[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gst::Caps

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 3月 2日 (火) 05:38:31 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Gst%3A%3ACaps
  = class Gst::Caps
  Capabilities of pads.
+ == Object Hierarchy
+ * Object
+   * GLib::Boxed
+     * Gst::Caps
  == Instance Methods
- --- == anOtherCaps 
+ --- ==(caps)
      Checks if two Gst::Caps objects are refering the same caps.
+     * caps: a Gst::Caps.  
+     * Returns: true if equals, false otherwise.
- --- each_property { |name, value, isFixed| block } 
+ --- each_property { |name, value, is_fixed| ... }
      Calls the block for each property of the Gst::Caps, passing references
-     of name (String), value (an Object), and fixed state (a Boolean)
+     of name (a String), value (an Object), and fixed state (a Boolean)
      as parameters.
-     Always returns nil.
+     * Returns: always nil.
- --- fixed? 
-     Checks if the GstCaps has fixed properties, ie. 
-     it has no ranges or lists.
+ --- fixed?
+     it has no ranges or lists), false otherwise.
+     * Returns: true if the Gst::Caps has fixed properties (ie.  
- --- has_fixed_property?(aString) 
-     Checks if the Gst::Caps object has a fixed property 
-     with the given name.
+ --- has_fixed_property?(name)
+     This method returns true if the Gst::Caps object has a fixed property  with the given name, false otherwise.
+     * name: a property name  Checks if a caps has a named fixed property.  
+     * Returns: true if the Gst::Caps object has a fixed property  with the given name, false otherwise.
- --- has_property?(aString) 
-     Checks if the Gst::Caps object has a property 
-     with the given name.
+ --- has_property?(name)
+     This method returns true if the Gst::Caps object has a property  with the given name, false otherwise.
+     * name: a property name  Checks if a caps has a named property.  
+     * Returns: true if the Gst::Caps object has a property  with the given name, false otherwise.
- --- mime 
-     Get the mime type of the caps, as a String.
+ --- mime
+     This method returns the mime type of the caps.
+     * Returns: the mime type of the caps.
- --- name 
-     Gets the name of the caps, as a String.
+ --- mime=(name)
+     Sets the mime type of the caps.
+     * name: a mime type.  
+     * Returns: the given parameter 'name'.
- --- set_mime(aMimeString) 
-     Set the mime type of the caps, as a String.
+ --- name
+     This method returns he name of the caps.
+     * Returns: he name of the caps.
- --- type_id 
-     Gets the type ID of the caps, as a Fixnum.
+ --- set_mime(name)
+     Sets the mime type of the caps.
+     * name: a mime type.  
+     * Returns: self.
+ --- type_id
+     This method returns the type ID of the caps.
+     * Returns: the type ID of the caps.
+ == Constants
+ === GstCapsFlags
+ --- FIXED
+ == See Also
+ ((<Gst>)).
  - ((<lrz>))

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