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Descripción del Proyecto

CompactHTML to XHTML(kddi),JHTML(softbank) convert apache module. The contents conversion middleware for the main carrying of Japan is made as a module for Apache2.x.

UserAgent is seen when contents made with CompactHTML are output and it converts it into XHTML, and JHTML. (The image :to JPG, GIF, JPG, GIF from PNG, and PNG and BMP).

With QR code generation function.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Publicado: 2008-11-20 21:55
0.12.x-debain-sarge 0.12.20 (1 files Ocultar)

Release Notes

* 修正
- UTF8->SJISにおいて、無効なマルチバイト文字列は'?'に変換する様、修正。


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