[perldocjp-cvs 6] CVS update: docs/perl/5.6.1

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Kentaro Shirakata argra****@users*****
2005年 6月 14日 (火) 05:48:37 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq1.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq1.pod:1.2 docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq1.pod:1.3
--- docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq1.pod:1.2	Sun Jul  4 03:27:47 2004
+++ docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq1.pod	Tue Jun 14 05:48:35 2005
@@ -385,12 +385,22 @@
+=begin original
 Now that "script" and "scripting" are terms that have been seized by
 unscrupulous or unknowing marketeers for their own nefarious purposes,
 they have begun to take on strange and often pejorative meanings,
 like "non serious" or "not real programming".  Consequently, some Perl
 programmers prefer to avoid them altogether.
+=end original
+これらは "non serious" や "not real programming" と同様、
+そのようなわけで、これらの単語を使わないようにしている Perl プログラマもいます。
 =head2 What is a JAPH?
@@ -493,11 +503,21 @@
 Perl4 も含めてこれ以前の全てのリリースは安全性に問題があります。
+=begin original
 In August 2000 in all Linux distributions a new security problem was
 found in the optional 'suidperl' (not built or installed by default)
 in all the Perl branches 5.6, 5.005, and 5.004, see
+=end original
+2000 年 8 月に、全ての Linux ディストリビューションは Perl 5.6, 5.005, 5.004 に
+含まれる、オプションの 'suidperl' (デフォルトではビルドやインストールは
+されません) に新しいセキュリティ問題があるのを発見しました。
 Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Tom Christiansen and Nathan
Index: docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq2.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq2.pod:1.2 docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq2.pod:1.3
--- docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq2.pod:1.2	Mon Jun 28 06:57:34 2004
+++ docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq2.pod	Tue Jun 14 05:48:35 2005
@@ -432,9 +432,9 @@
 =end original
-あなたがaccidental programmerでなくて
 を必要としていなければ、Nigel Chapman による
 I<Perl: The Programmer's Companion>
@@ -669,9 +669,16 @@
 (Unix 版と Windows 版があります)がそうしているように。
 フリーな UNIX を配布しているディストリビューターは Perl を同梱しています。
+=begin original
 Alternatively, you can purchase commercial incidence based support
 through the Perl Clinic.  The following is a commercial from them:
+=end original
+あるいは、商用のインシデントベースのサポートを Perl Clinic から
 "The Perl Clinic is a commercial Perl support service operated by
 ActiveState Tool Corp. and The Ingram Group.  The operators have many
 years of in-depth experience with Perl applications and Perl internals
@@ -681,8 +688,14 @@
 we will put our best effort into understanding your problem, providing an
 explanation of the situation, and a recommendation on how to proceed."
+=begin original
 Contact The Perl Clinic at
+=end original
+Perl Clinic への連絡先は以下の通りです。
     North America Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8)
@@ -694,7 +707,7 @@
     Fax:    00 44 1483 862801
-www.per.com にある更新情報も参照してください。
+www.perl.com にある更新情報も参照してください。
 =head2 Where do I send bug reports?
Index: docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq3.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq3.pod:1.2 docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq3.pod:1.3
--- docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq3.pod:1.2	Sun Jul  4 03:27:47 2004
+++ docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq3.pod	Tue Jun 14 05:48:35 2005
@@ -301,39 +301,85 @@
 =item Komodo
+=begin original
 ActiveState's cross-platform, multi-language IDE has Perl support,
 including a regular expression debugger and remote debugging
 (Visual Perl, a Visual Studio.NET plug-in is currently (early 2001)
 in beta (http://www.ActiveState.com/Products/VisualPerl/index.html)).
+=end original
+ActiveState のクロスプラットフォーム・多言語 IDE は、
+正規表現デバッガ、リモートデバッグを含む Perl サポートがあります
+(Visual Perl, Visual Studio.NET プラグインは(2001年初頭)現在
 =item The Object System
+=begin original
 (http://www.castlelink.co.uk/object_system/) is a Perl web
 applications development IDE.
+=end original
+(http://www.castlelink.co.uk/object_system/) は Perl web アプリケーション
+開発 IDE です。
 =item PerlBuilder
+=begin original
 (http://www.solutionsoft.com/perl.htm) is an integrated development
 environment for Windows that supports Perl development.
+=end original
+(http://www.solutionsoft.com/perl.htm) は Windows 用統合開発環境で、
+Perl の開発にも対応しています。
 =item Perl code magic
 =item visiPerl+
+=begin original
 http://helpconsulting.net/visiperl/, from Help Consulting.
+=end original
+http://helpconsulting.net/visiperl/, Help Consulting 製です。
+=begin original
 For editors: if you're on Unix you probably have vi or a vi clone already,
 and possibly an emacs too, so you may not need to download anything.
 In any emacs the cperl-mode (M-x cperl-mode) gives you perhaps the
 best available Perl editing mode in any editor.
+=end original
+エディタ使いへ: あなたが Unix を使っているなら、おそらく vi か vi クローンが
+すでにあるはずで、emacs もあるかもしれません。
+あらゆるバージョンの emacs で使える cperl-mode (M-x cperl-mode) は
+おそらくエディタでの Perl 編集モードの中で最高のものでしょう。
+=begin original
 For Windows editors: you can download an Emacs
+=end original
+Windows のエディタ使いへ: Emacs がダウンロード可能です。
 =over 4
 =item GNU Emacs
@@ -350,8 +396,14 @@
+=begin original
 or a vi clone such as
+=end original
+あるいは以下のような vi クローンもあります。
 =over 4
 =item Elvis
@@ -370,9 +422,18 @@
+=begin original
 For vi lovers in general, Windows or elsewhere:
+=end original
+一般的な、Windows やその他の vi 愛好者のために:
+=begin original
 nvi (http://www.bostic.com/vi/, available from CPAN in src/misc/) is
 yet another vi clone, unfortunately not available for Windows, but in
 UNIX platforms you might be interested in trying it out, firstly because
@@ -381,8 +442,18 @@
 to use Perl as the scripting language.  nvi is not alone in this,
 though: at least also vim and vile offer an embedded Perl.
+=end original
+=begin original
 The following are Win32 multilanguage editor/IDESs that support Perl:
+=end original
+以下は Perl をサポートしている Win32 多言語エディタ/IDE です。
 =over 4
 =item Codewright
@@ -399,6 +470,8 @@
+=begin original
 There is also a toyedit Text widget based editor written in Perl
 that is distributed with the Tk module on CPAN.  The ptkdb
 (http://world.std.com/~aep/ptkdb/) is a Perl/tk based debugger that
@@ -406,6 +479,10 @@
 (http://perlcomposer.sourceforge.net/vperl.html) is an IDE for Perl/Tk
 GUI creation.
+=end original
 =begin original
 In addition to an editor/IDE you might be interested in a more
@@ -458,15 +535,30 @@
 =item BBEdit and BBEdit Lite
+=begin original
 are text editors for Mac OS that have a Perl sensitivity mode
+=end original
+これは Mac OS で動作するテキストエディタで、
+Perl 用のモードがあります(http://web.barebones.com/)。
 =item Alpha
+=begin original
 is an editor, written and extensible in Tcl, that nonetheless has
 built in support for several popular markup and programming languages
 including Perl and HTML (http://alpha.olm.net/).
+=end original
+これはエディタで、Tcl で書かれており、拡張可能です。
+(Perl と HTMLを含みます)への対応を内蔵しています(http://alpha.olm.net/)。
 =begin original
@@ -920,14 +1012,26 @@
+=begin original
 You can also integrate Java and Perl with the
 Perl Resource Kit from O'Reilly and Associates.  See
 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/prkunix/ .
+=end original
+=begin original
 Perl 5.6 comes with Java Perl Lingo, or JPL.  JPL, still in
 development, allows Perl code to be called from Java.  See jpl/README
 in the Perl source tree.
+=end original
 =head2 How can I get '#!perl' to work on [MS-DOS,NT,...]?
 (MS-DOS, NT, etc で '#!perl'が動作するようにするには?)
Index: docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq4.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq4.pod:1.3 docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq4.pod:1.4
--- docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq4.pod:1.3	Thu Jun  2 18:07:18 2005
+++ docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq4.pod	Tue Jun 14 05:48:35 2005
@@ -443,12 +443,25 @@
 Time::JulianDay (CPAN で利用可能な Time モジュールの一部です)を
+=begin original
 Before you immerse yourself too deeply in this, be sure to verify that it
 is the I<Julian> Day you really want.  Are you really just interested in
 a way of getting serial days so that they can do date arithmetic?  If you
 are interested in performing date arithmetic, this can be done using
 either Date::Manip or Date::Calc, without converting to Julian Day first.
+=end original
+I<ユリウス> 日なのかをしっかり確認してください。
+もし日付の計算に興味があるなら、Date::Manip または Date::Calc を使えば
+=begin original
 There is too much confusion on this issue to cover in this FAQ, but the
 term is applied (correctly) to a calendar now supplanted by the Gregorian
 Calendar, with the Julian Calendar failing to adjust properly for leap
@@ -459,6 +472,10 @@
 the first meaning that you really want, then check out the Date::Manip
 and Date::Calc modules.  (Thanks to David Cassell for most of this text.)
+=end original
 =head2 How do I find yesterday's date?
@@ -2021,6 +2038,8 @@
+=begin original
 [lwall] In Perl 4, you were not allowed to modify a hash at all while
 iterating over it.  In Perl 5 you can delete from it, but you still
 can't add to it, because that might cause a doubling of the hash table,
@@ -2029,10 +2048,26 @@
 Even if the table doesn't double, there's no telling whether your new
 entry will be inserted before or after the current iterator position.
+=end original
+[lwall] Perl 4 では、反復動作中にはハッシュの操作は一切禁止でした。
+Perl 5 では削除は可能ですが、追加はやはり不可です。
+=begin original
 Either treasure up your changes and make them after the iterator finishes
 or use keys to fetch all the old keys at once, and iterate over the list
 of keys.
+=end original
 =head2 How do I look up a hash element by value?
@@ -2075,10 +2110,16 @@
     $num_keys = scalar keys %hash;
+=begin original
 The keys() function also resets the iterator, which in void context is
 faster for tied hashes than would be iterating through the whole 
 hash, one key-value pair at a time.
+=end original
 =head2 How do I sort a hash (optionally by value instead of key)?
Index: docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq5.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq5.pod:1.2 docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq5.pod:1.3
--- docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq5.pod:1.2	Thu Jun  2 18:07:18 2005
+++ docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq5.pod	Tue Jun 14 05:48:35 2005
@@ -976,6 +976,8 @@
+=begin original
 Two potentially non-obvious but traditional flock semantics are that
 it waits indefinitely until the lock is granted, and that its locks are
 I<merely advisory>.  Such discretionary locks are more flexible, but
@@ -990,6 +992,23 @@
 Slavish adherence to portability concerns shouldn't get in the way of
 your getting your job done.)
+=end original
+二つの潜在的に明らかでないけれども、伝統的な flock の手法があります。
+つまり、 flock() でロックされたファイルは flock() を使っていない
+詳細については perlport man ページ、使っているバージョン独自のドキュメント、
+システム独自のローカルな man ページを参照してください。
 参照してください(new for 5.6)。
Index: docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq7.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq7.pod:1.2 docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq7.pod:1.3
--- docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq7.pod:1.2	Thu Jun  2 18:07:18 2005
+++ docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq7.pod	Tue Jun 14 05:48:35 2005
@@ -594,12 +594,23 @@
     $match = compare("old McDonald", qr/d.*D/i);
+=begin original
 Notice how C<qr//> allows flags at the end.  That pattern was compiled
 at compile time, although it was executed later.  The nifty C<qr//>
 notation wasn't introduced until the 5.005 release.  Before that, you
 had to approach this problem much less intuitively.  For example, here
 it is again if you don't have C<qr//>:
+=end original
+C<qr//> の末尾に付けることができるフラグに注意してください。
+このしゃれた C<qr//> 記法は 5.005 リリースで初めて提供されました。
+例えば、先ほどのコードを C<qr//> なしで書くと:
     sub compare($$) {
         my ($val1, $regex) = @_;
         my $retval = eval { $val1 =~ /$regex/ };
@@ -1332,6 +1343,8 @@
 =end original
+唯一あなたが完全にシンボリックを I<使わなければならない> 場合は、
 =begin original
Index: docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq9.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq9.pod:1.3 docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq9.pod:1.4
--- docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq9.pod:1.3	Thu Jun  2 18:07:18 2005
+++ docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfaq9.pod	Tue Jun 14 05:48:35 2005
@@ -365,9 +365,16 @@
 RFC の第 2 章を読んでください。
+=begin original
 RFC 2396 also contains a lot of other useful information, including a
 regexp for breaking any arbitrary URI into components (Appendix B).
+=end original
+RFC 2396 にはその他の有用な情報が多く含まれています。その中には
+任意の URI をコンポーネントに分割するための正規表現(Appendix B)を含みます。
 =head2 How do I redirect to another page?
@@ -718,10 +725,17 @@
     use MIME::Base64;
     $decoded = decode_base64($encoded);
+=begin original
 The MIME-Tools package (available from CPAN) supports extraction with
 decoding of BASE64 encoded attachments and content directly from email
+=end original
+MIME-Tools パッケージ (CPAN にあります) は BASE64 エンコードされた
 もしデコードしたい文字列が短い(84 文字以下)の場合、
Index: docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfunc.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfunc.pod:1.6 docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfunc.pod:1.7
--- docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfunc.pod:1.6	Wed Jun  9 07:29:55 2004
+++ docs/perl/5.6.1/perlfunc.pod	Tue Jun 14 05:48:35 2005
@@ -1564,15 +1564,29 @@
 	print "ok\n";
+=begin original
 Of course, typing in your own password to whoever asks you
 for it is unwise.
+=end original
+=begin original
 The L<crypt> function is unsuitable for encrypting large quantities
 of data, not least of all because you can't get the information
 back.  Look at the F<by-module/Crypt> and F<by-module/PGP> directories
 on your favorite CPAN mirror for a slew of potentially useful
+=end original
+L<crypt> 関数は大量のデータの暗号化には向いていません。
 =item dbmclose HASH
 =begin original
@@ -1661,9 +1675,14 @@
 cons of the various dbm approaches, as well as L<DB_File> for a particularly
 rich implementation.
+=begin original
 You can control which DBM library you use by loading that library
 before you call dbmopen():
+=end original
     use DB_File;
     dbmopen(%NS_Hist, "$ENV{HOME}/.netscape/history.db")
 	or die "Can't open netscape history file: $!";
@@ -1762,12 +1781,20 @@
     sub foo { defined &$bar ? &$bar(@_) : die "No bar"; }
     $debugging = 0 unless defined $debugging;
+=begin original
 Note:  Many folks tend to overuse C<defined>, and then are surprised to
 discover that the number C<0> and C<""> (the zero-length string) are, in fact,
 defined values.  For example, if you say
+=end original
     "ab" =~ /a(.*)b/;
+=begin original
 The pattern match succeeds, and C<$1> is defined, despite the fact that it
 matched "nothing".  But it didn't really match nothing--rather, it
 matched something that happened to be zero characters long.  This is all
@@ -1777,8 +1804,18 @@
 you're trying to do.  At other times, a simple comparison to C<0> or C<""> is
 what you want.
+=end original
+=begin original
 See also L</undef>, L</exists>, L</ref>.
+=end original
+L</undef>, L</exists>, L</ref> も参照してください。
 =item delete EXPR
 =begin original
@@ -1813,12 +1850,18 @@
 しかし、C<tie> されたハッシュや配列からの削除は、
+=begin original
 Deleting an array element effectively returns that position of the array
 to its initial, uninitialized state.  Subsequently testing for the same
 element with exists() will return false.  Note that deleting array
 elements in the middle of an array will not shift the index of the ones
 after them down--use splice() for that.  See L</exists>.
+=end original
 =begin original
 The following (inefficiently) deletes all the values of %HASH and @ARRAY:
@@ -1986,6 +2029,8 @@
 C<$@> が空の場合、C<"Died"> が使われます。
+=begin original
 die() can also be called with a reference argument.  If this happens to be
 trapped within an eval(), $@ contains the reference.  This behavior permits
 a more elaborate exception handling implementation using objects that
@@ -1993,6 +2038,10 @@
 is sometimes preferable to matching particular string values of $@ using
 regular expressions.  Here's an example:
+=end original
     eval { ... ; die Some::Module::Exception->new( FOO => "bar" ) };
     if ($@) {
         if (ref($@) && UNIVERSAL::isa($@,"Some::Module::Exception")) {
@@ -2003,10 +2052,18 @@
+=begin original
 Because perl will stringify uncaught exception messages before displaying
 them, you may want to overload stringification operations on such custom
 exception objects.  See L<overload> for details about that.
+=end original
+=begin original
 You can arrange for a callback to be run just before the C<die>
 does its deed, by setting the C<$SIG{__DIE__}> hook.  The associated
 handler will be called with the error text and can change the error
@@ -2018,12 +2075,22 @@
 even inside eval()ed blocks/strings!  If one wants the hook to do
 nothing in such situations, put
+=end original
 	die @_ if $^S;
+=begin original
 as the first line of the handler (see L<perlvar/$^S>).  Because
 this promotes strange action at a distance, this counterintuitive
 behavior may be fixed in a future release.  
+=end original
 =item do BLOCK
 =begin original
@@ -2117,12 +2184,18 @@
+=begin original
 If C<do> cannot read the file, it returns undef and sets C<$!> to the
 error.  If C<do> can read the file but cannot compile it, it
 returns undef and sets an error message in C<$@>.   If the file is
 successfully compiled, C<do> returns the value of the last expression
+=end original
 =begin original
 Note that inclusion of library modules is better done with the
@@ -2196,11 +2269,19 @@
 Perl を部分的に混乱させる可能性があります。
+=begin original
 This function is now largely obsolete, partly because it's very
 hard to convert a core file into an executable, and because the
 real compiler backends for generating portable bytecode and compilable
 C code have superseded it.
+=end original
+=begin original
 If you're looking to use L<dump> to speed up your program, consider
 generating bytecode or native C code as described in L<perlcc>.  If
 you're just trying to accelerate a CGI script, consider using the
@@ -2208,6 +2289,10 @@
 You might also consider autoloading or selfloading, which at least
 make your program I<appear> to run faster.  
+=end original
 =item each HASH
 =begin original
@@ -2417,6 +2502,8 @@
 EXPR のテキストのパーズと実行を実行時にまで遅延させるのに用います。
+=begin original
 In the second form, the code within the BLOCK is parsed only once--at the
 same time the code surrounding the eval itself was parsed--and executed
 within the context of the current Perl program.  This form is typically
@@ -2424,6 +2511,14 @@
 also providing the benefit of checking the code within BLOCK at compile
+=end original
+第二の形式では、BLOCK 内部のコードは一度だけパースされ--コードを
+囲む eval 自身がパースされるのと同じ時点です--現在の Perl プログラムの
+また BLOCK 内部のコードはコンパイル時にチェックされるという利点を提供します。
 =begin original
 The final semicolon, if any, may be omitted from the value of EXPR or within
@@ -2433,12 +2528,22 @@
 最後のセミコロンは、もしあれば、EXPR の値や BLOCK の中身から省くことができます。
+=begin original
 In both forms, the value returned is the value of the last expression
 evaluated inside the mini-program; a return statement may be also used, just
 as with subroutines.  The expression providing the return value is evaluated
 in void, scalar, or list context, depending on the context of the eval itself.
 See L</wantarray> for more on how the evaluation context can be determined.
+=end original
+表現の値です; サブルーチンと同様、 return ステートメントも使えます。
+返り値として提供される表現は、eval 自身のコンテキストに依存して
+評価コンテキストの決定方法についての詳細は L</wantarray> を参照してください。
 =begin original
 If there is a syntax error or runtime error, or a C<die> statement is
@@ -10206,11 +10311,21 @@
 BITS が 8 の場合、「要素」は入力文字列の各バイトと一致します。
+=begin original
 If BITS is 16 or more, bytes of the input string are grouped into chunks
 of size BITS/8, and each group is converted to a number as with
 pack()/unpack() with big-endian formats C<n>/C<N> (and analogously
 for BITS==64).  See L<"pack"> for details.
+=end original
+BITS が 16 以上の場合、入力のバイト列は BITS/8 のサイズの固まりに
+グループ化され、各グループは pack()/unpack() のビッグエンディアンフォーマット
+C<n>/C<N> を用いて(BITS==64の類似として)数値に変換されます。
+詳細は L<"pack"> を参照してください。
 =begin original
 If bits is 4 or less, the string is broken into bytes, then the bits
@@ -10257,6 +10372,8 @@
 文字列の先頭より前に書き込もうとした(つまり OFFSET が負の数だった)
+=begin original
 The string should not contain any character with the value > 255 (which
 can only happen if you're using UTF8 encoding).  If it does, it will be
 treated as something which is not UTF8 encoded.  When the C<vec> was
@@ -10265,6 +10382,10 @@
 in your string, vec() will operate on the actual byte string, and not the
 conceptual character string.
+=end original
 =begin original
 Strings created with C<vec> can also be manipulated with the logical
@@ -10645,6 +10766,8 @@
 C<$@> が空の場合は、C<"Warning: Something's wrong"> という文字列が
+=begin original
 No message is printed if there is a C<$SIG{__WARN__}> handler
 installed.  It is the handler's responsibility to deal with the message
 as it sees fit (like, for instance, converting it into a C<die>).  Most
@@ -10654,6 +10777,10 @@
 produce an endless loop, since C<__WARN__> hooks are not called from
 inside one.
+=end original
 =begin original
 You will find this behavior is slightly different from that of

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