[pal-cvs 2731] [463] added document order controll.

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2007年 8月 24日 (金) 10:43:19 JST

Revision: 463
Author:   shinsuke
Date:     2007-08-24 10:43:18 +0900 (Fri, 24 Aug 2007)

Log Message:
added document order controll.

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: pal-admin/trunk/src/main/java/jp/sf/pal/admin/logic/SiteEditorLogic.java
--- pal-admin/trunk/src/main/java/jp/sf/pal/admin/logic/SiteEditorLogic.java	2007-08-24 01:42:52 UTC (rev 462)
+++ pal-admin/trunk/src/main/java/jp/sf/pal/admin/logic/SiteEditorLogic.java	2007-08-24 01:43:18 UTC (rev 463)
@@ -49,7 +49,9 @@
 import org.apache.jetspeed.om.page.ContentFragment;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.om.page.ContentPage;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.om.page.Fragment;
+import org.apache.jetspeed.om.page.Link;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.om.page.Page;
+import org.apache.jetspeed.om.page.PageSecurity;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.om.page.SecurityConstraintsDef;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.page.FolderNotUpdatedException;
 import org.apache.jetspeed.page.PageManager;
@@ -630,6 +632,22 @@
         return list;
+    public List<Map<String, String>> createDocumentOrderList(String path)
+            throws CommonException {
+        Folder folder = getFolder(getFolderOrPagePath(path));
+        List<Map<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
+        for (Iterator<String> itr = folder.getDocumentOrder().iterator(); itr
+                .hasNext();) {
+            Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
+            String value = itr.next();
+            map.put("label", value);
+            map.put("value", value);
+            list.add(map);
+        }
+        return list;
+    }
     public List<Map<String, String>> createPermissionsList()
             throws CommonException {
         List<Map<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
@@ -943,6 +961,181 @@
         return parentPath;
+    protected String getDocumentType(String name) {
+        if (name == null) {
+            return "";
+        } else if (name.endsWith(Folder.FOLDER_TYPE)) {
+            return Folder.FOLDER_TYPE;
+        } else if (name.endsWith(Page.DOCUMENT_TYPE)) {
+            return Page.DOCUMENT_TYPE;
+        } else if (name.endsWith(Link.DOCUMENT_TYPE)) {
+            return Link.DOCUMENT_TYPE;
+        } else if (name.endsWith(PageSecurity.DOCUMENT_TYPE)) {
+            return PageSecurity.DOCUMENT_TYPE;
+        }
+        // folder is default type.
+        return Folder.FOLDER_TYPE;
+    }
+    public void moveDocumentUp(String path, String documentName)
+            throws CommonException {
+        Folder folder = getFolder(getFolderOrPagePath(path));
+        if (folder == null) {
+            throw new CommonException("could.not.find.folder",
+                    "Could not find a folder: " + path);
+        }
+        List<String> orderList = folder.getDocumentOrder();
+        if (orderList != null) {
+            int index = orderList.indexOf(documentName);
+            if (index > -1) {
+                String type = getDocumentType(documentName);
+                int i = index - 1;
+                while (i >= 0) {
+                    String value = (String) orderList.get(i);
+                    if (type.equals(getDocumentType(value))) {
+                        orderList.remove(index);
+                        orderList.add(i, documentName);
+                        folder.setDocumentOrder(orderList);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    i--;
+                }
+            } else {
+                orderList.add(documentName);
+                folder.setDocumentOrder(orderList);
+            }
+        } else {
+            orderList = new ArrayList<String>(4);
+            orderList.add(documentName);
+            folder.setDocumentOrder(orderList);
+        }
+        try {
+            getPageManager().updateFolder(folder);
+            getPageManager().reset();
+        } catch (PageNotUpdatedException e) {
+            throw new CommonException("could.not.update.document.order",
+                    "Could not update a folder: " + path, e);
+        } catch (NodeException e) {
+            throw new CommonException("could.not.update.document.order",
+                    "Could not update a folder: " + path, e);
+        }
+    }
+    public void moveDocumentDown(String path, String documentName)
+            throws CommonException {
+        Folder folder = getFolder(getFolderOrPagePath(path));
+        if (folder == null) {
+            throw new CommonException("could.not.find.folder",
+                    "Could not find a folder: " + path);
+        }
+        List<String> orderList = folder.getDocumentOrder();
+        if (orderList != null) {
+            int index = orderList.indexOf(documentName);
+            if (index > -1) {
+                String type = getDocumentType(documentName);
+                int i = index + 1;
+                while (i < orderList.size()) {
+                    String value = (String) orderList.get(i);
+                    if (type.equals(getDocumentType(value))) {
+                        orderList.remove(index);
+                        orderList.add(i, documentName);
+                        folder.setDocumentOrder(orderList);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    i++;
+                }
+            } else {
+                orderList.add(documentName);
+                folder.setDocumentOrder(orderList);
+            }
+        } else {
+            orderList = new ArrayList<String>(4);
+            orderList.add(documentName);
+            folder.setDocumentOrder(orderList);
+        }
+        try {
+            getPageManager().updateFolder(folder);
+            getPageManager().reset();
+        } catch (PageNotUpdatedException e) {
+            throw new CommonException("could.not.update.document.order",
+                    "Could not update a folder: " + path, e);
+        } catch (NodeException e) {
+            throw new CommonException("could.not.update.document.order",
+                    "Could not update a folder: " + path, e);
+        }
+    }
+    public void addDocumentOrder(String path, String documentName)
+            throws CommonException {
+        Folder folder = getFolder(getFolderOrPagePath(path));
+        if (folder == null) {
+            throw new CommonException("could.not.find.folder",
+                    "Could not find a folder: " + path);
+        }
+        List<String> orderList = folder.getDocumentOrder();
+        if (orderList != null) {
+            int index = orderList.indexOf(documentName);
+            if (index > -1) {
+                throw new CommonException("document.already.exists",
+                        "The document already exists: " + path);
+            } else {
+                orderList.add(documentName);
+                folder.setDocumentOrder(orderList);
+            }
+        } else {
+            orderList = new ArrayList<String>(4);
+            orderList.add(documentName);
+            folder.setDocumentOrder(orderList);
+        }
+        try {
+            getPageManager().updateFolder(folder);
+            getPageManager().reset();
+        } catch (PageNotUpdatedException e) {
+            throw new CommonException("could.not.add.document.order",
+                    "Could not update a folder: " + path, e);
+        } catch (NodeException e) {
+            throw new CommonException("could.not.add.document.order",
+                    "Could not update a folder: " + path, e);
+        }
+    }
+    public void deleteDocumentOrder(String path, String documentName)
+            throws CommonException {
+        Folder folder = getFolder(getFolderOrPagePath(path));
+        if (folder == null) {
+            throw new CommonException("could.not.find.folder",
+                    "Could not find a folder: " + path);
+        }
+        List<String> orderList = folder.getDocumentOrder();
+        if (orderList != null) {
+            int index = orderList.indexOf(documentName);
+            if (index > -1) {
+                orderList.remove(documentName);
+                folder.setDocumentOrder(orderList);
+            } else {
+                throw new CommonException("document.does.not.exist",
+                        "The document does not exist: " + path);
+            }
+        } else {
+            throw new CommonException("document.does.not.exist",
+                    "The document does not exist: " + path);
+        }
+        try {
+            getPageManager().updateFolder(folder);
+            getPageManager().reset();
+        } catch (PageNotUpdatedException e) {
+            throw new CommonException("could.not.add.document.order",
+                    "Could not update a folder: " + path, e);
+        } catch (NodeException e) {
+            throw new CommonException("could.not.add.document.order",
+                    "Could not update a folder: " + path, e);
+        }
+    }
     public void addFolder(String path, String folderName, String folderTitle,
             String folderShortTitle, String layoutName, String pageDecorator,
             String portletDecorator, String desktopTheme, boolean folderHidden)

Modified: pal-admin/trunk/src/main/java/jp/sf/pal/admin/service/SiteEditorService.java
--- pal-admin/trunk/src/main/java/jp/sf/pal/admin/service/SiteEditorService.java	2007-08-24 01:42:52 UTC (rev 462)
+++ pal-admin/trunk/src/main/java/jp/sf/pal/admin/service/SiteEditorService.java	2007-08-24 01:43:18 UTC (rev 463)
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 import jp.sf.pal.admin.web.site.AbstractSiteSecurityEditorPage;
 import jp.sf.pal.admin.web.site.FolderAddFolderAndPageEditorPage;
 import jp.sf.pal.admin.web.site.FolderInfoEditorPage;
+import jp.sf.pal.admin.web.site.FolderOrderEditorPage;
 import jp.sf.pal.admin.web.site.FolderSecurityEditorPage;
 import jp.sf.pal.admin.web.site.LayoutAddPortletEditorPage;
 import jp.sf.pal.admin.web.site.LayoutInfoEditorPage;
@@ -137,6 +138,19 @@
+    public void loadPage(FolderOrderEditorPage page) throws CommonException {
+        if (!getSiteEditorLogic().checkFolderOrPageViewAccess(page.getPath())) {
+            throw new CommonException("could.not.access.path",
+                    "Could not access a path: " + page.getPath());
+        }
+        loadTree(page);
+        page.setDocumentItems(getSiteEditorLogic().createDocumentOrderList(
+                page.getPath()));
+    }
     public void loadPage(FolderSecurityEditorPage page) throws CommonException {
         if (!getSiteEditorLogic().checkFolderOrPageViewAccess(page.getPath())) {
             throw new CommonException("could.not.access.path",
@@ -248,6 +262,29 @@
+    public void moveDocumentUp(FolderOrderEditorPage page)
+            throws CommonException {
+        getSiteEditorLogic().moveDocumentUp(page.getPath(), page.getDocument());
+    }
+    public void moveDocumentDown(FolderOrderEditorPage page)
+            throws CommonException {
+        getSiteEditorLogic().moveDocumentDown(page.getPath(),
+                page.getDocument());
+    }
+    public void addDocumentOrder(FolderOrderEditorPage page)
+            throws CommonException {
+        getSiteEditorLogic().addDocumentOrder(page.getPath(),
+                page.getDocumentName());
+    }
+    public void deleteDocumentOrder(FolderOrderEditorPage page)
+            throws CommonException {
+        getSiteEditorLogic().deleteDocumentOrder(page.getPath(),
+                page.getDocument());
+    }
     public void updateLayout(LayoutInfoEditorPage page) throws CommonException {
         getSiteEditorLogic().updateLayout(page.getPath(), page.getLayoutName(),
                 page.getDecorator(), page.getDesktopTheme());

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