Isabella Rosenbarger
2007年 8月 18日 (土) 11:13:25 JST
H E-R*E WE GO A*GAIN! T*H E B*I.G O+N_E BE,FORE T+H.E SEPTEMBER.RAL*LY+! T'H.E MARKE,T IS AB,OUT TO P'O+P., A+N D SO IS E+X.M,T,! F_irm: E,XCHANG_E M*OBILE T'E_L E (Othe r O,T.C': EXMT. PK) Tick-: E,X M*T A,s_k': 0_..1'0 (+25._0+0%) ('U*P TO 2,5 % in 1 d-a'y*) p+otential.: 0-. 4,0 T*h-i_s a grea.t opportuni t_y to at l_east doubl.e up! N+o't o n_l+y d-o*e-s t.h+i s f*i,r*m h_a'v*e gr-eat fundam'ental.s, b.u't get,ting t*h.i's oppo rtuni+ty at t+h_e rig'ht tim e, ri-ght befo re t+h.e rall_y is w-h*a t make*s t'h,i+s d e a*l so swe_et! Watc_h it s'o*a*r,! S,h.e underst'+ood t_h*a-t he h+a*d inven.te_d a pr'etext in ord+er to leav_e h-e r alo-ne w i*t-h t'h+e Ga'dfly. R+u.b*, poo,f, gen*ie, wi'sh, at o+n_c*e maste,r, h e,y p,resto. At hig*her f-reque*ncies ( 1_0,0 Hz a,n.d u p.)*, t h+e f-ilter ge*nerate_s extr'a f'requencie,s in t h-e or_igina,l so+und. T,h+e s,ingle o,utput str_eam re+pre'sents a ha r-dware p+a t*h f o r an+alog b'a*seband video-. Java , devel*op-ed by S*u.n M-icro'systems, is a r,eal, full,-fledged , objec-_t-oriented, platform-independent, lan*g uage. -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B... Descargar