2008年 11月 22日 (土) 08:52:58 JST
Date: Saturday November 22, 2008 @ 08:52 Author: fuyu Update of /cvsroot/ochusha/ochusha/ochusha In directory sf-cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv13444 Modified Files: bbs_thread_view.cc Log Message: Fix a bug that when a thread having inserted my-own-bookmark by user rendered, the bookmark folder was modified always and it causes funny behavior of my-own-bookmark folder of user's bookmark. =================================================================== File: no file bbs_thread_view.cc Status: Needs Checkout Working revision: 1.63 Fri Nov 21 23:52:58 2008 Repository revision: 1.63 /cvsroot/ochusha/ochusha/ochusha/bbs_thread_view.cc,v Existing Tags: OCHUSHA_LIBGHTTP_VP (revision: 1.26) OCHUSHA_SS_BRANCH (branch: 1.24.2) OCHUSHA_SS_BP (revision: 1.24)