[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] create - Gtk::TrayIcon

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 6月 3日 (木) 01:55:12 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp//?Gtk%3A%3ATrayIcon
= class Gtk::TrayIcon
This class provides a Ruby access to the System Tray Protocol
The class is based on Gtk::Plug, so you can easily add widgets
in the GNOME notification area like this:

	require 'gtktrayicon'


	tray = Gtk::TrayIcon.new("test")
	tray.add(Gtk::Label.new("Hello, World!"))


== Object Hierarchy
* Object
  * GLib::Instantiatable
    * GLib::Object
      * Gtk::Object
        * Gtk::Widget
          * Gtk::Container
            * Gtk::Bin
              * Gtk::Window
                * Gtk::Plug
                  * Gtk::TrayIcon

== Class Methods
--- Gtk::TrayIcon.new(name, screen=nil)
    Constructs a new Gtk::TrayIcon object using the given parameters.
    * name: the name of the tray icon. 
    * screen: a Gdk::Screen (can be nil).  
    * Returns: a newly created Gtk::TrayIcon object.

== Instance Methods
--- cancel_message(id)
    Cancels a message which is currently displayed on the tray, giving its
    * id: a message ID.  
    * Returns: self.

--- orientation
    This method returns the orientation of the tray, as a Gdk::Orientation.
    * Returns: the orientation of the tray, as a Gdk::Orientation.

--- send_message(timeout, message)
    Asks the tray to display the given message for the given timeout milliseconds.
    If timeout is 0, the message will not expire.
    * message: a message to send (String).  
    * timeout: a timeout value (Integer). 
    * Returns: an Integer identifier for the message.

== See Also

- ((<lrz>))

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