[perldocjp-cvs 1434] CVS update: docs/perl/5.16.0

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2012年 5月 13日 (日) 15:36:19 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.16.0/perl5160delta.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.16.0/perl5160delta.pod:1.14 docs/perl/5.16.0/perl5160delta.pod:1.15
--- docs/perl/5.16.0/perl5160delta.pod:1.14	Fri May  4 20:19:08 2012
+++ docs/perl/5.16.0/perl5160delta.pod	Sun May 13 15:36:19 2012
@@ -1493,6 +1493,30 @@
 sfio, stdio
+=begin original
+Perl supports being built without PerlIO proper, using a stdio or sfio
+wrapper instead.  A perl build like this will not support IO layers and
+thus Unicode IO, making it rather handicapped.
+=end original
+Perl supports being built without PerlIO proper, using a stdio or sfio
+wrapper instead.  A perl build like this will not support IO layers and
+thus Unicode IO, making it rather handicapped.
+=begin original
+PerlIO supports a C<stdio> layer if stdio use is desired, and similarly a
+sfio layer could be produced. 
+=end original
+PerlIO supports a C<stdio> layer if stdio use is desired, and similarly a
+sfio layer could be produced. 
 =item *
 =begin original

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