-#include "grnxx/table.hpp"
-#include "grnxx/tree_index.hpp"
-namespace grnxx {
-// -- Index --
-Index::~Index() {}
-bool Index::contains(const Datum &datum) const {
-  return find_one(datum) != NULL_ROW_ID;
-Int Index::find_one(const Datum &datum) const {
-  // TODO: This function should not fail, so Cursor should not be used.
-  auto cursor = find(nullptr, datum);
-  if (!cursor) {
-    return NULL_ROW_ID;
-  }
-  Array<Record> records;
-  auto result = cursor->read(nullptr, 1, &records);
-  if (!result.is_ok || (result.count == 0)) {
-    return NULL_ROW_ID;
-  }
-  return records[0].row_id;
-unique_ptr<Cursor> Index::find(
-    Error *error,
-    const Datum &,
-    const CursorOptions &) const {
-  GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NOT_SUPPORTED_YET, "Not supoprted yet");
-  return nullptr;
-unique_ptr<Cursor> Index::find_in_range(
-    Error *error,
-    const IndexRange &,
-    const CursorOptions &) const {
-  GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NOT_SUPPORTED_YET, "Not supoprted yet");
-  return nullptr;
-unique_ptr<Cursor> Index::find_starts_with(
-    Error *error,
-    const EndPoint &,
-    const CursorOptions &) const {
-  GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NOT_SUPPORTED_YET, "Not supoprted yet");
-  return nullptr;
-unique_ptr<Cursor> Index::find_prefixes(
-    Error *error,
-    const Datum &,
-    const CursorOptions &) const {
-  GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NOT_SUPPORTED_YET, "Not supoprted yet");
-  return nullptr;
-    : column_(nullptr),
-      name_(),
-      type_() {}
-bool Index::initialize_base(Error *error,
-                            Column *column,
-                            const StringCRef &name,
-                            IndexType type,
-                            const IndexOptions &) {
-  column_ = column;
-  if (!name_.assign(error, name)) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  type_ = type;
-  return true;
-unique_ptr<Index> Index::create(Error *error,
-                                Column *column,
-                                const StringCRef &name,
-                                IndexType type,
-                                const IndexOptions &options) {
-  if (type != TREE_INDEX) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NOT_SUPPORTED_YET, "Not supoprted yet");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  switch (column->data_type()) {
-    case BOOL_DATA: {
-      return TreeIndex<Bool>::create(error, column, name, options);
-    }
-    case INT_DATA: {
-      return TreeIndex<Int>::create(error, column, name, options);
-    }
-    case FLOAT_DATA: {
-      return TreeIndex<Float>::create(error, column, name, options);
-    }
-    case GEO_POINT_DATA: {
-      GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NOT_SUPPORTED_YET, "Not supoprted yet");
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    case TEXT_DATA: {
-      return TreeIndex<Text>::create(error, column, name, options);
-    }
-    case INT_VECTOR_DATA:
-    default: {
-      GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NOT_SUPPORTED_YET, "Not supoprted yet");
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-  }
-bool Index::rename(Error *error, const StringCRef &new_name) {
-  return name_.assign(error, new_name);
-bool Index::is_removable() {
-  // TODO: Not supported yet.
-  return true;
-// -- EmptyCursor --
-class EmptyCursor : public Cursor {
- public:
-  EmptyCursor(const Table *table) : Cursor(table) {}
-  CursorResult read(Error *error, ArrayRef<Record> records);
-CursorResult EmptyCursor::read(Error *, ArrayRef<Record>) {
-  return CursorResult{ true, 0 };
-// Create an empty cursor.
-unique_ptr<Cursor> create_empty_cursor(Error *error, const Table *table) {
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> cursor(new (nothrow) EmptyCursor(table));
-  if (!cursor) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NO_MEMORY, "Memory allocation failed");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  return cursor;
-// -- IteratorCursor --
-template <typename T>
-class IteratorCursor : public Cursor {
- public:
-  using Iterator = T;
-  IteratorCursor(const Table *table,
-                 Iterator begin,
-                 Iterator end,
-                 Int offset,
-                 Int limit)
-      : Cursor(table),
-        begin_(begin),
-        it_(begin),
-        end_(end),
-        offset_left_(offset),
-        limit_left_(limit) {}
-  ~IteratorCursor() {}
-  CursorResult read(Error *error, ArrayRef<Record> records);
- private:
-  Iterator begin_;
-  Iterator it_;
-  Iterator end_;
-  Int offset_left_;
-  Int limit_left_;
-template <typename T>
-CursorResult IteratorCursor<T>::read(Error *, ArrayRef<Record> records) {
-  Int max_count = records.size();
-  if (max_count > limit_left_) {
-    max_count = limit_left_;
-  }
-  if (max_count <= 0) {
-    return { true, 0 };
-  }
-  Int count = 0;
-  while ((offset_left_ > 0) && (it_ != end_)) {
-    ++it_;
-    --offset_left_;
-  }
-  while ((count < max_count) && (it_ != end_)) {
-    records.set(count, Record(*it_, 0.0));
-    ++count;
-    ++it_;
-  }
-  limit_left_ -= count;
-  return { true, count };
-// Helper function to create an iterator cursor.
-template <typename T>
-unique_ptr<Cursor> create_iterator_cursor(Error *error,
-                                          const Table *table,
-                                          T begin,
-                                          T end,
-                                          Int offset,
-                                          Int limit) {
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> cursor(
-      new (nothrow) IteratorCursor<T>(table, begin, end, offset, limit));
-  if (!cursor) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NO_MEMORY, "Memory allocation failed");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  return cursor;
-// TODO: It's not clear that a reverse cursor should return row IDs in
-//       reverse order or not.
-// Helper function to create a reverse iterator cursor.
-template <typename T>
-unique_ptr<Cursor> create_reverse_iterator_cursor(Error *error,
-                                                  const Table *table,
-                                                  T begin,
-                                                  T end,
-                                                  Int offset,
-                                                  Int limit) {
-  using ReverseIterator = std::reverse_iterator<T>;
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> cursor(
-      new (nothrow) IteratorCursor<ReverseIterator>(table,
-                                                    ReverseIterator(end),
-                                                    ReverseIterator(begin),
-                                                    offset,
-                                                    limit));
-  if (!cursor) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NO_MEMORY, "Memory allocation failed");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  return cursor;
-// -- MapSetCursor --
-template <typename T>
-class MapSetCursor : public Cursor {
- public:
-  using MapIterator = T;
-  using SetIterator = typename MapIterator::value_type::second_type::iterator;
-  MapSetCursor(const Table *table,
-               MapIterator begin,
-               MapIterator end,
-               Int offset,
-               Int limit)
-      : Cursor(table),
-        map_begin_(begin),
-        map_it_(begin),
-        map_end_(end),
-        set_it_(),
-        set_end_(),
-        offset_left_(offset),
-        limit_left_(limit) {
-    if (map_it_ != map_end_) {
-      set_it_ = map_it_->second.begin();
-      set_end_ = map_it_->second.end();
-    }
-  }
-  ~MapSetCursor() {}
-  CursorResult read(Error *error, ArrayRef<Record> records);
- private:
-  MapIterator map_begin_;
-  MapIterator map_it_;
-  MapIterator map_end_;
-  SetIterator set_begin_;
-  SetIterator set_it_;
-  SetIterator set_end_;
-  Int offset_left_;
-  Int limit_left_;
-template <typename T>
-CursorResult MapSetCursor<T>::read(Error *, ArrayRef<Record> records) {
-  Int max_count = records.size();
-  if (max_count > limit_left_) {
-    max_count = limit_left_;
-  }
-  if (max_count <= 0) {
-    return { true, 0 };
-  }
-  Int count = 0;
-  while ((count < max_count) && (map_it_ != map_end_)) {
-    if (set_it_ == set_end_) {
-      ++map_it_;
-      if (map_it_ == map_end_) {
-        break;
-      }
-      set_it_ = map_it_->second.begin();
-      set_end_ = map_it_->second.end();
-      if (set_it_ == set_end_) {
-        continue;
-      }
-    }
-    if (offset_left_ > 0) {
-      --offset_left_;
-    } else {
-      records.set(count, Record(*set_it_, 0.0));
-      ++count;
-    }
-    ++set_it_;
-  }
-  limit_left_ -= count;
-  return { true, count };
-// Helper function to create a map set cursor.
-template <typename T>
-unique_ptr<Cursor> create_map_set_cursor(Error *error,
-                                         const Table *table,
-                                         T begin,
-                                         T end,
-                                         Int offset,
-                                         Int limit) {
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> cursor(
-      new (nothrow) MapSetCursor<T>(table, begin, end, offset, limit));
-  if (!cursor) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NO_MEMORY, "Memory allocation failed");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  return cursor;
-// TODO: It's not clear that a reverse cursor should return row IDs in
-//       reverse order or not.
-// Helper function to create a reverse map set cursor.
-template <typename T>
-unique_ptr<Cursor> create_reverse_map_set_cursor(Error *error,
-                                                  const Table *table,
-                                                  T begin,
-                                                  T end,
-                                                  Int offset,
-                                                  Int limit) {
-  using ReverseIterator = std::reverse_iterator<T>;
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> cursor(
-      new (nothrow) MapSetCursor<ReverseIterator>(table,
-                                                  ReverseIterator(end),
-                                                  ReverseIterator(begin),
-                                                  offset,
-                                                  limit));
-  if (!cursor) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NO_MEMORY, "Memory allocation failed");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  return cursor;
-// -- ArrayCursor --
-class ArrayCursor : public Cursor {
- public:
-  using Set = std::set<Int>;
-  using Map = std::map<String, Set>;
-  ArrayCursor(const Table *table,
-              Array<Map::iterator> &&array,
-              Int offset,
-              Int limit)
-      : Cursor(table),
-        array_(std::move(array)),
-        pos_(0),
-        it_(),
-        end_(),
-        offset_left_(offset),
-        limit_left_(limit) {
-    if (array_.size() != 0) {
-      it_ = array_[0]->second.begin();
-      end_ = array_[0]->second.end();
-    }
-  }
-  ~ArrayCursor() {}
-  CursorResult read(Error *error, ArrayRef<Record> records);
- private:
-  Array<Map::iterator> array_;
-  Int pos_;
-  Set::iterator it_;
-  Set::iterator end_;
-  Int offset_left_;
-  Int limit_left_;
-CursorResult ArrayCursor::read(Error *, ArrayRef<Record> records) {
-  Int max_count = records.size();
-  if (max_count > limit_left_) {
-    max_count = limit_left_;
-  }
-  if (max_count <= 0) {
-    return { true, 0 };
-  }
-  Int count = 0;
-  while ((count < max_count) && (pos_ < array_.size())) {
-    if (it_ == end_) {
-      ++pos_;
-      if (pos_ >= array_.size()) {
-        break;
-      }
-      it_ = array_[pos_]->second.begin();
-      end_ = array_[pos_]->second.end();
-      if (it_ == end_) {
-        continue;
-      }
-    }
-    if (offset_left_ > 0) {
-      --offset_left_;
-    } else {
-      records.set(count, Record(*it_, 0.0));
-      ++count;
-    }
-    ++it_;
-  }
-  limit_left_ -= count;
-  return { true, count };
-// -- TreeIndex<Bool> --
-unique_ptr<TreeIndex<Bool>> TreeIndex<Bool>::create(
-    Error *error,
-    Column *column,
-    const StringCRef &name,
-    const IndexOptions &options) {
-  unique_ptr<TreeIndex> index(new (nothrow) TreeIndex);
-  if (!index) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NO_MEMORY, "Memory allocation failed");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  if (!index->initialize_base(error, column, name, TREE_INDEX, options)) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  auto cursor = column->table()->create_cursor(error);
-  if (!cursor) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  auto typed_column = static_cast<impl::Column<Bool> *>(column);
-  Array<Record> records;
-  for ( ; ; ) {
-    auto result = cursor->read(error, 1024, &records);
-    if (!result.is_ok) {
-      return nullptr;
-    } else if (result.count == 0) {
-      break;
-    }
-    for (Int i = 0; i < result.count; ++i) {
-      Int row_id = records.get_row_id(i);
-      if (!index->insert(error, row_id, typed_column->get(row_id))) {
-        return nullptr;
-      }
-    }
-    records.clear();
-  }
-  return index;
-TreeIndex<Bool>::~TreeIndex() {}
-unique_ptr<Cursor> TreeIndex<Bool>::find(
-    Error *error,
-    const Datum &datum,
-    const CursorOptions &options) const {
-  if (datum.type() != BOOL_DATA) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Data type conflict");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  auto map_it = map_.find(datum.force_bool());
-  if (map_it == map_.end()) {
-    return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-  } else {
-    auto set_begin = map_it->second.begin();
-    auto set_end = map_it->second.end();
-    if (options.order_type == REGULAR_ORDER) {
-      return create_iterator_cursor(error,
-                                    column_->table(),
-                                    set_begin,
-                                    set_end,
-                                    options.offset,
-                                    options.limit);
-    } else {
-      return create_reverse_iterator_cursor(error,
-                                            column_->table(),
-                                            set_begin,
-                                            set_end,
-                                            options.offset,
-                                            options.limit);
-    }
-  }
-unique_ptr<Cursor> TreeIndex<Bool>::find_in_range(
-    Error *error,
-    const IndexRange &range,
-    const CursorOptions &options) const {
-  Bool lower_bound_value = false;
-  if (range.has_lower_bound()) {
-    const EndPoint &lower_bound = range.lower_bound();
-    if (lower_bound.value.type() != BOOL_DATA) {
-      GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Data type conflict");
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    lower_bound_value = lower_bound.value.force_bool();
-    if (lower_bound.type == EXCLUSIVE_END_POINT) {
-      if (lower_bound_value) {
-        return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-      }
-      lower_bound_value = true;
-    }
-  }
-  Bool upper_bound_value = true;
-  if (range.has_upper_bound()) {
-    const EndPoint &upper_bound = range.upper_bound();
-    if (upper_bound.value.type() != BOOL_DATA) {
-      GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Data type conflict");
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    upper_bound_value = upper_bound.value.force_bool();
-    if (upper_bound.type == EXCLUSIVE_END_POINT) {
-      if (!upper_bound_value) {
-        return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-      }
-      upper_bound_value = false;
-    }
-  }
-  if (lower_bound_value > upper_bound_value) {
-    return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-  }
-  auto begin = map_.lower_bound(lower_bound_value);
-  auto end = map_.upper_bound(upper_bound_value);
-  if (options.order_type == REGULAR_ORDER) {
-    return create_map_set_cursor(error,
-                                 column_->table(),
-                                 begin,
-                                 end,
-                                 options.offset,
-                                 options.limit);
-  } else {
-    return create_reverse_map_set_cursor(error,
-                                         column_->table(),
-                                         begin,
-                                         end,
-                                         options.offset,
-                                         options.limit);
-  }
-bool TreeIndex<Bool>::insert(Error *, Int row_id, const Datum &value) {
-  auto result = map_[value.force_bool()].insert(row_id);
-  if (!result.second) {
-    // Already exists.
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool TreeIndex<Bool>::remove(Error *, Int row_id, const Datum &value) {
-  auto map_it = map_.find(value.force_bool());
-  if (map_it == map_.end()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  auto set_it = map_it->second.find(row_id);
-  if (set_it == map_it->second.end()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  map_it->second.erase(set_it);
-  if (map_it->second.size() == 0) {
-    map_.erase(map_it);
-  }
-  return true;
-// -- TreeIndex<Int> --
-unique_ptr<TreeIndex<Int>> TreeIndex<Int>::create(
-    Error *error,
-    Column *column,
-    const StringCRef &name,
-    const IndexOptions &options) {
-  unique_ptr<TreeIndex> index(new (nothrow) TreeIndex);
-  if (!index) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NO_MEMORY, "Memory allocation failed");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  if (!index->initialize_base(error, column, name, TREE_INDEX, options)) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  auto cursor = column->table()->create_cursor(error);
-  if (!cursor) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  auto typed_column = static_cast<impl::Column<Int> *>(column);
-  Array<Record> records;
-  for ( ; ; ) {
-    auto result = cursor->read(error, 1024, &records);
-    if (!result.is_ok) {
-      return nullptr;
-    } else if (result.count == 0) {
-      break;
-    }
-    for (Int i = 0; i < result.count; ++i) {
-      Int row_id = records.get_row_id(i);
-      if (!index->insert(error, row_id, typed_column->get(row_id))) {
-        return nullptr;
-      }
-    }
-    records.clear();
-  }
-  return index;
-TreeIndex<Int>::~TreeIndex() {}
-unique_ptr<Cursor> TreeIndex<Int>::find(
-    Error *error,
-    const Datum &datum,
-    const CursorOptions &options) const {
-  if (datum.type() != INT_DATA) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Data type conflict");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  auto map_it = map_.find(datum.force_int());
-  if (map_it == map_.end()) {
-    return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-  } else {
-    auto set_begin = map_it->second.begin();
-    auto set_end = map_it->second.end();
-    if (options.order_type == REGULAR_ORDER) {
-      return create_iterator_cursor(error,
-                                    column_->table(),
-                                    set_begin,
-                                    set_end,
-                                    options.offset,
-                                    options.limit);
-    } else {
-      return create_reverse_iterator_cursor(error,
-                                            column_->table(),
-                                            set_begin,
-                                            set_end,
-                                            options.offset,
-                                            options.limit);
-    }
-  }
-unique_ptr<Cursor> TreeIndex<Int>::find_in_range(
-    Error *error,
-    const IndexRange &range,
-    const CursorOptions &options) const {
-  Int lower_bound_value = numeric_limits<Int>::min();
-  if (range.has_lower_bound()) {
-    const EndPoint &lower_bound = range.lower_bound();
-    if (lower_bound.value.type() != INT_DATA) {
-      GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Data type conflict");
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    lower_bound_value = lower_bound.value.force_int();
-    if (lower_bound.type == EXCLUSIVE_END_POINT) {
-      if (lower_bound_value == numeric_limits<Int>::max()) {
-        return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-      }
-      ++lower_bound_value;
-    }
-  }
-  Int upper_bound_value = numeric_limits<Int>::max();
-  if (range.has_upper_bound()) {
-    const EndPoint &upper_bound = range.upper_bound();
-    if (upper_bound.value.type() != INT_DATA) {
-      GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Data type conflict");
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    upper_bound_value = upper_bound.value.force_int();
-    if (upper_bound.type == EXCLUSIVE_END_POINT) {
-      if (upper_bound_value == numeric_limits<Int>::min()) {
-        return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-      }
-      --upper_bound_value;
-    }
-  }
-  if (lower_bound_value > upper_bound_value) {
-    return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-  }
-  auto begin = map_.lower_bound(lower_bound_value);
-  auto end = map_.upper_bound(upper_bound_value);
-  if (options.order_type == REGULAR_ORDER) {
-    return create_map_set_cursor(error,
-                                 column_->table(),
-                                 begin,
-                                 end,
-                                 options.offset,
-                                 options.limit);
-  } else {
-    return create_reverse_map_set_cursor(error,
-                                         column_->table(),
-                                         begin,
-                                         end,
-                                         options.offset,
-                                         options.limit);
-  }
-bool TreeIndex<Int>::insert(Error *, Int row_id, const Datum &value) {
-  auto result = map_[value.force_int()].insert(row_id);
-  if (!result.second) {
-    // Already exists.
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool TreeIndex<Int>::remove(Error *, Int row_id, const Datum &value) {
-  auto map_it = map_.find(value.force_int());
-  if (map_it == map_.end()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  auto set_it = map_it->second.find(row_id);
-  if (set_it == map_it->second.end()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  map_it->second.erase(set_it);
-  if (map_it->second.size() == 0) {
-    map_.erase(map_it);
-  }
-  return true;
-// -- TreeIndex<Float> --
-unique_ptr<TreeIndex<Float>> TreeIndex<Float>::create(
-    Error *error,
-    Column *column,
-    const StringCRef &name,
-    const IndexOptions &options) {
-  unique_ptr<TreeIndex> index(new (nothrow) TreeIndex);
-  if (!index) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NO_MEMORY, "Memory allocation failed");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  if (!index->initialize_base(error, column, name, TREE_INDEX, options)) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  auto cursor = column->table()->create_cursor(error);
-  if (!cursor) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  auto typed_column = static_cast<impl::Column<Float> *>(column);
-  Array<Record> records;
-  for ( ; ; ) {
-    auto result = cursor->read(error, 1024, &records);
-    if (!result.is_ok) {
-      return nullptr;
-    } else if (result.count == 0) {
-      break;
-    }
-    for (Int i = 0; i < result.count; ++i) {
-      Int row_id = records.get_row_id(i);
-      if (!index->insert(error, row_id, typed_column->get(row_id))) {
-        return nullptr;
-      }
-    }
-    records.clear();
-  }
-  return index;
-TreeIndex<Float>::~TreeIndex() {}
-unique_ptr<Cursor> TreeIndex<Float>::find(
-    Error *error,
-    const Datum &datum,
-    const CursorOptions &options) const {
-  if (datum.type() != FLOAT_DATA) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Data type conflict");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  auto map_it = map_.find(datum.force_float());
-  if (map_it == map_.end()) {
-    return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-  }
-  auto set_begin = map_it->second.begin();
-  auto set_end = map_it->second.end();
-  if (options.order_type == REGULAR_ORDER) {
-    return create_iterator_cursor(error,
-                                  column_->table(),
-                                  set_begin,
-                                  set_end,
-                                  options.offset,
-                                  options.limit);
-  } else {
-    return create_reverse_iterator_cursor(error,
-                                          column_->table(),
-                                          set_begin,
-                                          set_end,
-                                          options.offset,
-                                          options.limit);
-  }
-unique_ptr<Cursor> TreeIndex<Float>::find_in_range(
-    Error *error,
-    const IndexRange &range,
-    const CursorOptions &options) const {
-  Float lower_bound_value = numeric_limits<Float>::min();
-  if (range.has_lower_bound()) {
-    const EndPoint &lower_bound = range.lower_bound();
-    if (lower_bound.value.type() != FLOAT_DATA) {
-      GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Data type conflict");
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    lower_bound_value = lower_bound.value.force_float();
-    if (lower_bound.type == EXCLUSIVE_END_POINT) {
-      if (lower_bound_value == -numeric_limits<Float>::infinity()) {
-        lower_bound_value = numeric_limits<Float>::min();
-      } else if (lower_bound_value == numeric_limits<Float>::max()) {
-        lower_bound_value = numeric_limits<Float>::infinity();
-      } else if (std::isnan(lower_bound_value)) {
-        return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-      } else {
-        lower_bound_value = std::nextafter(lower_bound_value,
-                                           numeric_limits<Float>::max());
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  Float upper_bound_value = numeric_limits<Float>::max();
-  if (range.has_upper_bound()) {
-    const EndPoint &upper_bound = range.upper_bound();
-    if (upper_bound.value.type() != FLOAT_DATA) {
-      GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Data type conflict");
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    upper_bound_value = upper_bound.value.force_float();
-    if (upper_bound.type == EXCLUSIVE_END_POINT) {
-      if (upper_bound_value == -numeric_limits<Float>::infinity()) {
-        return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-      } else if (upper_bound_value == numeric_limits<Float>::min()) {
-        upper_bound_value = -numeric_limits<Float>::infinity();
-      } else if (std::isnan(upper_bound_value)) {
-        upper_bound_value = numeric_limits<Float>::infinity();
-      } else {
-        upper_bound_value = std::nextafter(upper_bound_value,
-                                           numeric_limits<Float>::min());
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (Less()(upper_bound_value, lower_bound_value)) {
-    return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-  }
-  auto begin = map_.lower_bound(lower_bound_value);
-  auto end = map_.upper_bound(upper_bound_value);
-  if (options.order_type == REGULAR_ORDER) {
-    return create_map_set_cursor(error,
-                                 column_->table(),
-                                 begin,
-                                 end,
-                                 options.offset,
-                                 options.limit);
-  } else {
-    return create_reverse_map_set_cursor(error,
-                                         column_->table(),
-                                         begin,
-                                         end,
-                                         options.offset,
-                                         options.limit);
-  }
-bool TreeIndex<Float>::insert(Error *, Int row_id, const Datum &value) {
-  auto result = map_[value.force_float()].insert(row_id);
-  if (!result.second) {
-    // Already exists.
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool TreeIndex<Float>::remove(Error *, Int row_id, const Datum &value) {
-  auto map_it = map_.find(value.force_float());
-  if (map_it == map_.end()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  auto set_it = map_it->second.find(row_id);
-  if (set_it == map_it->second.end()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  map_it->second.erase(set_it);
-  if (map_it->second.size() == 0) {
-    map_.erase(map_it);
-  }
-  return true;
-// -- TreeIndex<Text> --
-unique_ptr<TreeIndex<Text>> TreeIndex<Text>::create(
-    Error *error,
-    Column *column,
-    const StringCRef &name,
-    const IndexOptions &options) {
-  unique_ptr<TreeIndex> index(new (nothrow) TreeIndex);
-  if (!index) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NO_MEMORY, "Memory allocation failed");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  if (!index->initialize_base(error, column, name, TREE_INDEX, options)) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  auto cursor = column->table()->create_cursor(error);
-  if (!cursor) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  auto typed_column = static_cast<impl::Column<Text> *>(column);
-  Array<Record> records;
-  for ( ; ; ) {
-    auto result = cursor->read(error, 1024, &records);
-    if (!result.is_ok) {
-      return nullptr;
-    } else if (result.count == 0) {
-      break;
-    }
-    for (Int i = 0; i < result.count; ++i) {
-      Int row_id = records.get_row_id(i);
-      if (!index->insert(error, row_id, typed_column->get(row_id))) {
-        return nullptr;
-      }
-    }
-    records.clear();
-  }
-  return index;
-TreeIndex<Text>::~TreeIndex() {}
-unique_ptr<Cursor> TreeIndex<Text>::find(
-    Error *error,
-    const Datum &datum,
-    const CursorOptions &options) const {
-  if (datum.type() != TEXT_DATA) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Data type conflict");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  String string;
-  if (!string.assign(error, datum.force_text())) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  auto map_it = map_.find(string);
-  if (map_it == map_.end()) {
-    return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-  }
-  auto set_begin = map_it->second.begin();
-  auto set_end = map_it->second.end();
-  if (options.order_type == REGULAR_ORDER) {
-    return create_iterator_cursor(error,
-                                  column_->table(),
-                                  set_begin,
-                                  set_end,
-                                  options.offset,
-                                  options.limit);
-  } else {
-    return create_reverse_iterator_cursor(error,
-                                          column_->table(),
-                                          set_begin,
-                                          set_end,
-                                          options.offset,
-                                          options.limit);
-  }
-unique_ptr<Cursor> TreeIndex<Text>::find_in_range(
-    Error *error,
-    const IndexRange &range,
-    const CursorOptions &options) const {
-  String lower_bound_value;
-  if (range.has_lower_bound()) {
-    const EndPoint &lower_bound = range.lower_bound();
-    if (lower_bound.value.type() != TEXT_DATA) {
-      GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Data type conflict");
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    if (!lower_bound_value.assign(error, lower_bound.value.force_text())) {
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    if (lower_bound.type == EXCLUSIVE_END_POINT) {
-      if (!lower_bound_value.push_back(error, '\0')) {
-        return nullptr;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  String upper_bound_value;
-  if (range.has_upper_bound()) {
-    const EndPoint &upper_bound = range.upper_bound();
-    if (upper_bound.value.type() != TEXT_DATA) {
-      GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Data type conflict");
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    if (!upper_bound_value.assign(error, upper_bound.value.force_text())) {
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    if (upper_bound.type == INCLUSIVE_END_POINT) {
-      if (!upper_bound_value.push_back(error, '\0')) {
-        return nullptr;
-      }
-    } else if (upper_bound_value.size() == 0) {
-      return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-    }
-  }
-  if (range.has_upper_bound()) {
-    if (lower_bound_value >= upper_bound_value) {
-      return create_empty_cursor(error, column_->table());
-    }
-  }
-  auto begin = map_.lower_bound(lower_bound_value);
-  auto end = range.has_upper_bound() ?
-      map_.lower_bound(upper_bound_value) : map_.end();
-  if (options.order_type == REGULAR_ORDER) {
-    return create_map_set_cursor(error,
-                                 column_->table(),
-                                 begin,
-                                 end,
-                                 options.offset,
-                                 options.limit);
-  } else {
-    return create_reverse_map_set_cursor(error,
-                                         column_->table(),
-                                         begin,
-                                         end,
-                                         options.offset,
-                                         options.limit);
-  }
-unique_ptr<Cursor> TreeIndex<Text>::find_starts_with(
-    Error *error,
-    const EndPoint &prefix,
-    const CursorOptions &options) const {
-  String lower_bound_value;
-  if (prefix.value.type() != TEXT_DATA) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Data type conflict");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  if (!lower_bound_value.assign(error, prefix.value.force_text())) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  String upper_bound_value;
-  if (!upper_bound_value.assign(error, lower_bound_value)) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  while ((upper_bound_value.size() != 0) &&
-         (static_cast<unsigned char>(upper_bound_value.back()) == 0xFF)) {
-    upper_bound_value.pop_back();
-  }
-  if (upper_bound_value.size() != 0) {
-    ++upper_bound_value.back();
-  }
-  if (prefix.type == EXCLUSIVE_END_POINT) {
-    if (!lower_bound_value.push_back(error, '\0')) {
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-  }
-  auto begin = map_.lower_bound(lower_bound_value);
-  auto end = (upper_bound_value.size() != 0) ?
-      map_.lower_bound(upper_bound_value) : map_.end();
-  if (options.order_type == REGULAR_ORDER) {
-    return create_map_set_cursor(error,
-                                 column_->table(),
-                                 begin,
-                                 end,
-                                 options.offset,
-                                 options.limit);
-  } else {
-    return create_reverse_map_set_cursor(error,
-                                         column_->table(),
-                                         begin,
-                                         end,
-                                         options.offset,
-                                         options.limit);
-  }
-unique_ptr<Cursor> TreeIndex<Text>::find_prefixes(
-    Error *error,
-    const Datum &prefix,
-    const CursorOptions &options) const {
-  String value;
-  if (!value.assign(error, prefix.force_text())) {
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  Array<Map::iterator> array;
-  String substr;
-  for (Int i = 0; i <= value.size(); ++i) {
-    if (!substr.assign(error, value.ref(0, i))) {
-      return nullptr;
-    }
-    auto it = map_.find(substr);
-    if (it != map_.end()) {
-      if (!array.push_back(error, it)) {
-        return nullptr;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (options.order_type == REVERSE_ORDER) {
-    for (Int i = 0; i < (array.size() / 2); ++i) {
-      Map::iterator temp = array[i];
-      array[i] = array[array.size() - i - 1];
-      array[array.size() - i - 1] = temp;
-    }
-  }
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> cursor(
-      new (nothrow) ArrayCursor(column_->table(), std::move(array),
-                                options.offset, options.limit));
-  if (!cursor) {
-    GRNXX_ERROR_SET(error, NO_MEMORY, "Memory allocation failed");
-    return nullptr;
-  }
-  return cursor;
-bool TreeIndex<Text>::insert(Error *error, Int row_id, const Datum &value) {
-  String string;
-  if (!string.assign(error, value.force_text())) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  auto map_pair = map_.insert(std::make_pair(std::move(string), Set()));
-  auto set_pair = map_pair.first->second.insert(row_id);
-  if (!set_pair.second) {
-    // Already exists.
-    return false;
-  }
-//  auto result = map_[string].insert(row_id);
-//  if (!result.second) {
-//    // Already exists.
-//    return false;
-//  }
-  return true;
-bool TreeIndex<Text>::remove(Error *error, Int row_id, const Datum &value) {
-  String string;
-  if (!string.assign(error, value.force_text())) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  auto map_it = map_.find(string);
-  if (map_it == map_.end()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  auto set_it = map_it->second.find(row_id);
-  if (set_it == map_it->second.end()) {
-    return false;
-  }
-  map_it->second.erase(set_it);
-  if (map_it->second.size() == 0) {
-    map_.erase(map_it);
-  }
-  return true;
-}  // namespace grnxx

  Deleted: lib/grnxx/tree_index.hpp (+0 -175) 100644
--- lib/grnxx/tree_index.hpp    2014-12-03 12:27:24 +0900 (94a710a)
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-#include <cmath>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include "grnxx/index.hpp"
-#include "grnxx/types.hpp"
-namespace grnxx {
-template <typename T> class TreeIndex;
-// TODO: This is a test implementation.
-template <>
-class TreeIndex<Bool> : public Index {
- public:
-  using Value = Bool;
-  using Set = std::set<Int>;
-  using Map = std::map<Value, Set>;
-  static unique_ptr<TreeIndex> create(Error *error,
-                                      Column *column,
-                                      const StringCRef &name,
-                                      const IndexOptions &options);
-  ~TreeIndex();
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> find(
-      Error *error,
-      const Datum &datum,
-      const CursorOptions &options = CursorOptions()) const;
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> find_in_range(
-      Error *error,
-      const IndexRange &range,
-      const CursorOptions &options) const;
-  bool insert(Error *error, Int row_id, const Datum &value);
-  bool remove(Error *error, Int row_id, const Datum &value);
- private:
-  mutable Map map_;
-  TreeIndex() : Index(), map_() {}
-// TODO: This is a test implementation.
-template <>
-class TreeIndex<Int> : public Index {
- public:
-  using Value = Int;
-  using Set = std::set<Int>;
-  using Map = std::map<Value, Set>;
-  static unique_ptr<TreeIndex> create(Error *error,
-                                      Column *column,
-                                      const StringCRef &name,
-                                      const IndexOptions &options);
-  ~TreeIndex();
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> find(
-      Error *error,
-      const Datum &datum,
-      const CursorOptions &options = CursorOptions()) const;
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> find_in_range(
-      Error *error,
-      const IndexRange &range,
-      const CursorOptions &options) const;
-  bool insert(Error *error, Int row_id, const Datum &value);
-  bool remove(Error *error, Int row_id, const Datum &value);
- private:
-  mutable Map map_;
-  TreeIndex() : Index(), map_() {}
-// TODO: This is a test implementation.
-template <>
-class TreeIndex<Float> : public Index {
- public:
-  struct Less {
-    bool operator()(Float lhs, Float rhs) const {
-      // Numbers are prior to NaN.
-      if (std::isnan(lhs)) {
-        return false;
-      } else if (std::isnan(rhs)) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      return lhs < rhs;
-    }
-  };
-  using Value = Float;
-  using Set = std::set<Int>;
-  using Map = std::map<Value, Set, Less>;
-  static unique_ptr<TreeIndex> create(Error *error,
-                                      Column *column,
-                                      const StringCRef &name,
-                                      const IndexOptions &options);
-  ~TreeIndex();
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> find(
-      Error *error,
-      const Datum &datum,
-      const CursorOptions &options = CursorOptions()) const;
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> find_in_range(
-      Error *error,
-      const IndexRange &range,
-      const CursorOptions &options) const;
-  bool insert(Error *error, Int row_id, const Datum &value);
-  bool remove(Error *error, Int row_id, const Datum &value);
- private:
-  mutable Map map_;
-  TreeIndex() : Index(), map_() {}
-// TODO: This is a test implementation.
-template <>
-class TreeIndex<Text> : public Index {
- public:
-  using Value = Text;
-  using Set = std::set<Int>;
-  using Map = std::map<String, Set>;
-  static unique_ptr<TreeIndex> create(Error *error,
-                                      Column *column,
-                                      const StringCRef &name,
-                                      const IndexOptions &options);
-  ~TreeIndex();
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> find(
-      Error *error,
-      const Datum &datum,
-      const CursorOptions &options = CursorOptions()) const;
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> find_in_range(
-      Error *error,
-      const IndexRange &range,
-      const CursorOptions &options) const;
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> find_starts_with(
-      Error *error,
-      const EndPoint &prefix,
-      const CursorOptions &options = CursorOptions()) const;
-  unique_ptr<Cursor> find_prefixes(
-      Error *error,
-      const Datum &prefix,
-      const CursorOptions &options = CursorOptions()) const;
-  bool insert(Error *error, Int row_id, const Datum &value);
-  bool remove(Error *error, Int row_id, const Datum &value);
- private:
-  mutable Map map_;
-  TreeIndex() : Index(), map_() {}
-}  // namespace grnxx
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