[M-install-zatudan] Lemen of nature. Their conduct throughout the whole movemen

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Wildes Eugene heart****@epima*****
2010年 3月 24日 (水) 03:23:47 JST

N on which it was erected, is willing to admit that men are incapable of self-government, and unworthy of the blessing of liberty?

No man, I am sure, who has an American heart in
his bosom. Away, then, with all faction, strife and uncharitableness
from our land. We are brothers. Let no angry feelings enter our political dwellings. If we differ about measures

or about men, (as, from the constitution of our nature, differ we must,) let us remember that

we are all but fallible men, and extend to others that charity of which the best of us cannot but feel that

we stand in need. We owe this good temper and indulgence to each other as members of the same family, as all interested, and
deeply interested, in the preservation of the Union
and of our political institutions: and we owe it to the world as the _van-couriers_ of free
government on earth, and the guardians of the first altar that has been

erected to Liberty in modern times. In the casual
differences of
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