Foros: Ayuda (Thread #26083)

captureDS not working with new Dsj 0861 (2010-04-20 23:25 by zhuyu #50187)

i'm looking for the help,i'm trying to using captureDS with new Dsj_0861 which is not working properly,any chance could you please to fix it,much appreciate!

i'm running win7 with processing0184,here's the error message

Exception in thread "Animation Thread" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: de.humatic.dsj.DSFilterInfo$DSPinInfo.getFormats()[Lde/humatic/dsj/DSFilterInfo$DSMediaFormat;

thank you for your time.

Best Regards

RE: captureDS not working with new Dsj 0861 (2010-04-20 23:47 by zhuyu #50189)

sorry,solved. just change DSMediaFormat to DSMediaType,it's working now.
Responder al #50187

RE: captureDS not working with new Dsj 0861 (2010-11-25 16:47 by arc #54464)

Thank you for using CaptureDS.
The problem is fixed with CaptureDS 1.0.0 distributed at our new site:
Responder al #50187