[perldocjp-cvs 1387] CVS update: docs/modules/autouse-1.06

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2011年 12月 14日 (水) 01:42:56 JST

Index: docs/modules/autouse-1.06/autouse.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/autouse-1.06/autouse.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Dec 14 01:42:56 2011
+++ docs/modules/autouse-1.06/autouse.pod	Wed Dec 14 01:42:56 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+autouse - postpone load of modules until a function is used
+=end original
+autouse - 関数が使われるまでモジュールの読み込みを延期する
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use autouse 'Carp' => qw(carp croak);
+  carp "this carp was predeclared and autoused ";
+=begin original
+If the module C<Module> is already loaded, then the declaration
+=end original
+モジュール C<Module> が既に読み込まれていれば、以下の宣言は
+  use autouse 'Module' => qw(func1 func2($;$));
+=begin original
+is equivalent to
+=end original
+  use Module qw(func1 func2);
+=begin original
+if C<Module> defines func2() with prototype C<($;$)>, and func1() has
+no prototypes.  (At least if C<Module> uses C<Exporter>'s C<import>,
+otherwise it is a fatal error.)
+=end original
+C<Module> で、プロトタイプ C<($;$)> で func2() を、プロトタイプなしで
+func1() を定義している場合です。
+(少なくとも C<Module> が C<Exporter> の C<import> を使っている場合です;
+=begin original
+If the module C<Module> is not loaded yet, then the above declaration
+declares functions func1() and func2() in the current package.  When
+these functions are called, they load the package C<Module> if needed,
+and substitute themselves with the correct definitions.
+=end original
+モジュール C<Module> がまだ読み込まれていない場合、上述の宣言は
+現在のパッケージの関数 func1() と func2() を宣言します。
+これらの関数が呼び出されると、必要ならパッケージが C<Module> が読み込まれ、
+=begin _deprecated
+   use Module qw(Module::func3);
+will work and is the equivalent to:
+   use Module qw(func3);
+It is not a very useful feature and has been deprecated.
+=end _deprecated
+=head1 WARNING
+=begin original
+Using C<autouse> will move important steps of your program's execution
+from compile time to runtime.  This can
+=end original
+Using C<autouse> will move important steps of your program's execution
+from compile time to runtime.  This can
+=over 4
+=item *
+=begin original
+Break the execution of your program if the module you C<autouse>d has
+some initialization which it expects to be done early.
+=end original
+Break the execution of your program if the module you C<autouse>d has
+some initialization which it expects to be done early.
+=item *
+=begin original
+hide bugs in your code since important checks (like correctness of
+prototypes) is moved from compile time to runtime.  In particular, if
+the prototype you specified on C<autouse> line is wrong, you will not
+find it out until the corresponding function is executed.  This will be
+very unfortunate for functions which are not always called (note that
+for such functions C<autouse>ing gives biggest win, for a workaround
+see below).
+=end original
+hide bugs in your code since important checks (like correctness of
+prototypes) is moved from compile time to runtime.  In particular, if
+the prototype you specified on C<autouse> line is wrong, you will not
+find it out until the corresponding function is executed.  This will be
+very unfortunate for functions which are not always called (note that
+for such functions C<autouse>ing gives biggest win, for a workaround
+see below).
+=begin original
+To alleviate the second problem (partially) it is advised to write
+your scripts like this:
+=end original
+To alleviate the second problem (partially) it is advised to write
+your scripts like this:
+  use Module;
+  use autouse Module => qw(carp($) croak(&$));
+  carp "this carp was predeclared and autoused ";
+=begin original
+The first line ensures that the errors in your argument specification
+are found early.  When you ship your application you should comment
+out the first line, since it makes the second one useless.
+=end original
+The first line ensures that the errors in your argument specification
+are found early.  When you ship your application you should comment
+out the first line, since it makes the second one useless.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ilya Zakharevich (ilya****@math*****)
+=head1 SEE ALSO

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