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Descripción del Proyecto

This is the Redmine(Project manage system) plug-in which adds the feature of the glossary.

The Use
  • Management of technical terms in a system analysis phase
  • Interlinear translation table
  • Translate table from term to data type (class name)
  • Management of naming examples in a coding

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Publicado: 2011-01-30 20:54
rp-glossary 0.4.0 (1 files Ocultar)

Release Notes

* Adds index function.
* Move search form.

* 索引機能の追加
* 検索フォームの位置を変更
* term マクロで未設定の用語の場合、新規作成画面にリンク
* 更新日によるソート時にオーダーを逆に変更


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