We are developing home appliance automation, crime prevention, disaster prevention, voice control system
Check the temperature of the room from the place to go and drive a cooler
When the outside becomes dark in the evening, I turn on the lights of the entrance and the room
Watering the home garden based on the humidity outside on dawn
Email security when the security sensor works
Sound music at a fixed time
Notify by e-mail and phone (Wan Gi) when the fire detector reports
Intermittently operate underfloor ventilation fan based on outside air humidity
I am practicing IOT House at Raspberry Pi.
After playing with Raspberry Pi, let's realize home electronics & home security with Remote-Hand Raspberry_pi.
Remot-Hand2VPNは1CDLinuxとOpenVPNを使いSSL-VPNを5分程度で手軽に実現させる、VMware Applianceです。
2009.4.26 v0.3;
1. パスワード変更時パスワード1と2のミスマッチチェック追加
2. clientのアップスクリプト(nat無効)修正
3. IPをチェックミス修正(,をpreg_match()で検出)
4. サーバからクライアントのネットワーク全体と通信するオプションを追加
5. tabの色変更、他クリーンアップ