[M-install-zatudan] Nobody had rolled such a ball, or they would never have gotten those results.

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Jelmer Sandifer Sandi****@infod*****
2007年 8月 16日 (木) 18:18:20 JST

C*Y+T'V T-akes Inv-estor s F.o*r Sec+ond Climb+! 

Eve-,ryone Is Watch-i-ng C-Y+T*V-! 

$+0.46 UP F'R_O*M .,3+2 LAS+TWEEK 

C*Y_T'V conti+n.ues i,t+s st-eady cl,imb f*o,r t,h-e sec'ond week*. S'tock repo+r-ting site's acros,s t.h.e b*oard a_r'e i*ssuing 

st*ock wa'tch not+i-ces. R,e*a.d t-h+e n*ews, l-o-o'k at t,h,e nu'*mbers, a n+d g+e-t on C,Y'T.V as it k.eeps i.t-s c+limb goin-g. 

BusinessN ews Now h+a_s rel+ea+sed C*Y_T+V as f-eatur ed Sto-,ckWatch. 

T_h'i's o*n_e is sti.ll c'ook-ing. Go r+e+a'd t,h,e n e+w,s a+n-d g_e t on C_Y-T V Thurs-d'ay 16th..! 

E'njoy t,h+e R,i-d'e as we are.._... 

Bi.lbo, how.ever_, d*i'd n o*t f+e'e_l ne arly so h,opeful as t h e.y d-i.d'. 

B'l,u e window.s a pp-eared in t-h_e g-r_e,y v_e_i'l fleein'g eastw  ard. 
F o_r m+o s't operat_or,s we pr'efer t_h e f ormer, whic'h is call-ed l*e+f+t assoc'-iation. 
I c,hanged o'n-e f unct_ion in my sourc_e cod'e, a-n_d T-r,ueCoverage a_l-s'o ide -ntifies a nother func_'tion in t*h_e f i.l.e t+h_a't I d_i*d n_o t ch ange as c'hanged. 
He wo uld m-o.v_e v_e r-y s+lowly, the_n, sudd*e nly, he woul-d t*a_k.e s,everal qui ck ste.ps, nea+rly r*unning_, b-u_t placi_ng h i's f-e'e-t c_aref_ully a n d balan+cin.g w'i t_h h i.s ou*'tstretched a'r*m+s . 

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