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2008年 12月 8日 (月) 18:05:17 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.10.0/perlobj.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/perl/5.10.0/perlobj.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Mon Dec  8 18:05:17 2008
+++ docs/perl/5.10.0/perlobj.pod	Mon Dec  8 18:05:17 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,1351 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+X<object> X<OOP>
+=begin original
+perlobj - Perl objects
+=end original
+perlobj - Perl のオブジェクト
+=begin original
+First you need to understand what references are in Perl.
+See L<perlref> for that.  Second, if you still find the following
+reference work too complicated, a tutorial on object-oriented programming
+in Perl can be found in L<perltoot> and L<perltooc>.
+=end original
+まず最初に、あなたが Perl におけるリファレンスがなんであるかを理解している
+L<perlref> を参照してください。
+Perl におけるオブジェクト指向プログラミングのチュートリアルが
+L<perltoot> と L<perltooc> にあります。
+=begin original
+If you're still with us, then
+here are three very simple definitions that you should find reassuring.
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item 1.
+=begin original
+An object is simply a reference that happens to know which class it
+belongs to.
+=end original
+=item 2.
+=begin original
+A class is simply a package that happens to provide methods to deal
+with object references.
+=end original
+=item 3.
+=begin original
+A method is simply a subroutine that expects an object reference (or
+a package name, for class methods) as the first argument.
+=end original
+=begin original
+We'll cover these points now in more depth.
+=end original
+=head2 An Object is Simply a Reference
+X<object> X<bless> X<constructor> X<new>
+=begin original
+Unlike say C++, Perl doesn't provide any special syntax for
+constructors.  A constructor is merely a subroutine that returns a
+reference to something "blessed" into a class, generally the
+class that the subroutine is defined in.  Here is a typical
+=end original
+C++ とは違って、Perl はコンストラクタに対して特別な構文を用意していません。
+コンストラクタは単に、クラスに "bless" したなにかのリファレンスを
+    package Critter;
+    sub new { bless {} }
+=begin original
+That word C<new> isn't special.  You could have written
+a construct this way, too:
+=end original
+C<new> という語は特別なものではありません。
+    package Critter;
+    sub spawn { bless {} }
+=begin original
+This might even be preferable, because the C++ programmers won't
+be tricked into thinking that C<new> works in Perl as it does in C++.
+It doesn't.  We recommend that you name your constructors whatever
+makes sense in the context of the problem you're solving.  For example,
+constructors in the Tk extension to Perl are named after the widgets
+they create.
+=end original
+実際のところ、これは C++ プログラマーが C++ と同じように
+Perl の C<new> が動くと考えて落とし穴にはまることがないという点で
+例を挙げると、Perl の Tk エクステンションのコンストラクタでは、
+=begin original
+One thing that's different about Perl constructors compared with those in
+C++ is that in Perl, they have to allocate their own memory.  (The other
+things is that they don't automatically call overridden base-class
+constructors.)  The C<{}> allocates an anonymous hash containing no
+key/value pairs, and returns it  The bless() takes that reference and
+tells the object it references that it's now a Critter, and returns
+the reference.  This is for convenience, because the referenced object
+itself knows that it has been blessed, and the reference to it could
+have been returned directly, like this:
+=end original
+Perl のコンストラクタに関して C++ と違うことは、
+C++ では自分でメモリを割り当てる必要があるということです。
+C<{}> は空の無名ハッシュを割り当てます。
+bless() は引数にリファレンスを取り、そのオブジェクトにオブジェクトが
+Critter のリファレンスであることを教え、リファレンスを返します。
+参照されているオブジェクトはそれ自身自分が bless されていることを知っていて、
+    sub new {
+	my $self = {};
+	bless $self;
+	return $self;
+    }
+=begin original
+You often see such a thing in more complicated constructors
+that wish to call methods in the class as part of the construction:
+=end original
+    sub new {
+	my $self = {};
+	bless $self;
+	$self->initialize();
+	return $self;
+    }
+=begin original
+If you care about inheritance (and you should; see
+L<perlmodlib/"Modules: Creation, Use, and Abuse">),
+then you want to use the two-arg form of bless
+so that your constructors may be inherited:
+=end original
+L<perlmodlib/"Modules: Creation, Use, and Abuse">を参照してください)、
+継承されているかもしれないコンストラクタで引数二つを取る形式の bless を
+    sub new {
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $self = {};
+	bless $self, $class;
+	$self->initialize();
+	return $self;
+    }
+=begin original
+Or if you expect people to call not just C<< CLASS->new() >> but also
+C<< $obj->new() >>, then use something like the following.  (Note that using
+this to call new() on an instance does not automatically perform any
+copying.  If you want a shallow or deep copy of an object, you'll have to
+specifically allow for that.)  The initialize() method used will be of
+whatever $class we blessed the object into:
+=end original
+あるいは、ユーザーが C<< CLASS->new() >> ではなく C<< $obj->new() >>
+(インスタンスに対して new() を呼び出すのにこれを使っても、自動的なコピーは
+initialize() というメソッドは $class を私たちがオブジェクトに
+bless しているかどうかに関らず使われます。
+    sub new {
+	my $this = shift;
+	my $class = ref($this) || $this;
+	my $self = {};
+	bless $self, $class;
+	$self->initialize();
+	return $self;
+    }
+=begin original
+Within the class package, the methods will typically deal with the
+reference as an ordinary reference.  Outside the class package,
+the reference is generally treated as an opaque value that may
+be accessed only through the class's methods.
+=end original
+通してのみアクセスすることのできる不透明な値(opaque value)であるかのように
+=begin original
+Although a constructor can in theory re-bless a referenced object
+currently belonging to another class, this is almost certainly going
+to get you into trouble.  The new class is responsible for all
+cleanup later.  The previous blessing is forgotten, as an object
+may belong to only one class at a time.  (Although of course it's
+free to inherit methods from many classes.)  If you find yourself
+having to do this, the parent class is probably misbehaving, though.
+=end original
+属させるために、再 bless するかもしれません;
+以前の bless は忘れ去られます(多くのクラスからメソッドを継承することが
+=begin original
+A clarification:  Perl objects are blessed.  References are not.  Objects
+know which package they belong to.  References do not.  The bless()
+function uses the reference to find the object.  Consider
+the following example:
+=end original
+解説: Perl のオブジェクトは bless されています。
+関数 bless() はリファレンスをオブジェクトとみなすために使われます。
+    $a = {};
+    $b = $a;
+    bless $a, BLAH;
+    print "\$b is a ", ref($b), "\n";
+=begin original
+This reports $b as being a BLAH, so obviously bless()
+operated on the object and not on the reference.
+=end original
+これは "$b as being a BLAH" と表示されます;
+これで明らかなように、bless() はリファレンスに対してではなく
+=head2 A Class is Simply a Package
+X<class> X<package> X<@ISA> X<inheritance>
+=begin original
+Unlike say C++, Perl doesn't provide any special syntax for class
+definitions.  You use a package as a class by putting method
+definitions into the class.
+=end original
+C++ とは異なり、Perl はクラス定義に対する特別な構文を用意してはいません。
+=begin original
+There is a special array within each package called @ISA, which says
+where else to look for a method if you can't find it in the current
+package.  This is how Perl implements inheritance.  Each element of the
+ @ ISA array is just the name of another package that happens to be a
+class package.  The classes are searched for missing methods in
+depth-first, left-to-right order by default (see L<mro> for alternative
+search order and other in-depth information).  The classes accessible
+through @ISA are known as base classes of the current class.
+=end original
+メソッドを探しに行く別のパッケージを指示する @ISA と呼ばれる
+これが、Perl が継承を実装しているやり方です。
+配列 @ISA の各要素は、クラスパッケージである別のパッケージの名前です。
+(その他の検索順と、その他のより深い情報については L<mro> を
+ @ ISA を通じてでアクセスすることのできるクラスは、カレントクラスの
+=begin original
+All classes implicitly inherit from class C<UNIVERSAL> as their
+last base class.  Several commonly used methods are automatically
+supplied in the UNIVERSAL class; see L<"Default UNIVERSAL methods"> for
+more details.
+X<UNIVERSAL> X<base class> X<class, base>
+=end original
+全てのクラスは暗黙のうちにそのベースクラスとして C<UNIVERSAL> という
+UNIVERSAL クラスで自動的に提供される一般的に使われるメソッドが
+詳しくは L<"Default UNIVERSAL methods"> を参照してください。
+X<UNIVERSAL> X<base class> X<class, base>
+=begin original
+If a missing method is found in a base class, it is cached
+in the current class for efficiency.  Changing @ISA or defining new
+subroutines invalidates the cache and causes Perl to do the lookup again.
+=end original
+ @ ISA の変更や新たなサブルーチンの定義はキャッシュを無効化し、Perl に再度の
+=begin original
+If neither the current class, its named base classes, nor the UNIVERSAL
+class contains the requested method, these three places are searched
+all over again, this time looking for a method named AUTOLOAD().  If an
+AUTOLOAD is found, this method is called on behalf of the missing method,
+setting the package global $AUTOLOAD to be the fully qualified name of
+the method that was intended to be called.
+=end original
+カレントクラス、名前つきのベースクラス、UNIVERSAL クラスを検索して、
+AUTOLOAD() という名前のメソッドを検索します。
+AUTOLOAD が見つかれば、このメソッドは見失ったメソッドの途中で
+呼び出され、パッケージグローバルの $AUTOLOAD をメソッドの完全修飾名に
+=begin original
+If none of that works, Perl finally gives up and complains.
+=end original
+ここまで全部失敗したならば、Perl は音を上げてエラーメッセージを出します。
+=begin original
+If you want to stop the AUTOLOAD inheritance say simply
+=end original
+AUTOLOAD の継承を止めたい場合は、単に以下のようにすると:
+=begin original
+and the call will die using the name of the sub being called.
+=end original
+呼び出しは予備されたサブルーチンの名前を使って die します。
+=begin original
+Perl classes do method inheritance only.  Data inheritance is left up
+to the class itself.  By and large, this is not a problem in Perl,
+because most classes model the attributes of their object using an
+anonymous hash, which serves as its own little namespace to be carved up
+by the various classes that might want to do something with the object.
+The only problem with this is that you can't sure that you aren't using
+a piece of the hash that isn't already used.  A reasonable workaround
+is to prepend your fieldname in the hash with the package name.
+X<inheritance, method> X<inheritance, data>
+=end original
+Perl のクラスはメソッドの継承のみを行います。
+このことは Perl の問題ではありません。
+X<inheritance, method> X<inheritance, data>
+    sub bump {
+	my $self = shift;
+	$self->{ __PACKAGE__ . ".count"}++;
+    } 
+=head2 A Method is Simply a Subroutine
+=begin original
+Unlike say C++, Perl doesn't provide any special syntax for method
+definition.  (It does provide a little syntax for method invocation
+though.  More on that later.)  A method expects its first argument
+to be the object (reference) or package (string) it is being invoked
+on.  There are two ways of calling methods, which we'll call class
+methods and instance methods.  
+=end original
+C++ とは異なり、Perl はメソッド定義に対する特別な構文を持っていません
+=begin original
+A class method expects a class name as the first argument.  It
+provides functionality for the class as a whole, not for any
+individual object belonging to the class.  Constructors are often
+class methods, but see L<perltoot> and L<perltooc> for alternatives.
+Many class methods simply ignore their first argument, because they
+already know what package they're in and don't care what package
+they were invoked via.  (These aren't necessarily the same, because
+class methods follow the inheritance tree just like ordinary instance
+methods.)  Another typical use for class methods is to look up an
+object by name:
+=end original
+代替案については L<perltoot> と L<perltooc> を参照してください。
+    sub find {
+	my ($class, $name) = @_;
+	$objtable{$name};
+    }
+=begin original
+An instance method expects an object reference as its first argument.
+Typically it shifts the first argument into a "self" or "this" variable,
+and then uses that as an ordinary reference.
+=end original
+典型的には、第一引数は "self" とか "this" といった変数に shift され、
+    sub display {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my @keys = @_ ? @_ : sort keys %$self;
+	foreach $key (@keys) {
+	    print "\t$key => $self->{$key}\n";
+	}
+    }
+=head2 Method Invocation
+X<invocation> X<method> X<arrow> X<< -> >>
+=begin original
+For various historical and other reasons, Perl offers two equivalent
+ways to write a method call.  The simpler and more common way is to use
+the arrow notation:
+=end original
+歴史的、あるいはその他の様々な理由によって、Perl はメソッド呼び出しを
+    my $fred = Critter->find("Fred");
+    $fred->display("Height", "Weight");
+=begin original
+You should already be familiar with the use of the C<< -> >> operator with
+references.  In fact, since C<$fred> above is a reference to an object,
+you could think of the method call as just another form of
+=end original
+リファレンスに対する C<< -> >> 演算子の使用については既に
+実際のところ、上述の C<$fred> はオブジェクトへのリファレンスなので、
+=begin original
+Whatever is on the left side of the arrow, whether a reference or a
+class name, is passed to the method subroutine as its first argument.
+So the above code is mostly equivalent to:
+=end original
+    my $fred = Critter::find("Critter", "Fred");
+    Critter::display($fred, "Height", "Weight");
+=begin original
+How does Perl know which package the subroutine is in?  By looking at
+the left side of the arrow, which must be either a package name or a
+reference to an object, i.e. something that has been blessed to a
+package.  Either way, that's the package where Perl starts looking.  If
+that package has no subroutine with that name, Perl starts looking for
+it in any base classes of that package, and so on.
+=end original
+サブルーチンがどのパッケージにあるかを Perl はどうやって知るのでしょうか?
+矢印の左側を見ます; これはパッケージ名かオブジェクトへのリファレンス
+(つまりパッケージに bless された何か) のどちらかである必要があります。
+どちらの場合も、それが Perl が探し始めるパッケージです。
+もしそのパッケージに指定された名前のサブルーチンがないなら、Perl は
+そのパッケージの基底クラスを探し始めます; それを繰り返します。
+=begin original
+If you need to, you I<can> force Perl to start looking in some other package:
+=end original
+もし必要なら、Perl に他のパッケージを見るように強制することも I<可能です>。
+    my $barney = MyCritter->Critter::find("Barney");
+    $barney->Critter::display("Height", "Weight");
+=begin original
+Here C<MyCritter> is presumably a subclass of C<Critter> that defines
+its own versions of find() and display().  We haven't specified what
+those methods do, but that doesn't matter above since we've forced Perl
+to start looking for the subroutines in C<Critter>.
+=end original
+ここで C<MyCritter> は、おそらく自分自身の find() と display() を
+定義しているC<Critter> のサブクラスです。
+これらのサブルーチンを C<Critter> から探すように Perl に強制しているので、
+=begin original
+As a special case of the above, you may use the C<SUPER> pseudo-class to
+tell Perl to start looking for the method in the packages named in the
+current class's C<@ISA> list.  
+=end original
+上記の特別な場合として、現在のクラスの C<@ISA> リストにあるパッケージから
+メソッドを探し始めるように Perl に指示する、C<SUPER> 擬似クラスもあります。
+    package MyCritter;
+    use base 'Critter';    # sets @MyCritter::ISA = ('Critter');
+    sub display { 
+        my ($self, @args) = @_;
+        $self->SUPER::display("Name", @args);
+    }
+=begin original
+It is important to note that C<SUPER> refers to the superclass(es) of the
+I<current package> and not to the superclass(es) of the object. Also, the
+C<SUPER> pseudo-class can only currently be used as a modifier to a method
+name, but not in any of the other ways that class names are normally used,
+=end original
+C<SUPER> は、オブジェクトのスーパークラスではなく、I<カレントパッケージ> の
+また C<SUPER> 擬似クラスは現在のところメソッド名への修飾子としてのみ
+    something->SUPER::method(...);	# OK
+    SUPER::method(...);			# WRONG
+    SUPER->method(...);			# WRONG
+=begin original
+Instead of a class name or an object reference, you can also use any
+expression that returns either of those on the left side of the arrow.
+So the following statement is valid:
+=end original
+    Critter->find("Fred")->display("Height", "Weight");
+=begin original
+and so is the following:
+=end original
+    my $fred = (reverse "rettirC")->find(reverse "derF");
+=begin original
+The right side of the arrow typically is the method name, but a simple 
+scalar variable containing either the method name or a subroutine 
+reference can also be used.
+=end original
+=head2 Indirect Object Syntax
+X<indirect object syntax> X<invocation, indirect> X<indirect>
+=begin original
+The other way to invoke a method is by using the so-called "indirect
+object" notation.  This syntax was available in Perl 4 long before
+objects were introduced, and is still used with filehandles like this:
+=end original
+この文法は、オブジェクトが導入されるよりずっと以前の Perl 4 から
+   print STDERR "help!!!\n";
+=begin original
+The same syntax can be used to call either object or class methods.
+=end original
+   my $fred = find Critter "Fred";
+   display $fred "Height", "Weight";
+=begin original
+Notice that there is no comma between the object or class name and the
+parameters.  This is how Perl can tell you want an indirect method call
+instead of an ordinary subroutine call.
+=end original
+しようとしていることを Perl に伝えています。
+=begin original
+But what if there are no arguments?  In that case, Perl must guess what
+you want.  Even worse, it must make that guess I<at compile time>.
+Usually Perl gets it right, but when it doesn't you get a function
+call compiled as a method, or vice versa.  This can introduce subtle bugs
+that are hard to detect.
+=end original
+この場合、Perl は求められているものを推測しなければなりません。
+さらに悪いことに、この推測は B<コンパイル時> に行わなければなりません。
+Perl は通常正しい答を得るのですが、そうでなかった場合、あなたはメソッドとして
+=begin original
+For example, a call to a method C<new> in indirect notation -- as C++
+programmers are wont to make -- can be miscompiled into a subroutine
+call if there's already a C<new> function in scope.  You'd end up
+calling the current package's C<new> as a subroutine, rather than the
+desired class's method.  The compiler tries to cheat by remembering
+bareword C<require>s, but the grief when it messes up just isn't worth the
+years of debugging it will take you to track down such subtle bugs.
+=end original
+例を挙げると、(C++ プログラマーがそうしたくなるような)C<new> という
+メソッドの間接表記での呼び出しは、カレントのスコープですでに C<new> 関数が
+C<new> がサブルーチンとして呼び出されることになるのです。
+コンパイラはこの問題を裸の単語の C<require> を覚えておくことによって
+=begin original
+There is another problem with this syntax: the indirect object is
+limited to a name, a scalar variable, or a block, because it would have
+to do too much lookahead otherwise, just like any other postfix
+dereference in the language.  (These are the same quirky rules as are
+used for the filehandle slot in functions like C<print> and C<printf>.)
+This can lead to horribly confusing precedence problems, as in these
+next two lines:
+=end original
+この文法にも問題があります: 間接オブジェクトは名前、スカラ変数、
+ブロックに限定されます; なぜなら、他の言語における
+postfix dereference と同様に、多すぎる先読みをする必要があるからです
+(これらは C<print> や C<printf> のような関数におけるファイルハンドルスロットと
+    move $obj->{FIELD};                 # probably wrong!
+    move $ary[$i];                      # probably wrong!
+=begin original
+Those actually parse as the very surprising:
+=end original
+    $obj->move->{FIELD};                # Well, lookee here
+    $ary->move([$i]);                   # Didn't expect this one, eh?
+=begin original
+Rather than what you might have expected:
+=end original
+    $obj->{FIELD}->move();              # You should be so lucky.
+    $ary[$i]->move;                     # Yeah, sure.
+=begin original
+To get the correct behavior with indirect object syntax, you would have
+to use a block around the indirect object:
+=end original
+    move {$obj->{FIELD}};
+    move {$ary[$i]};
+=begin original
+Even then, you still have the same potential problem if there happens to
+be a function named C<move> in the current package.  B<The C<< -> >>
+notation suffers from neither of these disturbing ambiguities, so we
+recommend you use it exclusively.>  However, you may still end up having
+to read code using the indirect object notation, so it's important to be
+familiar with it.
+=end original
+この場合でも、もし現在のパッケージにたまたま C<move> という名前の関数が
+B<C<< -> >> 記法はこれらの物騒なあいまいさのどちらの影響も受けないので、
+=head2 Default UNIVERSAL methods
+(デフォルトの UNIVERSAL メソッド)
+=begin original
+The C<UNIVERSAL> package automatically contains the following methods that
+are inherited by all other classes:
+=end original
+C<UNIVERSAL> パッケージには、他の全てのクラスが自動的に継承する
+=over 4
+=item isa(CLASS)
+=begin original
+C<isa> returns I<true> if its object is blessed into a subclass of C<CLASS>
+=end original
+C<isa> は、オブジェクトが C<CLASS> のサブクラスに bless されていれば
+I<true> を返します。
+=begin original
+You can also call C<UNIVERSAL::isa> as a subroutine with two arguments.  Of
+course, this will do the wrong thing if someone has overridden C<isa> in a
+class, so don't do it.
+=end original
+C<UNIVERSAL::isa> を、2 引数を持つサブルーチンとして呼び出すこともできます。
+もちろん、もし誰かがクラスの中で C<isa> をオーバーライドしていると
+=begin original
+If you need to determine whether you've received a valid invocant, use the
+C<blessed> function from L<Scalar::Util>:
+X<invocant> X<blessed>
+=end original
+L<Scalar::Util> の C<blessed> を使ってください:
+X<invocant> X<blessed>
+    if (blessed($ref) && $ref->isa( 'Some::Class')) {
+        # ...
+    }
+=begin original
+C<blessed> returns the name of the package the argument has been
+blessed into, or C<undef>.
+=end original
+C<blessed> は、引数が bless されているパッケージ名か、あるいはC<undef> を
+=item can(METHOD)
+=begin original
+C<can> checks to see if its object has a method called C<METHOD>,
+if it does then a reference to the sub is returned, if it does not then
+I<undef> is returned.
+=end original
+C<can> はオブジェクトが C<METHOD> というメソッドを持っているかどうかを検査し、
+I<undef> を返します。
+=begin original
+C<UNIVERSAL::can> can also be called as a subroutine with two arguments.  It'll
+always return I<undef> if its first argument isn't an object or a class name.
+The same caveats for calling C<UNIVERSAL::isa> directly apply here, too.
+=end original
+C<UNIVERSAL::can> を、2 引数を持つサブルーチンとして呼び出すこともできます。
+もし 1 つめの引数がオブジェクトかクラス名でなかった場合、常に I<undef> を
+C<UNIVERSAL::isa> を直接呼び出す場合と同じ問題点もあります。
+=item VERSION( [NEED] )
+=begin original
+C<VERSION> returns the version number of the class (package).  If the
+NEED argument is given then it will check that the current version (as
+defined by the $VERSION variable in the given package) not less than
+NEED; it will die if this is not the case.  This method is normally
+called as a class method.  This method is called automatically by the
+C<VERSION> form of C<use>.
+=end original
+C<VERSION> はクラス(パッケージ)のバージョン番号を返します。
+引数 NEED が与えられている場合、カレントバージョン(指定されたパッケージ
+変数 $VERSION で定義されます)が NEED よりも小さくないことを検査します。
+もし小さければ die します。
+また、このメソッドは C<use> の C<VERSION> 形式によって自動的に呼び出されます。
+    use A 1.2 qw(some imported subs);
+    # implies:
+    A->VERSION(1.2);
+=begin original
+B<NOTE:> C<can> directly uses Perl's internal code for method lookup, and
+C<isa> uses a very similar method and cache-ing strategy. This may cause
+strange effects if the Perl code dynamically changes @ISA in any package.
+=end original
+B<注意:> C<can> は Perl の内部コードをメソッドの検索のために使用し、
+これにより、@ISA をパッケージの中で動的に変更したりすると、奇妙な影響を
+=begin original
+You may add other methods to the UNIVERSAL class via Perl or XS code.
+You do not need to C<use UNIVERSAL> to make these methods
+available to your program (and you should not do so).
+=end original
+Perl プログラムや XS プログラムを通じて、UNIVERSAL クラスに他のメソッドを
+C<use UNIVERSAL> を行う必要はありません
+=head2 Destructors
+X<destructor> X<DESTROY>
+=begin original
+When the last reference to an object goes away, the object is
+automatically destroyed.  (This may even be after you exit, if you've
+stored references in global variables.)  If you want to capture control
+just before the object is freed, you may define a DESTROY method in
+your class.  It will automatically be called at the appropriate moment,
+and you can do any extra cleanup you need to do.  Perl passes a reference
+to the object under destruction as the first (and only) argument.  Beware
+that the reference is a read-only value, and cannot be modified by
+manipulating C<$_[0]> within the destructor.  The object itself (i.e.
+the thingy the reference points to, namely C<${$_[0]}>, C<@{$_[0]}>, 
+C<%{$_[0]}> etc.) is not similarly constrained.
+=end original
+中で DESTROY メソッドを定義することができます。
+C<$_[0]> を操作することによって変更することはできません。
+オブジェクトそれ自身(C<${$_[0]}>, C<@{$_[0]}>, C<%{$_[0]}> のような名前の
+=begin original
+Since DESTROY methods can be called at unpredictable times, it is
+important that you localise any global variables that the method may
+update.  In particular, localise C<$@> if you use C<eval {}> and
+localise C<$?> if you use C<system> or backticks.
+=end original
+DESTROY メソッドは予測不能な回数呼び出されるかもしれないので、
+特に、C<eval {}> を使うなら C<$@> を、C<system> や逆クォートを使うなら
+C<$?> をローカル化してください。
+=begin original
+If you arrange to re-bless the reference before the destructor returns,
+perl will again call the DESTROY method for the re-blessed object after
+the current one returns.  This can be used for clean delegation of
+object destruction, or for ensuring that destructors in the base classes
+of your choosing get called.  Explicitly calling DESTROY is also possible,
+but is usually never needed.
+=end original
+デストラクタから抜ける前にリファレンスを再 bless するようにアレンジすると、
+perl はカレントのデストラクターから呼び出した後で再 bless されたオブジェクトの
+ための DESTROY メソッドを再度呼び出します。
+陽に DESTROY を呼び出すことも可能ですが、通常はそうする必要はありません。
+=begin original
+Do not confuse the previous discussion with how objects I<CONTAINED> in the current
+one are destroyed.  Such objects will be freed and destroyed automatically
+when the current object is freed, provided no other references to them exist
+=end original
+=head2 Summary
+=begin original
+That's about all there is to it.  Now you need just to go off and buy a
+book about object-oriented design methodology, and bang your forehead
+with it for the next six months or so.
+=end original
+=head2 Two-Phased Garbage Collection
+X<garbage collection> X<GC> X<circular reference>
+X<reference, circular> X<DESTROY> X<destructor>
+(2 フェーズガベージコレクション)
+=begin original
+For most purposes, Perl uses a fast and simple, reference-based
+garbage collection system.  That means there's an extra
+dereference going on at some level, so if you haven't built
+your Perl executable using your C compiler's C<-O> flag, performance
+will suffer.  If you I<have> built Perl with C<cc -O>, then this
+probably won't matter.
+=end original
+ほとんどの目的のために、Perl は単純かつ高速なリファレンスベースの
+このため、幾つかの段階において余計なデリファレンスが起こり、使用している Perl を
+ビルドするときに C<-O> フラグをコンパイラに使っていなければ、性能が劣化します。
+Perl をビルドするときに C<cc -O> を使っていれば、このデリファレンスは問題とは
+=begin original
+A more serious concern is that unreachable memory with a non-zero
+reference count will not normally get freed.  Therefore, this is a bad
+=end original
+アクセスできないメモリー(unreachable memory)が通常は
+    {
+	my $a;
+	$a = \$a;
+    }
+=begin original
+Even thought $a I<should> go away, it can't.  When building recursive data
+structures, you'll have to break the self-reference yourself explicitly
+if you don't care to leak.  For example, here's a self-referential
+node such as one might use in a sophisticated tree structure:
+=end original
+$a が無くなるように思えるのですが、できないのです。
+    sub new_node {
+	my $class = shift;
+	my $node  = {};
+	$node->{LEFT} = $node->{RIGHT} = $node;
+	$node->{DATA} = [ @_ ];
+	return bless $node => $class;
+    }
+=begin original
+If you create nodes like that, they (currently) won't go away unless you
+break their self reference yourself.  (In other words, this is not to be
+construed as a feature, and you shouldn't depend on it.)
+=end original
+=begin original
+=end original
+=begin original
+When an interpreter thread finally shuts down (usually when your program
+exits), then a rather costly but complete mark-and-sweep style of garbage
+collection is performed, and everything allocated by that thread gets
+destroyed.  This is essential to support Perl as an embedded or a
+multithreadable language.  For example, this program demonstrates Perl's
+two-phased garbage collection:
+=end original
+mark-and-sweep 形式のガベージコレクションが実行されます。
+たとえば以下のプログラムは Perl の 2 フェーズガベージコレクションを
+    #!/usr/bin/perl
+    package Subtle;
+    sub new {
+	my $test;
+	$test = \$test;
+	warn "CREATING " . \$test;
+	return bless \$test;
+    }
+    sub DESTROY {
+	my $self = shift;
+	warn "DESTROYING $self";
+    }
+    package main;
+    warn "starting program";
+    {
+	my $a = Subtle->new;
+	my $b = Subtle->new;
+	$$a = 0;  # break selfref
+	warn "leaving block";
+    }
+    warn "just exited block";
+    warn "time to die...";
+    exit;
+=begin original
+When run as F</foo/test>, the following output is produced:
+=end original
+F</foo/test> として実行したとき、以下のような出力をします。
+    starting program at /foo/test line 18.
+    CREATING SCALAR(0x8e5b8) at /foo/test line 7.
+    CREATING SCALAR(0x8e57c) at /foo/test line 7.
+    leaving block at /foo/test line 23.
+    DESTROYING Subtle=SCALAR(0x8e5b8) at /foo/test line 13.
+    just exited block at /foo/test line 26.
+    time to die... at /foo/test line 27.
+    DESTROYING Subtle=SCALAR(0x8e57c) during global destruction.
+=begin original
+Notice that "global destruction" bit there?  That's the thread
+garbage collector reaching the unreachable.
+=end original
+"global destruction" がどこにあるかわかりますか? これは、スレッド
+=begin original
+Objects are always destructed, even when regular refs aren't.  Objects
+are destructed in a separate pass before ordinary refs just to 
+prevent object destructors from using refs that have been themselves
+destructed.  Plain refs are only garbage-collected if the destruct level
+is greater than 0.  You can test the higher levels of global destruction
+by setting the PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL environment variable, presuming
+C<-DDEBUGGING> was enabled during perl build time.
+See L<perlhack/PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL> for more information.
+=end original
+一般のリファレンス(regulaer refs)が破棄されなかった場合でもそうですし、
+通常のリファレンス(ordinary refs)がオブジェクトデストラクターが自分自身を
+plain なリファレンスは、そのデストラクトレベルが 0 以上であるときには
+Perl をビルドするときに C<-DDEBUGGING> が有効になっていれば、
+PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL という環境変数に対する設定をすることによって、
+さらなる情報については L<perlhack/PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL> を参照してください。
+=begin original
+A more complete garbage collection strategy will be implemented
+at a future date.
+=end original
+=begin original
+In the meantime, the best solution is to create a non-recursive container
+class that holds a pointer to the self-referential data structure.
+Define a DESTROY method for the containing object's class that manually
+breaks the circularities in the self-referential structure.
+=end original
+そういったオブジェクトのクラスでの DESTORY メソッドの定義は
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=begin original
+A kinder, gentler tutorial on object-oriented programming in Perl can
+be found in L<perltoot>, L<perlboot> and L<perltooc>.  You should
+also check out L<perlbot> for other object tricks, traps, and tips, as
+well as L<perlmodlib> for some style guides on constructing both
+modules and classes.
+=end original
+Perl におけるオブジェクト指向プログラムに関するより親切で丁寧な
+チュートリアルは L<perltoot>, L<perlboot>, L<perltooc> にあります。
+また、その他のオブジェクトの罠や小技については L<perlbot> を、
+モジュールとクラスの作成に関するスタイルガイドについては L<perlmodlib> を
+=begin meta
+Created: KIMURA Koichi
+Updated: Kentaro Shirakata <argra****@ub32*****> (5.8.8-)
+=end meta

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