PHP Lists Automoderator
2007年 4月 9日 (月) 12:33:20 JST
As a spam prevention measure, we require you to confirm your email address before the PHP mailing lists will accept your mail. The mail that you sent is currently held in quarantine, so that once you have confirmed your identity, it will be released and sent to the lists--there is no need to resend it. All you have to do in order to have your original message sent is send an email to confi****@lists***** with the following text (square brackets and all): [confirm: 2e41ec695df0f373887dd566ff634be8 php-i****@lists*****] which you should be able to do simply by replying to this email. (Don't worry, any leading text added for quoting will simply be ignored.) Confirmation is a one-time process; you will not need to perform this action for messages that you send in the future. (Note that the newsgroups available at news:// are simply gateways to the mailing lists, which is why you may have gotten this email as a result of posting to those newsgroups.) --- Your original email is below. Return-Path: <php-i****@lists*****> Authentication-Results: header.from=php-g****@lists*****; sender-id=permerror Authentication-Results: smtp.mail=php-i****@lists*****; spf=permerror; sender-id=unknown Received-SPF: error ( domain from cause and error) X-PHP-List-Original-Sender: php-i****@lists***** X-Host-Fingerprint: unknown Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP1 Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2007 23:33:18 -0400 Received: from [] ([] helo=microsof-53388e) by (ecelerity r(12769M)) with ESMTP id 16/22-18272-BF3B9164 for <php-g****@lists*****>; Sun, 08 Apr 2007 23:33:18 -0400 MIME-Version: 1.0 X-Originating-IP: [189.321.7.3] X-Originating-Email: [php-g****@lists*****] X-Sender: php-g****@lists***** Return-Path: php-g****@lists***** Received: (qmail 12496 by uid 494); Mon, 9 Apr 2007 11:33:15 +0800 Message-Id: <20070409193315.12498.qmail @ microsof-53388e> To: <php-g****@lists*****> Subject: Online Help From: Online MensHealth <php-g****@lists*****> MIME-Version: 1.0 Importance: High Content-Type: text/html <style> <!I have been lowcarbing for about 3months (had a week off over xmas) however, back on induction.... If i do a small amount of cardio e.g 30 - 40 mins Bike; after - the endorphins seem to flow and i don't feel too bad. However, if i do resistance training i seem to feel really drained of energy and i am overcome by a generall feeling of unwellness. After resistance training today (feeling drained)i went and ate a low carb breakfast, which seemed to pick me up but throughout the day i have still felt pretty shitty... Help anyone? I know this post is prob a bit vague but im hoping its just a common hurdle that people know about........... Wayne ><!HAHAHAHAHA. This cross-