[hns-dev:56] Fw: FreeBSD ports Problem Reports for ports you maintain

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Kenji kenji****@club*****
2006年 3月 16日 (木) 08:45:15 JST

Kenji です。

FreeBSD から PR が届きました。

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2006 21:47:08 +0100 (CET)
From: linim****@FreeB*****
To: hnsma****@h14m*****
Subject: FreeBSD ports Problem Reports for ports you maintain

Dear FreeBSD port maintainer:

As part of an ongoing effort to reduce the number of Problem Reports
(PRs) that affect the FreeBSD ports system, we are attempting to
identify PRs for ports where the port maintainer may never have been
informed about the PRs in the first place, and notify him or her of
this fact.

The PRs are listed below.

PR number:          92498
PR title:           japanese/hns update to version 2.19.6
category:           japanese
portname:           hns
submitter:          nakaj****@jp*****
arrival date:       2006-01-29 11:50:02
PR state:           open
URL:                http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=92498

If these PRs are ones that you are already aware of, please accept
our apologies and ignore this message.  (If you wish, we can turn
off notifications for individual PRs.)  On the other hand, if you
no longer wish to maintain this port (or ports), please reply with
a message stating that, and accept our thanks for your efforts in
the past.

Every effort has been made to make sure that these PRs really do
correspond to a port that you maintain.  However, due to the fact
that the PR database does not insist that port PRs be given a
category and portname, the best that we can do is to try to guess
(algorithmically) and then manually correct the entries that the
algorithm gets wrong.  If one of these PRs fits that description,
please forward this email to the author of this software, Mark
Linimon <linim****@FreeB*****>, so that he can attempt to fix the
problem in the future.

(Note: more information about each port, including any build errors
seen in any of the various build enviornments, can be found at

Thanks for your efforts to help improve FreeBSD.

H14m-hns-dev メーリングリストの案内
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