[macemacsjp-english 40] Problem with `

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Martin Buchmann Marti****@uni-j*****
Thu Apr 7 00:59:47 JST 2005

Hi all,

i just gave your CarbonEmacs a try and it looks great. I like the 
opacity ;-)

But there's a problem :-( I just copied my site-start.el and everything 
worked fine until i tried to use AUCTeX Next-Error-command via
"C-c `". I just get the message C-c ESC is not defined :-( Using 
darwinports CarbonEmacs this was working without any problem.

Here's the interessting section of my .emacs:

(setq mac-keyboard-text-encoding kTextEncodingMacRoman)
(set-keyboard-coding-system	'mac-roman)
(set-selection-coding-system	'mac-roman)

(set-variable 'file-name-coding-system           'utf-8)
(set-variable 'default-buffer-file-coding-system  'mac-roman-unix)
(set-language-environment                        'German)
(prefer-coding-system                             'mac-roman-unix)

Is there another german users with similar problems?
Any help is appreciated

Eeny, Meeny, Jelly Beanie, the spirits are about to speak!
		-- Bullwinkle Moose

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