[PRb-list] comes to be enrolled among circle-squarers and earth-stoppers, where, as the old philo

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Shellhorn Steinlicht foste****@jsky*****
2010年 3月 31日 (水) 10:32:09 JST

Mbrous lot over to
the notorious collector of mathematical
papers, blessing himself that he got rid of
them in a manner which would insure their return if he were called upon
by the owners to restore them.
It is much against this hypothesis that Dodson, who certainly
recalculated, can say nothing more about Warner than
a repetition of Wallis's story: though, had Collins
kept the papers, they would probably have been in Jones's possession at
the very time when Dodson,

who was a friend of Jones and a user of his library, was engaged on his
own computations. But even books, and still more manuscripts, are often
singularly overlooked;
and it remains
not very improbable that
table is now at Shirburn Castle, among the unexamined manuscripts.
CYCLOMETRY AND STEEL PENS. _Redit labor actus in orbem._[584] Among the
which have come to me since the Budget

opened, there is a pamphlet of quadrature of two pages and a half from
Professor Recalcati,[585] already mentioned. It ends with "Quelque
objection qu'on fasse touchant les raisonnements ci-dessus on tombera
toujours dans l'absurde."[586] A civil engineer--so he says--has made
the quadrature "no longer a problem, but an axiom." As follows: "Take
the quadrant of a circle whose circumference is given, square the
quadrant which gives the true square of the circle. Because 30 / 4 = 7.5
x 7.5 = 56.25 = the positive square of a circle whose circumference is
Brevity, the soul of wit, is the "wings of mighty-winds" to quadrature,
and sends it "flying all abroad." A _surbodhicary_--something
like M.A. or LL.D., I understand--at Calcutta, published in 1863 the
division of an {315} angle into any odd number of
parts, demonstration and all in--when the diagram is omitted--one page,
good-sized, well-leaded type, small duodecimo. But
in the Preface he acknowledges "sheer inability" to execute his task.
Mr. William Dean, of Todmorden, in 1863, announced
3-9/64 as proved both practically and geometrically:

he has
been already mentioned anonymously. Next I have the tract of Don

Juan Larriva, published at Leiria in 1856, and dedicated to Queen

Victoria. Mr. W. Peter
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