[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga at fdb35a8 [master] doc: fix a typo

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Fri Feb 26 16:21:39 JST 2016

Kouhei Sutou	2016-02-26 16:21:39 +0900 (Fri, 26 Feb 2016)

  New Revision: fdb35a8db20b21abac1ccaf91c51f9010a80e74c

    doc: fix a typo

  Added files:
  Modified files:

  Added: doc/source/reference/commands/object_inspect.rst (+362 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ doc/source/reference/commands/object_inspect.rst    2016-02-26 16:21:39 +0900 (311b231)
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+.. -*- rst -*-
+.. highlightlang:: none
+.. groonga-command
+.. database: commands_object_inspect
+.. versionadded:: 6.0.0
+``object_inspect`` inspects an object. You can confirm details of an
+For example:
+  * If the object is a table, you can confirm the number of records in
+    the table.
+  * If the object is a column, you can confirm the type of value of
+    the column.
+This command takes only one optional parameter::
+  object_inspect [name=null]
+You can inspect an object in the database specified by ``name``:
+.. groonga-command
+.. include:: ../../example/reference/commands/object_inspect/usage-name.log
+.. table_create Users TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
+.. load --table Users
+.. [
+.. {"_key": "Alice"}
+.. ]
+.. object_inspect Users
+The ``object_inspect Users`` returns the following information:
+  * The name of the table: ``"name": Users``
+  * The total used key size: ``"key": {"total_size": 5}``
+    (``"Alice"`` is 5 byte data)
+  * The maximum total key size: ``"key": {"max_total_size": 4294967295}``
+  * and so on.
+You can inspect the database by not specifying ``name``:
+.. groonga-command
+.. include:: ../../example/reference/commands/object_inspect/usage-database.log
+.. object_inspect
+The ``object_inspect`` returns the following information:
+  * The table type for object name management:
+    ``"key": {"type": {"name": "table:dat_key"}}``
+  * and so on.
+This section describes all parameters.
+Required parameters
+There is no optional parameter.
+Optional parameters
+There is only one optional parameters.
+.. _object-inspect-name:
+Specifies the object name to be inspected.
+If ``name`` isn't specified, the database is inspected.
+Return value
+The command returns an object (nested key and value pairs) that
+includes details of the object (such as table) as body::
+  [HEADER, object]
+See :doc:`/reference/command/output_format` for ``HEADER``.
+The format of the details is depends on object type. For example,
+table has key information but function doesn't have key information.
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-database:
+Database inspection returns the following information::
+  {
+    "type": {
+      "id": DATABASE_TYPE_ID,
+      "name": DATABASE_TYPE_NAME
+    },
+  }
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-database-type-id:
+``DATABASE_TYPE_ID`` is always ``55``.
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-database-type-name:
+``DATABASE_TYPE_NAME`` is always ``"db"``.
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-database-object-name-management-table:
+``OBJECT_NAME_MANAGEMENT_TABLE`` is :ref:`table-pat-key` or
+:ref:`table-dat-key`. Normally, it's :ref:`table-dat-key`.
+See :ref:`object-inspect-return-value-table` for format details.
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-table:
+Table inspection returns the following information::
+  {
+    "name": TABLE_NAME,
+    "type": {
+      "id": TABLE_TYPE_ID,
+      "name": TABLE_TYPE_NAME
+    },
+    "key": {
+      "type": TABLE_KEY_TYPE,
+      "total_size": TABLE_KEY_TOTAL_SIZE
+      "max_total_size": TABLE_KEY_MAX_TOTAL_SIZE
+    }
+  }
+There are some exceptions:
+  * :ref:`table-no-key` doesn't return key information because it
+    doesn't have key.
+  * :ref:`table-dat-key` doesn't return value information because it
+    doesn't have value.
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-table-name:
+The name of the inspected table.
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-table-type-id:
+The type ID of the inspected table.
+Here are list of type IDs:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Table type
+     - ID
+   * - :ref:`table-hash-key`
+     - ``48``
+   * - :ref:`table-pat-key`
+     - ``49``
+   * - :ref:`table-dat-key`
+     - ``50``
+   * - :ref:`table-no-key`
+     - ``51``
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-table-type-name:
+The type name of the inspected table.
+Here are list of type names:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Table type
+     - name
+   * - :ref:`table-hash-key`
+     - ``"table:hash_key``
+   * - :ref:`table-pat-key`
+     - ``"table:pat_key``
+   * - :ref:`table-dat-key`
+     - ``"table:dat_key``
+   * - :ref:`table-no-key`
+     - ``"table:no_key``
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-table-key-type:
+The type of key of the inspected table.
+See :ref:`object-inspect-return-value-type` for format details.
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-table-total-key-size:
+The total key size of the inspected table in bytes.
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-table-max-total-key-size:
+The maximum total key size of the inspected table in bytes.
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-type:
+Type inspection returns the following information::
+  {
+    "id": TYPE_ID,
+    "name": TYPE_NAME,
+    "type": {
+      "id": TYPE_ID_OF_TYPE,
+      "name": TYPE_NAME_OF_TYPE
+    },
+    "size": TYPE_SIZE
+  }
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-type-id:
+The ID of the inspected type.
+Here are ID list of builtin types:
+.. list-table::
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Type
+     - ID
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-bool`
+     - ``3``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-int8`
+     - ``4``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-uint8`
+     - ``5``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-int16`
+     - ``6``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-uint16`
+     - ``7``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-int32`
+     - ``8``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-uint32`
+     - ``9``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-int64`
+     - ``10``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-uint64`
+     - ``11``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-float`
+     - ``12``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-time`
+     - ``13``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-short-text`
+     - ``14``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-text`
+     - ``15``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-long-text`
+     - ``16``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-tokyo-geo-point`
+     - ``17``
+   * - :ref:`builtin-type-wgs84-geo-point`
+     - ``18``
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-type-name:
+The name of the inspected type.
+Here are name list of builtin types:
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-bool`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-int8`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-uint8`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-int16`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-uint16`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-int32`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-uint32`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-int64`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-uint64`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-float`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-time`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-short-text`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-text`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-long-text`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-tokyo-geo-point`
+  * :ref:`builtin-type-wgs84-geo-point`
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-type-id-of-type:
+``TYPE_ID_OF_TYPE`` is always ``32``.
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-type-name-of-type:
+``TYPE_NAME_OF_TYPE`` is always ``type``.
+.. _object-inspect-return-value-type-size:
+``TYPE_SIZE`` is the size of the inspected type in bytes. If the
+inspected type is variable size type, the size means the maximum size.

  Modified: doc/source/reference/types.rst (+1 -1)
--- doc/source/reference/types.rst    2016-02-26 16:18:27 +0900 (e5d23f9)
+++ doc/source/reference/types.rst    2016-02-26 16:21:39 +0900 (7d59193)
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ String of 2,147,483,647 or less bytes. (default: "")
 測地系の詳細については、 `測地系 - Wikipedia <http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B8%AC%E5%9C%B0%E7%B3%BB>`_ を参照してください。
-.. _builtin-type-wgs84-geo-pointer:
+.. _builtin-type-wgs84-geo-point:
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