[perldocjp-cvs 1663] CVS update: docs/modules/threads-shared-1.29/threads

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2012年 12月 17日 (月) 23:25:02 JST

Index: docs/modules/threads-shared-1.29/threads/shared.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/threads-shared-1.29/threads/shared.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Mon Dec 17 23:25:02 2012
+++ docs/modules/threads-shared-1.29/threads/shared.pod	Mon Dec 17 23:25:02 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,855 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+threads::shared - Perl extension for sharing data structures between threads
+=end original
+threads::shared - スレッド間でデータ構造を共有するための Perl エクステンション
+=head1 VERSION
+=begin original
+This document describes threads::shared version 1.29
+=end original
+このドキュメントは threads::shared バージョン 1.29 を記述しています。
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use threads;
+  use threads::shared;
+  my $var :shared;
+  my %hsh :shared;
+  my @ary :shared;
+  my ($scalar, @array, %hash);
+  share($scalar);
+  share(@array);
+  share(%hash);
+  $var = $scalar_value;
+  $var = $shared_ref_value;
+  $var = shared_clone($non_shared_ref_value);
+  $var = shared_clone({'foo' => [qw/foo bar baz/]});
+  $hsh{'foo'} = $scalar_value;
+  $hsh{'bar'} = $shared_ref_value;
+  $hsh{'baz'} = shared_clone($non_shared_ref_value);
+  $hsh{'quz'} = shared_clone([1..3]);
+  $ary[0] = $scalar_value;
+  $ary[1] = $shared_ref_value;
+  $ary[2] = shared_clone($non_shared_ref_value);
+  $ary[3] = shared_clone([ {}, [] ]);
+  { lock(%hash); ...  }
+  cond_wait($scalar);
+  cond_timedwait($scalar, time() + 30);
+  cond_broadcast(@array);
+  cond_signal(%hash);
+  my $lockvar :shared;
+  # condition var != lock var
+  cond_wait($var, $lockvar);
+  cond_timedwait($var, time()+30, $lockvar);
+=begin original
+By default, variables are private to each thread, and each newly created
+thread gets a private copy of each existing variable.  This module allows you
+to share variables across different threads (and pseudo-forks on Win32).  It
+is used together with the L<threads> module.
+=end original
+このモジュールは、異なるスレッド(と Win32 上の擬似 fork)間で変数を
+L<threads> モジュールと共に使います。
+=begin original
+This module supports the sharing of the following data types only:  scalars
+and scalar refs, arrays and array refs, and hashes and hash refs.
+=end original
+このモジュールは以下のデータ型の共有にのみ対応しています: スカラと
+=head1 EXPORT
+=begin original
+The following functions are exported by this module: C<share>,
+C<shared_clone>, C<is_shared>, C<cond_wait>, C<cond_timedwait>, C<cond_signal>
+and C<cond_broadcast>
+=end original
+いかの関数がこのモジュールによってエクスポートされます: C<share>,
+C<shared_clone>, C<is_shared>, C<cond_wait>, C<cond_timedwait>,
+C<cond_signal>, C<cond_broadcast>
+=begin original
+Note that if this module is imported when L<threads> has not yet been loaded,
+then these functions all become no-ops.  This makes it possible to write
+modules that will work in both threaded and non-threaded environments.
+=end original
+まだ L<threads> がロードされていない段階でこのモジュールをインポートすると、
+=over 4
+=item share VARIABLE
+=begin original
+C<share> takes a variable and marks it as shared:
+=end original
+C<share> は値を引数に取り、それを共有化されたものとしてマークします:
+  my ($scalar, @array, %hash);
+  share($scalar);
+  share(@array);
+  share(%hash);
+=begin original
+C<share> will return the shared rvalue, but always as a reference.
+=end original
+C<share> は共有された右辺値を返しますが、常にリファレンスとして返します。
+=begin original
+Variables can also be marked as shared at compile time by using the
+C<:shared> attribute:
+=end original
+C<:shared> 属性を使うことで、ある変数をコンパイル時に共有化されたものとして
+  my ($var, %hash, @array) :shared;
+=begin original
+Shared variables can only store scalars, refs of shared variables, or
+refs of shared data (discussed in next section):
+=end original
+リファレンスのみを保管できます (次の節で議論します):
+  my ($var, %hash, @array) :shared;
+  my $bork;
+  # Storing scalars
+  $var = 1;
+  $hash{'foo'} = 'bar';
+  $array[0] = 1.5;
+  # Storing shared refs
+  $var = \%hash;
+  $hash{'ary'} = \@array;
+  $array[1] = \$var;
+  # The following are errors:
+  #   $var = \$bork;                    # ref of non-shared variable
+  #   $hash{'bork'} = [];               # non-shared array ref
+  #   push(@array, { 'x' => 1 });       # non-shared hash ref
+=item shared_clone REF
+=begin original
+C<shared_clone> takes a reference, and returns a shared version of its
+argument, performing a deep copy on any non-shared elements.  Any shared
+elements in the argument are used as is (i.e., they are not cloned).
+=end original
+C<shared_clone> はリファレンスを取って、非共有要素のディープコピーを
+引数の中の共有要素はそのまま使われます (つまりクローンされません)。
+  my $cpy = shared_clone({'foo' => [qw/foo bar baz/]});
+=begin original
+Object status (i.e., the class an object is blessed into) is also cloned.
+=end original
+オブジェクト状態 (つまりオブジェクトが bless されているクラス) も
+  my $obj = {'foo' => [qw/foo bar baz/]};
+  bless($obj, 'Foo');
+  my $cpy = shared_clone($obj);
+  print(ref($cpy), "\n");         # Outputs 'Foo'
+=begin original
+For cloning empty array or hash refs, the following may also be used:
+=end original
+  $var = &share([]);   # Same as $var = shared_clone([]);
+  $var = &share({});   # Same as $var = shared_clone({});
+=item is_shared VARIABLE
+=begin original
+C<is_shared> checks if the specified variable is shared or not.  If shared,
+returns the variable's internal ID (similar to
+L<refaddr()|Scalar::Util/"refaddr EXPR">).  Otherwise, returns C<undef>.
+=end original
+C<is_shared> は、指定された変数が共有されているかどうかをチェックします。
+共有されていれば、(L<refaddr()|Scalar::Util/"refaddr EXPR"> と同様に) 変数の
+内部 ID を返します。
+そうでなければ、C<undef> を返します。
+  if (is_shared($var)) {
+      print("\$var is shared\n");
+  } else {
+      print("\$var is not shared\n");
+  }
+=begin original
+When used on an element of an array or hash, C<is_shared> checks if the
+specified element belongs to a shared array or hash.  (It does not check
+the contents of that element.)
+=end original
+配列やハッシュの要素に使われた場合、C<is_shared> は指定された要素が
+  my %hash :shared;
+  if (is_shared(%hash)) {
+      print("\%hash is shared\n");
+  }
+  $hash{'elem'} = 1;
+  if (is_shared($hash{'elem'})) {
+      print("\$hash{'elem'} is in a shared hash\n");
+  }
+=item lock VARIABLE
+=begin original
+C<lock> places a B<advisory> lock on a variable until the lock goes out of
+scope.  If the variable is locked by another thread, the C<lock> call will
+block until it's available.  Multiple calls to C<lock> by the same thread from
+within dynamically nested scopes are safe -- the variable will remain locked
+until the outermost lock on the variable goes out of scope.
+=end original
+C<lock> はスコープから外れるまで変数を B<助言> ロックします。
+可能になるまで C<lock> の呼び出しはブロックされます。
+動的にネストしたスコープの中から同じスレッドによって複数回 C<lock> を
+呼び出しても安全です -- 最も外側のロックがスコープから抜けるまでその変数は
+=begin original
+C<lock> follows references exactly I<one> level:
+=end original
+C<lock> はリファレンスを正確に I<1> レベル辿ります:
+  my %hash :shared;
+  my $ref = \%hash;
+  lock($ref);           # This is equivalent to lock(%hash)
+=begin original
+Note that you cannot explicitly unlock a variable; you can only wait for the
+lock to go out of scope.  This is most easily accomplished by locking the
+variable inside a block.
+=end original
+明示的に変数を unlock することはできないことに注意してください;
+  my $var :shared;
+  {
+      lock($var);
+      # $var is locked from here to the end of the block
+      ...
+  }
+  # $var is now unlocked
+=begin original
+As locks are advisory, they do not prevent data access or modification by
+another thread that does not itself attempt to obtain a lock on the variable.
+=end original
+=begin original
+You cannot lock the individual elements of a container variable:
+=end original
+  my %hash :shared;
+  $hash{'foo'} = 'bar';
+  #lock($hash{'foo'});          # Error
+  lock(%hash);                  # Works
+=begin original
+If you need more fine-grained control over shared variable access, see
+=end original
+L<Thread::Semaphore> を参照してください。
+=item cond_wait VARIABLE
+=item cond_wait CONDVAR, LOCKVAR
+=begin original
+The C<cond_wait> function takes a B<locked> variable as a parameter, unlocks
+the variable, and blocks until another thread does a C<cond_signal> or
+C<cond_broadcast> for that same locked variable.  The variable that
+C<cond_wait> blocked on is relocked after the C<cond_wait> is satisfied.  If
+there are multiple threads C<cond_wait>ing on the same variable, all but one
+will re-block waiting to reacquire the lock on the variable. (So if you're only
+using C<cond_wait> for synchronisation, give up the lock as soon as possible).
+The two actions of unlocking the variable and entering the blocked wait state
+are atomic, the two actions of exiting from the blocked wait state and
+re-locking the variable are not.
+=end original
+C<cond_wait> 関数は B<ロックされた> 変数を引数に取り、その変数のロックを
+そして他のスレッドがその同じロックされていた変数に向けて C<cond_signal> か
+C<cond_broadcast> するまで、ブロック(待機)します。
+C<cond_wait> がブロックする変数は、C<cond_wait> が完了した後、再度
+もし複数のスレッドが同じ変数に対して C<cond_wait> しているなら、
+ブロックします (よって同期のために C<cond_wait> を使うだけなら、可能な限り
+=begin original
+In its second form, C<cond_wait> takes a shared, B<unlocked> variable followed
+by a shared, B<locked> variable.  The second variable is unlocked and thread
+execution suspended until another thread signals the first variable.
+=end original
+第二の書式では、C<cond_wait> は B<ロックされていない> 共有変数をとり、
+その後ろに B<ロック> された共有変数がきます。
+=begin original
+It is important to note that the variable can be notified even if no thread
+C<cond_signal> or C<cond_broadcast> on the variable.  It is therefore
+important to check the value of the variable and go back to waiting if the
+requirement is not fulfilled.  For example, to pause until a shared counter
+drops to zero:
+=end original
+どのスレッドも、変数に対し C<cond_signal> や C<cond_broadcast> をしなくても、
+その変数は notify されうるということに注意することが重要です。
+例えば、共有カウンタが 0 になるまで停止するには:
+  { lock($counter); cond_wait($counter) until $counter == 0; }
+=item cond_timedwait VARIABLE, ABS_TIMEOUT
+=item cond_timedwait CONDVAR, ABS_TIMEOUT, LOCKVAR
+=begin original
+In its two-argument form, C<cond_timedwait> takes a B<locked> variable and an
+absolute timeout as parameters, unlocks the variable, and blocks until the
+timeout is reached or another thread signals the variable.  A false value is
+returned if the timeout is reached, and a true value otherwise.  In either
+case, the variable is re-locked upon return.
+=end original
+二つの引数をとる形式では、C<cond_timedwait> は B<ロックされた> 変数と
+=begin original
+Like C<cond_wait>, this function may take a shared, B<locked> variable as an
+additional parameter; in this case the first parameter is an B<unlocked>
+condition variable protected by a distinct lock variable.
+=end original
+C<cond_wait> 同様、この関数は B<ロックされた> 共有変数を追加の
+パラメータとしてとれます; この場合、最初のパラメータは
+B<ロックされていない> 条件変数であり、これと区別されるロック変数によって
+=begin original
+Again like C<cond_wait>, waking up and reacquiring the lock are not atomic,
+and you should always check your desired condition after this function
+returns.  Since the timeout is an absolute value, however, it does not have to
+be recalculated with each pass:
+=end original
+さらに C<cond_wait> 同様、覚醒とロックの再獲得はアトミックではありません。
+  lock($var);
+  my $abs = time() + 15;
+  until ($ok = desired_condition($var)) {
+      last if !cond_timedwait($var, $abs);
+  }
+  # we got it if $ok, otherwise we timed out!
+=item cond_signal VARIABLE
+=begin original
+The C<cond_signal> function takes a B<locked> variable as a parameter and
+unblocks one thread that's C<cond_wait>ing on that variable. If more than one
+thread is blocked in a C<cond_wait> on that variable, only one (and which one
+is indeterminate) will be unblocked.
+=end original
+C<cond_signal> 関数は B<ロックされた> 変数を引数にとり、その変数に対して
+C<cond_wait> している一つのスレッドのブロックを解除します。
+もし一つ以上のスレッドが C<cond_wait> してブロックされているなら、ただ一つの
+スレッドだけがブロックを解除されます (そしてどの一つかは不確定です)。
+=begin original
+If there are no threads blocked in a C<cond_wait> on the variable, the signal
+is discarded. By always locking before signaling, you can (with care), avoid
+signaling before another thread has entered cond_wait().
+=end original
+もしどのスレッドもその変数を C<cond_wait> していない場合、シグナルは
+常にシグナルの前にロックされるので、他のスレッドが cond_wait() に入る前に
+=begin original
+C<cond_signal> will normally generate a warning if you attempt to use it on an
+unlocked variable. On the rare occasions where doing this may be sensible, you
+can suppress the warning with:
+=end original
+ロックされていない変数に対し C<cond_signal> を試みると、通常は警告を
+  { no warnings 'threads'; cond_signal($foo); }
+=item cond_broadcast VARIABLE
+=begin original
+The C<cond_broadcast> function works similarly to C<cond_signal>.
+C<cond_broadcast>, though, will unblock B<all> the threads that are blocked in
+a C<cond_wait> on the locked variable, rather than only one.
+=end original
+C<cond_broadcast> 関数は C<cond_signal> とよく似た働きをします。
+しかし C<cond_broadcast> はスレッド一つだけではなく、ロックされた変数に
+対して C<cond_wait> して待機中の B<全ての> スレッドをブロック解除します。
+=head1 OBJECTS
+=begin original
+L<threads::shared> exports a version of L<bless()|perlfunc/"bless REF"> that
+works on shared objects such that I<blessings> propagate across threads.
+=end original
+L<threads::shared> I<bless> がスレッドをまたいで伝搬するような
+共有オブジェクトで動作するバージョンの L<bless()|perlfunc/"bless REF"> を
+  # Create a shared 'Foo' object
+  my $foo :shared = shared_clone({});
+  bless($foo, 'Foo');
+  # Create a shared 'Bar' object
+  my $bar :shared = shared_clone({});
+  bless($bar, 'Bar');
+  # Put 'bar' inside 'foo'
+  $foo->{'bar'} = $bar;
+  # Rebless the objects via a thread
+  threads->create(sub {
+      # Rebless the outer object
+      bless($foo, 'Yin');
+      # Cannot directly rebless the inner object
+      #bless($foo->{'bar'}, 'Yang');
+      # Retrieve and rebless the inner object
+      my $obj = $foo->{'bar'};
+      bless($obj, 'Yang');
+      $foo->{'bar'} = $obj;
+  })->join();
+  print(ref($foo),          "\n");    # Prints 'Yin'
+  print(ref($foo->{'bar'}), "\n");    # Prints 'Yang'
+  print(ref($bar),          "\n");    # Also prints 'Yang'
+=head1 NOTES
+=begin original
+L<threads::shared> is designed to disable itself silently if threads are not
+available.  This allows you to write modules and packages that can be used
+in both threaded and non-threaded applications.
+=end original
+threads が利用できない場合、L<threads::shared> は黙って利用不可になるよう
+=begin original
+If you want access to threads, you must C<use threads> before you
+C<use threads::shared>.  L<threads> will emit a warning if you use it after
+=end original
+threads にアクセスしようとするなら、C<use threads::shared> する前に
+C<use threads> しなければなりません。
+L<threads::shared> の後に L<threads> を use しようとすれば、警告が
+=begin original
+When C<share> is used on arrays, hashes, array refs or hash refs, any data
+they contain will be lost.
+=end original
+C<share> が配列、ハッシュ、配列リファレンス、ハッシュリファレンスで
+  my @arr = qw(foo bar baz);
+  share(@arr);
+  # @arr is now empty (i.e., == ());
+  # Create a 'foo' object
+  my $foo = { 'data' => 99 };
+  bless($foo, 'foo');
+  # Share the object
+  share($foo);        # Contents are now wiped out
+  print("ERROR: \$foo is empty\n")
+      if (! exists($foo->{'data'}));
+=begin original
+Therefore, populate such variables B<after> declaring them as shared.  (Scalar
+and scalar refs are not affected by this problem.)
+=end original
+従って、このような変数は、共有すると宣言した B<後に> 設定してください。
+=begin original
+It is often not wise to share an object unless the class itself has been
+written to support sharing.  For example, an object's destructor may get
+called multiple times, once for each thread's scope exit.  Another danger is
+that the contents of hash-based objects will be lost due to the above
+mentioned limitation.  See F<examples/class.pl> (in the CPAN distribution of
+this module) for how to create a class that supports object sharing.
+=end original
+CPAN 配布に含まれている F<examples/class.pl> を参照してください。
+=begin original
+Does not support C<splice> on arrays!
+=end original
+配列に対する C<splice> はサポートしていません!
+=begin original
+Taking references to the elements of shared arrays and hashes does not
+autovivify the elements, and neither does slicing a shared array/hash over
+non-existent indices/keys autovivify the elements.
+=end original
+=begin original
+C<share()> allows you to C<< share($hashref->{key}) >> and
+C<< share($arrayref->[idx]) >> without giving any error message.  But the
+C<< $hashref->{key} >> or C<< $arrayref->[idx] >> is B<not> shared, causing
+the error "lock can only be used on shared values" to occur when you attempt
+to C<< lock($hasref->{key}) >> or C<< lock($arrayref->[idx]) >> in another
+=end original
+C<< share($hashref->{key}) >> や C<< share($arrayref->[idx]) >> しても、
+C<share()> はエラーメッセージを出しません。
+しかし、C<< $hashref->{key} >> や C<< $arrayref->[idx] >> は共有
+B<されません>; 他のスレッドで C<< lock($hashref->{key}) >> や
+C<< lock($arrayref->[idx]) >> しようとすれば
+"locking can only be used on shared values" (ロックは共有変数に対してのみ
+使用できます) というエラーが発生します。
+=begin original
+Using L<refaddr()|Scalar::Util/"refaddr EXPR">) is unreliable for testing
+whether or not two shared references are equivalent (e.g., when testing for
+circular references).  Use L<is_shared()/"is_shared VARIABLE">, instead:
+=end original
+L<refaddr()|Scalar::Util/"refaddr EXPR">) の使用は、二つの共有リファレンスが
+等価かどうかをテストする (例えば循環参照をテストする) には信頼性が
+代わりに L<is_shared()/"is_shared VARIABLE"> を使ってください:
+    use threads;
+    use threads::shared;
+    use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr);
+    # If ref is shared, use threads::shared's internal ID.
+    # Otherwise, use refaddr().
+    my $addr1 = is_shared($ref1) || refaddr($ref1);
+    my $addr2 = is_shared($ref2) || refaddr($ref2);
+    if ($addr1 == $addr2) {
+        # The refs are equivalent
+    }
+=begin original
+L<each()|perlfunc/"each HASH"> does not work properly on shared references
+embedded in shared structures.  For example:
+=end original
+L<each()|perlfunc/"each HASH"> は共有構造体に組み込まれた共有リファレンスには
+    my %foo :shared;
+    $foo{'bar'} = shared_clone({'a'=>'x', 'b'=>'y', 'c'=>'z'});
+    while (my ($key, $val) = each(%{$foo{'bar'}})) {
+        ...
+    }
+=begin original
+Either of the following will work instead:
+=end original
+    my $ref = $foo{'bar'};
+    while (my ($key, $val) = each(%{$ref})) {
+        ...
+    }
+    foreach my $key (keys(%{$foo{'bar'}})) {
+        my $val = $foo{'bar'}{$key};
+        ...
+    }
+=begin original
+View existing bug reports at, and submit any new bugs, problems, patches, etc.
+to: L<http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=threads-shared>
+=end original
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=begin original
+L<threads::shared> Discussion Forum on CPAN:
+=end original
+CPAN の L<threads::shared> ディスカッションフォーラム:
+=begin original
+Annotated POD for L<threads::shared>:
+=end original
+L<threads::shared> の注釈付き POD:
+=begin original
+Source repository:
+=end original
+L<threads>, L<perlthrtut>
+=begin original
+L<http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2002/06/11/threads.html> and
+=end original
+L<http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2002/06/11/threads.html> と
+=begin original
+Perl threads mailing list:
+=end original
+Perl threads メーリングリスト:
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Artur Bergman E<lt>sky AT crucially DOT netE<gt>
+Documentation borrowed from the old Thread.pm.
+CPAN version produced by Jerry D. Hedden E<lt>jdhedden AT cpan DOT orgE<gt>.
+=head1 LICENSE
+threads::shared is released under the same license as Perl.
+=begin meta
+Update: SHIRAKATA Kentaro <argra****@ub32*****> (1.14-)
+Status: completed
+=end meta

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