[Howm-eng 123] Report from collected notes

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Xavier Maillard xavie****@maill*****
Sat Feb 10 07:22:08 JST 2018

Hello fellow howm-users,

I was thinking about something I'd like to see.

I am a "one file per note" man which is to say, I C-c , e along 
the day and collect frenetically many notes a day. This is fine.

I am tracking my habits/routines. I'd like to have some report of 
these notes.

Let say I have 3 notes with:

day 1

opening: 30
middle: 45
tactics: 10

day 2

opening: 0
middle: 12
tactics: 55

day 3

opening: 1
middle: 2
tactics: 42

I would like to have something which would sort of display a 
dashboard with all this stuff consolidated:

* sum of routines *

opening: 46
middle: 58
tactics: 107

Do you have some clue on how to do this ?



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