Fusayuki Minamoto
2010年 11月 29日 (月) 23:29:28 JST
皆本です。 jboss.orgにおいて翻訳のための新しいプロジェクトFilesが始動したようです。 FilesプロジェクトからJJBugにアナウンスメールを送信して欲しいと依頼があったので転送します。 私もまだFilesを使っていないので実体は良くわからないのですが、 これを使うとWebベースで翻訳ができ、POファイルを触る必要が無くなるとのこと。 数日以内にWeldドキュメントが翻訳可能になるそうなので試してみるつもりです。 Files上で翻訳をするにはJBoss.orgのアカウントが必要で、さらに、Filesのプロジェクト に登録してもらう必要があります。 興味のある方、ご連絡ください。 ---- We are happy to announce the initial release of Flies 1.0 and its availability now for the jboss.org community for translation work at http://translate.jboss.org/ Flies is a web-based system for translators to translate documentation and software online using a web-browser. It is written in Java and uses modern web technologies like JBoss, Seam, GWT, Hibernate, and a REST API. It currently supports translation of Publican documentation through PO files. Projects can be uploaded to and downloaded from a Flies server using a Maven plugin or a Python client. For developers and writers: By using Flies for your document translations, you can open up your project for translations *without* opening your entire project in version control. For translators: No need to deal with PO files, gettext or a version control system - just log in to the website, join a language team and start translating, with translation memory (history of similar translations) and the ability to see updates from other translators in seconds. The first release has been deployed at http://translate.jboss.org/ and is ready to accept documentation for jboss.org projects for translation. Visit http://community.jboss.org/wiki/Flies for instructions on how to get started. The Flies wiki documentation is here: http://code.google.com/p/flies/wiki/Introduction If you have questions, feedback, or want to have a JBoss project hosted, please contact the mailing-list https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/jboss-l10n or the IRC channel #flies on freenode.net. The Flies project is Free Software, licensed under the LGPL 2.1. To contribute to the Flies project, visit the project page: http://flies.openl10n.net/ On behalf of the Flies Team: Asgeir Frimannsson Sean Flanigan Helen Ding James Ni Ding-Yi Chen Michelle Kim Jens Petersen -- 皆本 房幸 <http://twitter.com/neverbird>