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ヘルプ (11)
(Thread #20289)
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「初音ミク」日本語入力でクラッシュ (2008-10-23 00:17 by
Mac OS X 10.5.5
XQuartz 2.3.1 (xorg-server 1.4.2-apple17)
MikuInstaller 20080803
MikuInstaller log report
Date: 2008-10-22 23:55:30 +0900
OS: バージョン 10.5.5(ビルド 9F33)
ProcessName: NegiHelper
ProcessID: 17573
BundleName: VOCALOID2 Editor
BundleVersion: 20080803
AppBundleName: MikuInstaller
AppBundleVersion: 20080803
AppBundlePath: /Applications/
WineBundleName: MikuInstaller
WineBundleVersion: 20080803
WineBundlePath: /Applications/
X11BundleName: X11
X11BundleVersion: 2.3.1
X11BundlePath: /Applications/Utilities/
2008-10-22 23:44:49 pid 17574: start with command /bin/sh '-c' 'set -x;exec "$MIKUBUNDLE/Contents/MacOS/wine" --miku=shellexec -c "$MIKUEXEFILE"' 'LAUNCH'
2008-10-22 23:44:49 17574 + exec /Applications/ --miku=shellexec -c 'C:\windows\profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\VOCALOID2\VOCALOID2 Editor.lnk'
2008-10-22 23:44:52 17574 fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000500
2008-10-22 23:44:52 17574 fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00004500
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address 0x95d2daa7 (thread 001a), starting debugger...
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x95d2daa7).
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Register dump:
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 CS:0017 SS:001f DS:001f ES:001f FS:1007 GS:0037
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 EIP:95d2daa7 ESP:0033f560 EBP:0033f578 EFLAGS:00010283( - 00 -RIS1C)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 EAX:a06cf4ec EBX:95d2da8a ECX:00000000 EDX:00000007
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 ESI:00000000 EDI:00000004
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Stack dump:
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x0033f560: 00000000 00000000 8fe0be7b 95d2da8a
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x0033f570: 62758d84 00000000 0033f5b8 95d3a4b2
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x0033f580: 00000000 a06acbf4 00000000 00000027
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x0033f590: 00000000 00000008 60224d10 95ca519e
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x0033f5a0: 60261770 602b7db0 00000000 62758d84
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x0033f5b0: a06e0a10 00000000 0033f618 62758ffb
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0200: sel=1007 base=7def0000 limit=0000ffff 32-bit rw-
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Backtrace:
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 =>1 0x95d2daa7 (0x0033f578)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 2 0x95d3a4b2 (0x0033f5b8)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 3 0x62758ffb (0x0033f618)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 4 0x62755f94 (0x0033f6d8)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 5 0x62757c4c (0x0033f7a8)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 6 0x62752b33 (0x0033f808)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 7 0x6226fcd6 (0x0033f978)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 8 0x6069a7c9 (0x0033fd18)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 9 0x6069b5b4 (0x0033fd98)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 10 0x6069b829 (0x0033fe08)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 11 0x6069b8fc (0x0033fe58)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x95d2daa7: movl 0x0(%esi),%ecx
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Modules:
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Module Address Debug info Name (31 modules)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 400000- a34000 Deferred vocaloid2
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE d70000- 1171000 Deferred vocaloid2_japanese
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 1220000- 1232000 Deferred udm2
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 1240000- 12ce000 Deferred dbm2
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 12d0000- 12e6000 Deferred vedit2
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 12f0000- 12f9000 Deferred vedit2_japanese
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 1300000- 1310000 Deferred g2pa2_jpn
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 1420000- 1ce2000 Deferred g2pa2_eng
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 2ac0000- 2f77000 Deferred dse2
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 2f80000- 3435000 Deferred dse2_dft
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 3440000- 3475000 Deferred libguide40
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 3ad0000- 3aea000 Deferred paneldll2
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 10000000-10066000 Deferred dscl2
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 60410000-60414000 Deferred gdi32
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 605c0000-605c4000 Deferred advapi32
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 60630000-60645000 Deferred user32
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 60790000-60796000 Deferred shlwapi
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 619d0000-61a1d000 Deferred winmm
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 61a80000-61afe000 Deferred shell32
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 61bc0000-61bd2000 Deferred comctl32
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 61c90000-61c94000 Deferred version
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 62c20000-62c24000 Deferred ole32
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 62cf0000-62cf4000 Deferred rpcrt4
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 630f0000-630f4000 Deferred oleaut32
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 73550000-73556000 Deferred winspool
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 747a0000-7480a000 Deferred comdlg32
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 7b810000-7b87f000 Deferred kernel32
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 7bc10000-7bc14000 Deferred ntdll
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 7c140000-7c243000 Deferred mfc71
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 7c340000-7c396000 Deferred msvcr71
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 7c3a0000-7c41b000 Deferred msvcp71
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Threads:
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000008
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000009 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000000c
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000012 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000000e 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000000d 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000000f
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000016 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000015 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000011 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000010 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000017
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000018 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000019 (D) C:\Program Files\VOCALOID2\VOCALOID2.exe
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000001f 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000001e 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000001d 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000001c 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000001b 0
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000001a 0 <==
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Backtrace:
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 =>1 0x95d2daa7 (0x0033f578)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 2 0x95d3a4b2 (0x0033f5b8)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 3 0x62758ffb (0x0033f618)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 4 0x62755f94 (0x0033f6d8)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 5 0x62757c4c (0x0033f7a8)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 6 0x62752b33 (0x0033f808)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 7 0x6226fcd6 (0x0033f978)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 8 0x6069a7c9 (0x0033fd18)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 9 0x6069b5b4 (0x0033fd98)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 10 0x6069b829 (0x0033fe08)
2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 11 0x6069b8fc (0x0033fe58)
2008-10-22 23:55:07 17574 fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub
2008-10-22 23:55:11 pid 17574: finished at status 5
** report ends here **
(Ticket #17819 is created from this message)
Responder al #39476
Reply To Message #39476 > 開発者様、画期的で使いやすいソフトをありがとうございます。 > 当方の環境で、表題にあげたような現象が見られましたので、MikuInstallerの安定性向上にわずかでも貢献できればと思い報告いたします。 > > 環境: > Mac OS X 10.5.5 > XQuartz 2.3.1 (xorg-server 1.4.2-apple17) > MikuInstaller 20080803 > > ソフト: > VOCALOID2 Editor > > 症状: > ピアノロール上の音符をクリックして日本語を入力しようとすると、shが不正終了 > 「保存」画面でも日本語を入力しようとすると不正終了 > > ログ: > > MikuInstaller log report > > Date: 2008-10-22 23:55:30 +0900 > OS: バージョン 10.5.5(ビルド 9F33) > ProcessName: NegiHelper > ProcessID: 17573 > > BundleName: VOCALOID2 Editor > BundleVersion: 20080803 > AppBundleName: MikuInstaller > AppBundleVersion: 20080803 > AppBundlePath: /Applications/ > WineBundleName: MikuInstaller > WineBundleVersion: 20080803 > WineBundlePath: /Applications/ > X11BundleName: X11 > X11BundleVersion: 2.3.1 > X11BundlePath: /Applications/Utilities/ > > LogMessages: > 2008-10-22 23:44:49 pid 17574: start with command /bin/sh '-c' 'set -x;exec "$MIKUBUNDLE/Contents/MacOS/wine" --miku=shellexec -c "$MIKUEXEFILE"' 'LAUNCH' > 2008-10-22 23:44:49 17574 + exec /Applications/ --miku=shellexec -c 'C:\windows\profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\VOCALOID2\VOCALOID2 Editor.lnk' > 2008-10-22 23:44:52 17574 fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000500 > 2008-10-22 23:44:52 17574 fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00004500 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address 0x95d2daa7 (thread 001a), starting debugger... > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x95d2daa7). > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Register dump: > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 CS:0017 SS:001f DS:001f ES:001f FS:1007 GS:0037 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 EIP:95d2daa7 ESP:0033f560 EBP:0033f578 EFLAGS:00010283( - 00 -RIS1C) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 EAX:a06cf4ec EBX:95d2da8a ECX:00000000 EDX:00000007 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 ESI:00000000 EDI:00000004 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Stack dump: > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x0033f560: 00000000 00000000 8fe0be7b 95d2da8a > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x0033f570: 62758d84 00000000 0033f5b8 95d3a4b2 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x0033f580: 00000000 a06acbf4 00000000 00000027 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x0033f590: 00000000 00000008 60224d10 95ca519e > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x0033f5a0: 60261770 602b7db0 00000000 62758d84 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x0033f5b0: a06e0a10 00000000 0033f618 62758ffb > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0200: sel=1007 base=7def0000 limit=0000ffff 32-bit rw- > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Backtrace: > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 =>1 0x95d2daa7 (0x0033f578) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 2 0x95d3a4b2 (0x0033f5b8) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 3 0x62758ffb (0x0033f618) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 4 0x62755f94 (0x0033f6d8) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 5 0x62757c4c (0x0033f7a8) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 6 0x62752b33 (0x0033f808) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 7 0x6226fcd6 (0x0033f978) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 8 0x6069a7c9 (0x0033fd18) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 9 0x6069b5b4 (0x0033fd98) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 10 0x6069b829 (0x0033fe08) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 11 0x6069b8fc (0x0033fe58) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0x95d2daa7: movl 0x0(%esi),%ecx > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Modules: > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Module Address Debug info Name (31 modules) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 400000- a34000 Deferred vocaloid2 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE d70000- 1171000 Deferred vocaloid2_japanese > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 1220000- 1232000 Deferred udm2 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 1240000- 12ce000 Deferred dbm2 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 12d0000- 12e6000 Deferred vedit2 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 12f0000- 12f9000 Deferred vedit2_japanese > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 1300000- 1310000 Deferred g2pa2_jpn > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 1420000- 1ce2000 Deferred g2pa2_eng > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 2ac0000- 2f77000 Deferred dse2 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 2f80000- 3435000 Deferred dse2_dft > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 3440000- 3475000 Deferred libguide40 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 3ad0000- 3aea000 Deferred paneldll2 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 10000000-10066000 Deferred dscl2 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 60410000-60414000 Deferred gdi32 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 605c0000-605c4000 Deferred advapi32 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 60630000-60645000 Deferred user32 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 60790000-60796000 Deferred shlwapi > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 619d0000-61a1d000 Deferred winmm > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 61a80000-61afe000 Deferred shell32 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 61bc0000-61bd2000 Deferred comctl32 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 61c90000-61c94000 Deferred version > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 62c20000-62c24000 Deferred ole32 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 62cf0000-62cf4000 Deferred rpcrt4 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 630f0000-630f4000 Deferred oleaut32 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 73550000-73556000 Deferred winspool > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 747a0000-7480a000 Deferred comdlg32 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 7b810000-7b87f000 Deferred kernel32 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 7bc10000-7bc14000 Deferred ntdll > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 7c140000-7c243000 Deferred mfc71 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 7c340000-7c396000 Deferred msvcr71 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 PE 7c3a0000-7c41b000 Deferred msvcp71 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Threads: > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 process tid prio (all id:s are in hex) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000008 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000009 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000000c > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000012 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000000e 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000000d 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000000f > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000016 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000015 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000011 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000010 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000017 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000018 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 00000019 (D) C:\Program Files\VOCALOID2\VOCALOID2.exe > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000001f 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000001e 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000001d 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000001c 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000001b 0 > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 0000001a 0 <== > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 Backtrace: > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 =>1 0x95d2daa7 (0x0033f578) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 2 0x95d3a4b2 (0x0033f5b8) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 3 0x62758ffb (0x0033f618) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 4 0x62755f94 (0x0033f6d8) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 5 0x62757c4c (0x0033f7a8) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 6 0x62752b33 (0x0033f808) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 7 0x6226fcd6 (0x0033f978) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 8 0x6069a7c9 (0x0033fd18) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 9 0x6069b5b4 (0x0033fd98) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 10 0x6069b829 (0x0033fe08) > 2008-10-22 23:55:05 17574 11 0x6069b8fc (0x0033fe58) > 2008-10-22 23:55:07 17574 fixme:shell:DllCanUnloadNow stub > 2008-10-22 23:55:11 pid 17574: finished at status 5 > > ** report ends here ** >
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RE: 「初音ミク」日本語入力でクラッシュ (2009-07-11 13:54 by
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Responder al
Responder al #44909
Reply To Message #44909 > こんにちは。投稿からだいぶ時間がたっているようですが、当方も同じ問題に直面しているので検索でここにたどり着きました。 > 普段使っているいろいろなものがインストールされた環境では、MikuInstaller上で動くどのWindowsアプリケーションでも、確かに日本語入力をしようとすると即クラッシュしてしまうのですが、OSXのアカウントを新たに作り、そちらでMikuInstallerおよびWindowsアプリを起動すると、日本語入力は正常に動きます。 > 何かの常駐物が悪さをしていると思われるので、後ほど詳しく調べてみます。
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RE: 「初音ミク」日本語入力でクラッシュ (2009-07-13 23:13 by
Crear incidencia
特に最近のMac OS Xでは、X11環境の違いやその他の設定の影響などによって、日本語入力が不安定になることが多いようです。
Responder al
Responder al #44956
Reply To Message #44956 > ご報告ありがとうございます。対応が遅れすみません。 > 特に最近のMac OS Xでは、X11環境の違いやその他の設定の影響などによって、日本語入力が不安定になることが多いようです。 > 現在こちらでも調査と対応を行っています。
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