[macemacsjp-english 587] Re: graphical windows using ESS and R

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Nick Reich nick.****@gmail*****
Tue Jun 13 23:53:44 JST 2006


Thanks for your help here.  I am indeed trying to use X11 as the  
plotting device. Your explanation of these different environment  
variable settings is very instructive.  However, I'm still running  
into a problem when trying to  use Carbon Emacs interactively.  I  
created the ~/.profile file and restarted my computer.  Here is what  
I tried next:

If I start up X11 and type the command
$> R
to get R started, I can use graphical commands (e.g. plot(1:10)) and  
the plot displays in a new window.  The result from the command line  
for the getenv query in X11 is:
R> Sys.getenv("DISPLAY")

However, when I open CarbonEmacs, start R using "M-x R" and enter the  
same query I have the following result:
R> Sys.getenv("DISPLAY")

I tried plotting something and no new window popped up.  So I set the  
DISPLAY variable locally by entering:
R> Sys.putenv(DISPLAY=":0.0")

And then checked that it was set right:
R> Sys.getenv("DISPLAY")

But still, when I enter a plotting command no window pops up and the  
Rplots.ps file is in my working directory.

Are there other modifications I need to make for the X11 server to be  
recognized by CarbonEmacs?

Thanks again for your help,

On Jun 12, 2006, at 7:13 PM, Kasper Daniel Hansen wrote:

> Hi Nick
> On the Mac you have two screen plotting devices: the X11 interface
> and the Aqua interface. I assume you are interested in getting X11 to
> work. For that to happen you need to
>    1) Install and start the X11 server from the development tools
>    2) Make sure your DISPLAY variable is set
> Since you can do everything in a terminal I assume that X11 is
> installed and started. You now need to make the R runing inside
> Carbon Emacs aware of your display setting. One way to make sure that
> it works is doing
>   R> Sys.putenv(DISPLAY = ":0.0")
> this sets the environment variable from inside of R. You can check
> what the current value is by doing \
>   R> Sys.getenv("DISPLAY")
> The reason why you get a Rplot.ps file is that R at startup does not
> detect X11 and then it uses the postscript device as the default
> device (the plot command writes to the default device per ....
> default :)
> If you want a more permanent solution (and you do) you can put it
> inside ~/.profile so that this file contains the following line
>    export DISPLAY=:0.0
> You may have to log out and back in again for this to work. The
> advantage of putting it in .profile is that it will work for other
> applications too. Another way, which is R specific, is to put the
> command above inside an R configuration file. There are several
> choices (~/.Renviron, ~/.Rprofile) , but some of them will not work
> if you need to run R in BATCH mode. I suggest you go the .profile
> route. The reason why it works under the terminal is probably because
> you have some display setting which is not being detected outside the
> terminal (note again, that you may have to log out and log in again
> fro this to work).
> As you can guess, I am using R under ESS without any problems. Please
> get back if the above does not help. In that case, please post the
> results of Sys.getenv("DISPLAY") from both the terminal version of
> ESS and the Carbon Emacs version.
> /Kasper
> On Jun 12, 2006, at 8:15 AM, Nick Reich wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am using R (the statistical software) with this Emacs package and
>> am trying to have graphical windows pop-up as I work in my
>> interactive session with R.  For example, I'd like to type "plot 
>> (rnorm
>> (50))" and have the little R plot of these fifty observations from a
>> normal distribution be displayed in a new graphical window.  This is
>> possible when running emacs in a terminal-type environment.  Is is
>> possible using this installation of Emacs?
>> As it is, any plots generated by commands that I type are sent by
>> default to a file called Rplots.ps in the working directory.  But for
>> an interactive session, this is not so useful.
>> Is there a way to coerce these graphics to open up in this or another
>> application?
>> Thanks,
>> Nick
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