[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gnome::PrintPaper

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 10月 17日 (日) 16:10:55 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp//?Gnome%3A%3APrintPaper
  = class Gnome::PrintPaper
  == Class Methods
  --- default
       * Returns: default paper.
- --- get_by_name(name)
+ --- get(name)
       * name: the name of paper.
       * Returns: specified Gnome::PrintPaper, nil if not found.
- --- get_by_size(width, height)
+ --- get(width, height)
       * width: the width of paper.
       * height: the heiht of paper.
       * Returns: specified Gnome::PrintPaper, nil if not found.
- --- get_by_size(width, height, nust_fit)
+ --- get(width, height, must_fit)
       * width: the width of paper.
       * height: the heiht of paper.
-      * nust_file: should ((|width|)) and ((|height|)) fit within paper.
+      * must_fit: should ((|width|)) and ((|height|)) fit within paper.
       * Returns: specified Gnome::PrintPaper, nil if not found.
  --- list
       * Returns: an array of available papers.
  == Instance Methods
  --- name
       * Returns: the name of paper.
  --- width
       * Returns: the width of paper.
  --- height
       * Returns: the height of paper.
  == Constants
  == See Also
  - kou

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