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Descripción del Proyecto

Provide the R-code from the book "Mixed Methods" (translated English draft title from original German draft title "Methoden kombinieren") written by Gürtler & Huber (work-in-progress).
The goal is to provider R-helper functions as well as the R-code necessary to reproduce the research examples from the book. If possible, original raw data are provided too. Some scripts use datasets from R-packages and some rare scripts use data that are not allowed to he published (third party data).
Scripts provide more code than code examples printed in the book, so that examples can be reproduced fully.
The goal of the book is to provide basic topics to think about and to question related to classical statistics (Fisher, Neyman-Pearson), exploratory data analysis (Tukey), Bayesian statistics, quantitative text analysis, qualitative data analysis (no R-code possible) as well as logical Boolean analyses (Ragin).

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