Jerry Hennes
2007年 8月 20日 (月) 07:31:51 JST
H+E,R'E WE GO A_GAIN! T-H,E B+I+G O.N+E BE_FORE T,H*E SEP'TE-MBER.RALLY! T.H+E M ARKET IS ABOU,T TO P_O,P*, A-N+D SO IS E.X_M_T'! E,X*M*T 5-da'y pot-e_ntial: 0..*4'0 Fi+rm: EXCH*A+NGE MO-BILE T E_L E (.Other O'T_C': E'XMT.PK) A s+k.: 0*.'1*0 (+25..00%*) UP TO 2+5_% in 1 day N,o.t o+n-l'y d+o'e+s t+h_i-s f*i,r_m h*a v'e gre at fun+d*amentals, b,u t ge_tting t+h,i,s opportu++nity at t*h'e r+ight t.i.m e+, b_efore t-h+e rall y is w.h-a.t ma,kes t*h-i*s d-e*a+l so swee.t! T,h i,s a grea t opportu,nit_y to at le_ast doubl e up! T h,e*y d,i d t,a-k'e me o+u*t of t_h_a't ce'llar a-n d p*u+t me i.n-t*o a la rge, a v-e.r,y lar-ge r-o o.m-. He w,a+s heav-ily b.anda,ged, b'u_t eage r f'o+r w+o*r k+. In o-rder f'o.r a_ppendin,g to work., y'o,u m-u,s+t n o+t modi fy t.h+e c'ont+ents of t h.e w*o*r'd vecto,r s-truc-ture bet'ween c*alls to g'l-o-b . Inh'e+ritEnv - Speci,fy wh ich env,ir'onment varia__bles a r,e in'h,erited by C,G I p*rogra'ms. T*h.e ta qui lt a+n*d t h.e pil'low, d_a,m,p a.n.d sm+eared w,i-t_h cla.y, l+a y in a corn er.