[Joypy-announce] joypy/Joypy: 2 new changesets

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scmno****@osdn***** scmno****@osdn*****
Mon Aug 12 10:47:03 JST 2019

changeset db86bcbb30cb in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=db86bcbb30cb
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Sun Aug 11 17:48:29 2019 -0700
description: Build math & comparision functions.
changeset 7629cb8c1ad4 in joypy/Joypy
details: http://hg.osdn.jp/view/joypy/Joypy?cmd=changeset;node=7629cb8c1ad4
user: Simon Forman <sform****@hushm*****>
date: Sun Aug 11 18:45:57 2019 -0700
description: Multifile func/3.


 thun/gnu-prolog/Makefile     |  12 +++++-
 thun/gnu-prolog/main.pl      |   4 +-
 thun/gnu-prolog/math.pl      |  45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 thun/gnu-prolog/meta-math.pl |  71 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 thun/gnu-prolog/thun.pl      |   1 +
 5 files changed, 129 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diffs (173 lines):

diff -r 27d6936bbc54 -r 7629cb8c1ad4 thun/gnu-prolog/Makefile
--- a/thun/gnu-prolog/Makefile	Sun Aug 11 17:00:38 2019 -0700
+++ b/thun/gnu-prolog/Makefile	Sun Aug 11 18:45:57 2019 -0700
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-thun: thun.pl parser.pl defs.pl main.pl
-	gplc $(GPLC_OPTIONS) -o thun thun.pl parser.pl defs.pl main.pl
+thun: thun.pl parser.pl defs.pl main.pl math.pl Makefile
+	gplc $(GPLC_OPTIONS) -o thun thun.pl parser.pl defs.pl main.pl math.pl
 defs.pl: meta-defs.pl parser.pl defs.txt thun.pl
 	gprolog \
@@ -10,3 +11,8 @@
 		--consult-file thun.pl \
 		--query-goal do
+math.pl: meta-math.pl
+	gprolog \
+		--consult-file meta-math.pl \
+		--query-goal do
diff -r 27d6936bbc54 -r 7629cb8c1ad4 thun/gnu-prolog/main.pl
--- a/thun/gnu-prolog/main.pl	Sun Aug 11 17:00:38 2019 -0700
+++ b/thun/gnu-prolog/main.pl	Sun Aug 11 18:45:57 2019 -0700
@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@
   loop(NextLine, S, Out).
-do_line(Line, In, Out) :- phrase(joy_parse(E), Line), thun(E, In, Out).
+do_line(Line, In, Out) :-
+    phrase(joy_parse(E), Line),
+    thun(E, In, Out).
 do_line(_Line, S,   S) :- write('Err'), nl.
 prompt :- write(`joy? `).
diff -r 27d6936bbc54 -r 7629cb8c1ad4 thun/gnu-prolog/math.pl
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thun/gnu-prolog/math.pl	Sun Aug 11 18:45:57 2019 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+:- multifile(func/3).
+func(+, [A, B|C], [D|C]) :-
+	E =.. [+, B, A],
+	catch(D is E, _, D = E).
+func(-, [A, B|C], [D|C]) :-
+	E =.. [-, B, A],
+	catch(D is E, _, D = E).
+func(*, [A, B|C], [D|C]) :-
+	E =.. [*, B, A],
+	catch(D is E, _, D = E).
+func(/, [A, B|C], [D|C]) :-
+	E =.. [/, B, A],
+	catch(D is E, _, D = E).
+func(mod, [A, B|C], [D|C]) :-
+	E =.. [mod, B, A],
+	catch(D is E, _, D = E).
+func(>, [A, B|C], [D|C]) :-
+	E =.. [>, B, A],
+	catch((E -> D = true ; D = false), _, D = E).
+func(<, [A, B|C], [D|C]) :-
+	E =.. [<, B, A],
+	catch((E -> D = true ; D = false), _, D = E).
+func(>=, [A, B|C], [D|C]) :-
+	E =.. [>=, B, A],
+	catch((E -> D = true ; D = false), _, D = E).
+func(<=, [A, B|C], [D|C]) :-
+	E =.. [=<, B, A],
+	catch((E -> D = true ; D = false), _, D = E).
+func(=, [A, B|C], [D|C]) :-
+	E =.. [=:=, B, A],
+	catch((E -> D = true ; D = false), _, D = E).
+func(<>, [A, B|C], [D|C]) :-
+	E =.. [=\=, B, A],
+	catch((E -> D = true ; D = false), _, D = E).
diff -r 27d6936bbc54 -r 7629cb8c1ad4 thun/gnu-prolog/meta-math.pl
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/thun/gnu-prolog/meta-math.pl	Sun Aug 11 18:45:57 2019 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+To handle comparision operators the possibility of exceptions due to
+insufficiently instantiated arguments must be handled.  First try to make
+the comparison and set the result to a Boolean atom.  If an exception
+happens just leave the comparison expression as the result and some other
+function or combinator will deal with it.  Example:
+    func(>,  [A, B|S], [C|S]) :- catch(
+            (B > A -> C=true ; C=false),
+            _,
+            C=(B>A)  % in case of error.
+            ).
+To save on conceptual overhead I've defined a term_expansion/2 that sets
+up the func/3 for each op.
+term_expansion(comparison_operator(X), (func(X, [A, B|S], [C|S]) :-
+    F =.. [X, B, A], catch((F -> C=true ; C=false), _, C=F))).
+% I don't use Prolog-compatible op symbols in all cases.
+term_expansion(comparison_operator(X, Y), (func(X, [A, B|S], [C|S]) :-
+    F =.. [Y, B, A], catch((F -> C=true ; C=false), _, C=F))).
+% Likewise for math operators, try to evaluate, otherwise use the
+% symbolic form.
+term_expansion(math_operator(X), (func(X, [A, B|S], [C|S]) :-
+    F =.. [X, B, A], catch(C is F, _, C=F))).
+term_expansion(math_operator(X, Y), (func(X, [A, B|S], [C|S]) :-
+    F =.. [Y, B, A], catch(C is F, _, C=F))).
+% Symbolic math.  Compute the answer, or derivative, or whatever, later.
+comparison_operator(<=, =<).
+comparison_operator(=, =:=).
+comparison_operator(<>, =\=).
+expand_op(Op, Term) :- Op, expand_term(Op, Term).
+print_o(Stream, Op) :-
+    findall(Term, expand_op(Op, Term), List),
+    maplist(writeln(Stream), List).
+writeln(Stream, Thing) :-
+    portray_clause(Stream, Thing),
+    nl(Stream).
+do :-
+    open(`math.pl`, write, Stream),
+    write(Stream, `:- multifile(func/3).`), nl(Stream),
+    print_o(Stream, math_operator(Op)),
+    print_o(Stream, comparison_operator(Op)),
+    print_o(Stream, comparison_operator(Op, Po)),
+    close(Stream),
+    halt.
diff -r 27d6936bbc54 -r 7629cb8c1ad4 thun/gnu-prolog/thun.pl
--- a/thun/gnu-prolog/thun.pl	Sun Aug 11 17:00:38 2019 -0700
+++ b/thun/gnu-prolog/thun.pl	Sun Aug 11 18:45:57 2019 -0700
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 % :- dynamic(func/3).
 % :- discontiguous(func/3).
+:- multifile(func/3).

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