[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga at 74e753c [master] doc: add CentOS 7 section

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HAYASHI Kentaro null+****@clear*****
Sun Sep 28 06:05:16 JST 2014

HAYASHI Kentaro	2014-09-28 06:05:16 +0900 (Sun, 28 Sep 2014)

  New Revision: 74e753c476155055e7219b91f53a6ec923a94080

    doc: add CentOS 7 section

  Modified files:

  Modified: doc/source/install/centos.rst (+50 -0)
--- doc/source/install/centos.rst    2014-09-28 04:07:22 +0900 (73c73f6)
+++ doc/source/install/centos.rst    2014-09-28 06:05:16 +0900 (3970037)
@@ -125,6 +125,56 @@ Install groonga-normalizer-mysql package::
   % sudo yum install -y groonga-normalizer-mysql
+CentOS 7
+  % sudo rpm -ivh http://packages.groonga.org/centos/groonga-release-1.1.0-1.noarch.rpm
+  % sudo yum makecache
+  % sudo yum install -y groonga
+.. include:: server-use.inc
+If you want to use `MeCab <http://mecab.sourceforge.net/>`_ as a
+tokenizer, install groonga-tokenizer-mecab package.
+Install groonga-tokenizer-mecab package::
+  % sudo yum install -y groonga-tokenizer-mecab
+There is a package that provides `Munin
+<http://munin-monitoring.org/>`_ plugins. If you want to monitor
+Groonga status by Munin, install groonga-munin-plugins package.
+.. note::
+   Groonga-munin-plugins package requires munin-node package that
+   isn't included in the official CentOS repository. You need to
+   enable `EPEL <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL>`_ repository to
+   install it by ``yum``.
+   ..
+      Enable Repoforge (RPMforge) repository on x86_64 environment::
+        % sudo rpm -ivh http://pkgs.repoforge.org/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el7.rf.x86_64.rpm
+   Enable EPEL repository on x86_64 environment::
+     % sudo yum install -y epel-release
+Install groonga-munin-plugins package::
+  % sudo yum install -y groonga-munin-plugins
+There is a package that provides MySQL compatible normalizer as
+Groonga plugins.
+If you want to use that one, install groonga-normalizer-mysql package.
+Install groonga-normalizer-mysql package::
+  % sudo yum install -y groonga-normalizer-mysql
 Build from source
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