[jsosug:00117] FYI: NDSS'10 プログラム

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Kuniyasu Suzaki k.suz****@aist*****
2010年 1月 5日 (火) 10:44:00 JST


NDSS (Network and Distributed Systems Security Symposium) 2010 のプログ
Feb 28-Mar 3, San Diego, CA

USENIX Security 09 で Outstanding Student Paper だった Vanish の Sybil
Attack 攻撃が論文なっている。対応がはやい。

Session 1: Distributed Systems and Networks

Server-side Verification of Client Behavior in Online Games
Darrell Bethea, Robert Cochran and Michael Reiter
  Online gaming is a lucrative industry, but one that is slowed by
  cheating that compromises the gaming experience and hence drives
  away players (and revenues). This paper develops a technique by
  which game developers can enable game operators to validate the
  behavior of game clients as being consistent with valid execution of
  the sanctioned client software. The paper demonstrates its approach
  in two case studies: one of the open-source game XPilot, and one of
  a multiplayer game similar to Pac-Man.

Defeating Vanish with Low-Cost Sybil Attacks Against Large DHTs
Scott Wolchok, Owen S. Hofmann, Nadia Heninger, Edward W. Felten,
J. Alex Halderman, Christopher J. Rossbach, Brent Waters, and Emmett Witchel
  We examine the security of Vanish, a recent proposal for creating
  "self-destructing" data. Vanish works by encrypting messages and
  scattering the keys in a million-node DHT, where they remain
  accessible for only a few hours. We show that an attacker can defeat
  Vanish by conducting a large Sybil attack against the DHT and
  recording every value before it ages out. Optimizations allow the
  attacker to reduce the cost by more than two orders of magnitude
  from the Vanish authors' projections.

Stealth DoS Attacks on Secure Channels
Amir Herzberg and Haya Shulman
  Can security mechanisms in IP layer, protect TCP from
  denial/degradation (DoS) of service attacks, by a stealth adversary,
  who can eavesdrop and inject (few) packets? We present such attacks
  on IPsec without anti-replay window, and on IPsec with small
  anti-replay window. We subsequently show how to calculate correct
  size of anti-replay window. Then, we present a (slightly more
  elaborate) attack that works for any size window. Finally we propose
  modifications to IPsec gateway, that defend against the stealth DoS

Session 2: Web Security and Privacy

Protecting Browsers from Extension Vulnerabilities
Adam Barth, Adrienne Porter Felt, Prateek Saxena, and Aaron Boodman
  Buggy browser extensions can be exploited by malicious web site
  operators. In Firefox, these exploits are dangerous because
  extensions run with the user's full privileges, including local
  system access. We analyze 25 popular Firefox extensions and find
  that 88% need less than the full set of privileges. We propose a new
  browser extension platform based on least privilege, privilege
  separation, and strong isolation. Our design has been adopted as the
  Google Chrome extension system.

Adnostic: Privacy Preserving Targeted Advertising
Vincent Toubiana, Arvind Narayanan, Dan Boneh, Helen Nissenbaum and Solon Barocas
  Adnostic is a practical architecture and prototype implementation
  that enables targeted advertising without compromising user
  privacy. Behavioral profiling and targeting in Adnostic takes place
  in the browser while the ad network remains agnostic to the user's
  interests. Our paper discusses the effectiveness of the system as
  well as potential social engineering and web-based attacks on the
  architecture. We also describe a cryptographic billing system that
  lets ad networks bill the correct advertiser without knowing which
  ad was displayed to the user.

FLAX: Systematic Discovery of Client-side Validation Vulnerabilities in Rich Web Applications
Prateek Saxena, Steve Hanna, Pongsin Poosankam and Dawn Song
  Much of the prior research on web application vulnerabilities has
  focused on server-side vulnerabilities. This paper highlights a new
  class of vulnerabilities, which we term client-side validation (or
  CSV) vulnerabilities, that arise due to improper validation in
  client-side JavaScript code and can result in a broad spectrum of
  attacks. We propose a new dynamic analysis technique to
  systematically discover this class of vulnerabilities that is
  light-weight, efficient and has no false positives. We implement our
  approach in a tool called FLAX. In our evaluation on live web
  applications, FLAX has found numerous CSV vulnerabilities in the
  wild, demonstrating both its practical scalability and the
  prevalence of this class of vulnerabilities in real-world

Session 3: Intrusion Detection and Attack Analysis

Effective Anomaly Detection with Scarce Training Data
William Robertson, Federico Maggi, Christopher Kruegel and Giovanni Vigna
  Learning-based anomaly detection has proven to be an effective
  black-box technique for detecting unknown attacks. However, the
  technique crucially depends upon both the quality and the
  completeness of the training data, both of which are routinely
  lacking in real-world settings. In this work, we present an approach
  for remediating a local scarcity of training data by automatically
  leveraging similar, well-trained models from other sites. We
  experimentally demonstrate the efficacy of the approach in the
  context of web application anomaly detection over a data set of more
  than 58 million HTTP requests.

Large-Scale Automatic Classification of Phishing Pages
Colin Whittaker, Brian Ryner and Marria Nazif
  We present the design and performance characteristics of a scalable
  machine learning classifier that detects phishing websites. We use
  this classifier to maintain Google's phishing blacklist
  automatically, analyzing millions of potentially phishing pages
  every day. To train our classifier, we use a dataset consisting of
  millions of samples from previously classified pages labeled
  according to our published blacklist. Despite noise in the training
  labels, our classifier learns a robust model for identifying
  phishing pages which correctly classifies more than 90% of phishing
  pages several weeks after training concludes.

A Systematic Characterization of IM Threats using Honeypots
Iasonas Polakis, Thanasis Petsas, Evangelos P. Markatos and Spiros Antonatos
  The popularity of instant messaging (IM) services has recently
  attracted the interest of attackers that send malicious URLs or
  files to the contact lists of compromised instant messaging accounts
  or clients. This work aims to provide a systematic characterization
  of IM threats based on the information collected by HoneyBuddy, a
  honeypot-like infrastructure for detecting malicious activities in
  IM networks. We also deploy the prototype implementation of our
  myMSNhoneypot service, an early detection service that can inform
  users if their accounts or IM clients have been compromised.

Session 4: Spam

On Network-level Clusters for Spam Detection
Zhiyun Qian, Zhuoqing Mao, Yinglian Xie and Fang Yu
  Researchers have already recognized the need to identify IP clusters
  instead of focusing on individual IP addresses to construct
  blacklists for detecting spam. In this paper, building on BGP
  clusters, we propose a significantly improved clustering approach
  integrating both network origin and DNS information. False negative
  rate can be reduced by 30% - 50% using 7 month traces compared to
  directly applying various public IP-based blacklists and
  SpamAssassin without affecting false positive rate.

Improving Spam Blacklisting Through Dynamic Thresholding and Speculative Aggregation
Sushant Sinha, Michael Bailey and Farnam Jahanian
  Spam constitutes a significant fraction of all e-mail connection
  attempts and routinely frustrates users, consumes resources, and
  serves as an infection vector for malicious software. In an effort
  to reduce the impact of these e-mails, operators have increasingly
  turned to course-grained, reputation-based, dynamic policy
  enforcement, or blacklisting. While scalable, blacklisting exhibits
  both false positives and false negatives. In this paper, we argue
  that blacklists should be tailored and present two techniques that
  leverage local perspectives to significantly improve blacklist

Botnet Judo: Fighting Spam with Itself
Andreas Pitsillidis, Kirill Levchenko, Christian Kreibich, Chris Kanich, Geoffrey M. Voelker, 
Vern Paxson, Nicholas Weaver and Stefan Savage
  Judo is a system for better filtering spam by exploiting the vantage
  point of the spammer. By instantiating and monitoring botnet hosts
  in a controlled environment, we are able to monitor new spam as it
  is created, and consequently infer the underlying template used to
  generate polymorphic e-mail messages. We demonstrate this approach
  on mail traces from a range of modern botnets and show that we can
  automatically filter such spam precisely and with virtually no false

Session 5: Anonymity and Cryptographic Systems

Contractual Anonymity
Edward J. Schwartz, David Brumley and Jonathan M. McCune
  We propose, develop, and implement techniques for achieving
  contractual anonymity. In contractual anonymity, a user and service
  provider enter into an anonymity contract. The user is guaranteed
  anonymity and message unlinkability from the contractual anonymity
  system unless she breaks the contract. The service provider is
  guaranteed that it can identify users who break the contract. Our
  system can enforce many types of contract policies, is efficient,
  and has a small trusted computing base.

A3: An Extensible Platform for Application-Aware Anonymity
Micah Sherr, Andrew Mao, William R. Marczak, Wenchao Zhou and Boon Thau Loo
  This paper presents the design and implementation of
  Application-Aware Anonymity (A3), an extensible platform for
  deploying anonymity-based services on the Internet. A3 allows
  applications to tailor their anonymity and performance properties
  according to their communication requirements. To support flexible
  path construction, A3 exposes a declarative language (A3Log) that
  enables applications to compactly specify path selection and
  instantiation policies. A3Log is sufficiently versatile to represent
  novel multi-metric performance constraints as well as existing relay
  selection algorithms.

When Good Randomness Goes Bad: Virtual Machine Reset Vulnerabilities and Hedging Deployed Cryptography
Thomas Ristenpart and Scott Yilek
  Random number generators (RNGs) are consistently a weak link in the
  secure use of cryptography. Routine cryptographic operations such as
  encryption and signing can fail spectacularly given predictable or
  repeated randomness, even when using good long-lived key
  material. This has proved problematic in prior settings when RNG
  implementation bugs, poor design, or low-entropy sources have
  resulted in predictable randomness. We investigate a new way in
  which RNGs fail due to reuse of virtual machine (VM) snapshots. We
  exhibit such VM reset vulnerabilities in widely-used TLS clients and
  servers: the attacker takes advantage of (or forces) snapshot replay
  to compromise sessions or even expose a server's DSA signing
  key. Our next contribution is a backwards-compatible framework for
  hedging routine cryptographic operations against bad randomness,
  thereby mitigating the damage due to randomness failures. We apply
  our framework to the OpenSSL library and experimentally confirm that
  it has little overhead.

Session 6: Security Protocols and Policies

InvisiType: Object-Oriented Security Policies
Jiwon Seo and Monica S. Lam
  This paper proposes InvisiType, an object-oriented approach that
  enables platform developers to enforce safety checks on third-party
  extensions without requiring their cooperation. Developers
  encapsulate safety checks in an InvisiType policy class and
  selectively subjects objects at risk to these policies. The run-time
  enforces these policies by changing the types of these objects
  dynamically. Our InvisiType policies successfully found 19
  cross-site scripting vulnerabilities and 6 access control errors in
  total. The runtime overhead is small, indicating that the technique
  is practical.

A Security Evaluation of DNSSEC with NSEC3
Jason Bau and John Mitchell
  This paper studies the goals and operations of DNSSEC/NSEC3 and uses
  Murphi, a finite-state enumeration tool, to check its security
  properties in presence of a network attacker model. We uncover
  several weaknesses in DNSSEC, including incorrect dependencies in
  the signature chain and NSEC3 options that allow forged name
  insertion into a domain. We then confirm the exploitability of the
  NSEC3 vulnerability in a realistic laboratory DNSSEC domain. We
  finally offer implementation and configuration advice minimizing
  exploitability of the uncovered vulnerabilities.

On the Safety of Enterprise Policy Deployment
Yudong Gao, Ni Pan, Xu Chen and Z. Morley Mao
  We present the first work to address the security issues of
  enterprise policy deployment, an under-studied procedure that leaves
  security vulnerabilities if not carefully designed. We formally
  define insecure states during policy deployments and demonstrate
  their security implications with real examples. We further propose
  an efficient algorithm to generate deployment procedures that are
  free of insecure states, and implement it on Group Policy framework
  requiring no infrastructure modification. We show that our algorithm
  adds minimal overhead while provably eliminating insecure
  intermediate states.

Session 7: Languages and Systems Security

Where Do You Want to Go Today? Escalating Privileges by Pathname Manipulation
Suresh Chari, Shai Halevi and Wietse Venema
  We analyze filename-based privilege escalation attacks, where victim
  programs are "tricked" into opening unintended files. Solutions to
  this problem nowadays are built into some applications, but we show
  that it can be solved in the file system itself (or a library), thus
  providing protection to all applications. Our solution build on a
  new name-resolution procedure, ensuring that files in "safe
  directories" cannot be opened using an "unsafe
  pathname". Comprehensive tests on several UNIX variants confirm that
  this solution is viable.

Joe-E: A Security-Oriented Subset of Java
Adrian Mettler, David Wagner and Tyler Close
  Joe-E is a subset of Java that makes it easier to architect and
  implement programs with strong security properties that can be
  checked during a security review. It enables programmers to apply
  the principle of least privilege to their programs; implement
  application-specific reference monitors that cannot be bypassed;
  introduce and use domain-specific security abstractions; safely
  execute and interact with untrusted code; and build secure,
  extensible systems. Joe-E provides object-capability security while
  retaining the features and feel of a mainstream language.

Preventing Capability Leaks in Secure JavaScript Subsets
Matthew Finifter, Joel Weinberger and Adam Barth
  To protect themselves from malicious web advertisements, publishers
  wish to sandbox ads. One popular approach is to statically verify
  that the ads conform to a "safe" subset of JavaScript that
  blacklists known-dangerous properties. We show this approach is
  insufficient because the ads can abuse new methods defined by the
  hosting page. We propose an improved subset based on whitelisting
  known-safe properties using namespaces.

Session 8: Malware

Binary Code Extraction and Interface Identification for Security Applications
Juan Caballero, Noah M. Johnson, Stephen McCamant, and Dawn Song
  In this paper we conduct the first systematic study of binary code
  reuse, the process of automatically identifying the interface and
  extracting the instructions and data dependencies of a code fragment
  from the program's binary, so that it is self-contained and can be
  reused by external code. We propose a novel technique to identify
  the prototype of an undocumented code fragment directly from the
  program's binary, and use a combination of dynamic and static
  analysis to extract the code.

Automatic Reverse Engineering of Data Structures from Binary Execution
Zhiqiang Lin, Xiangyu Zhang and Dongyan Xu
  In many security and forensics applications, it is desirable to
  uncover data structures in a binary program with their syntactic and
  semantic definitions. We present REWARDS, a reverse engineering
  technique that automatically reveals such information via dynamic
  analysis. By performing runtime data flow tracking, REWARDS
  identifies variables and resolves variable types based on
  type-revealing execution points encountered during execution. We
  demonstrate that REWARDS provides unique benefits to two
  applications: memory image forensics and binary fuzzing for
  vulnerability discovery.

Efficient Detection of Split Personalities in Malware
Davide Balzarotti, Marco Cova, Christoph Karlberger, Engin Kirda, Christopher Kruegel and Giovanni Vigna
  A current challenge in malware analysis is detecting
  split-personality malware, i.e., malicious programs that, when run
  in an emulated or virtualized analysis environment, behave
  differently than on a real system. We developed a novel approach to
  detect such malware by first recording the malware's interaction
  with the operating system on an uninstrumented reference host and
  then leveraging the collected information to deterministically
  re-execute the program in a virtualized environment. If the
  malware's behavior is different, we conclude that the program has a
  split personality.


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