[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Ruby/GTK

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2005年 2月 25日 (金) 01:34:29 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/ja/?Ruby%2FGTK
  = Ruby/GTK API Reference
- * ((<Gtk>))
+ * ((<Gtk>)) - 翻訳完了
  * Gtk::AccelGroup - 94%
  * Gtk::AccelLabel - Done.
  * Gtk::Adjustment - Done.
  * Gtk::Alignment - Done.
  * Gtk::Allocation - Done.
  * Gtk::Arrow - Done.
  * Gtk::AspectFrame - Done.
  * Gtk::Bin - Done.
  * Gtk::Box - Done.
  * Gtk::Button - Done.
  * Gtk::ButtonBox - Done.
  * Gtk::Calendar - Done.
  * Gtk::CellRenderer - Done.
  * Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf - Done.
  * Gtk::CellRendererText - Done.
  * Gtk::CellRendererToggle - Done.
  * Gtk::CheckButton - Done.
  * Gtk::CheckMenuItem - Done.
  * Gtk::Clipboard
  * Gtk::ColorSelection
  * Gtk::ColorSelectionDialog
  * Gtk::Combo
  * Gtk::Container
  * Gtk::Curve
  * Gtk::Dialog - Done.
  * Gtk::DrawingArea
  * Gtk::Entry - Done.
  * Gtk::EventBox - Done.
  * Gtk::FileSelection
  * Gtk::Fixed
  * Gtk::FontSelection - Done.
  * Gtk::FontSelectionDialog
  * Gtk::Frame
  * Gtk::GammaCurve
  * Gtk::HBox - Done.
  * Gtk::HButtonBox - Done.
  * Gtk::HPaned
  * Gtk::HRuler
  * Gtk::HScale
  * Gtk::HScrollbar
  * Gtk::HSeparator - Done.
  * Gtk::HandleBox
  * Gtk::IconFactory
  * Gtk::IconSet
  * Gtk::IconSource
  * Gtk::Image - Done.
  * Gtk::ImageMenuItem - Done.
  * Gtk::InputDialog
  * Gtk::Item - Done.
  * Gtk::ItemFactory
  * Gtk::Label
  * Gtk::Layout
  * Gtk::ListStore
  * Gtk::Menu
  * Gtk::MenuBar - Done.
  * Gtk::MenuItem - Done.
  * Gtk::MenuShell
  * Gtk::MessageDialog  - Done.
  * Gtk::Misc - Done.
  * Gtk::Notebook
  * Gtk::NotebookPage
  * Gtk::Object
  * Gtk::OptionMenu
  * Gtk::Paned
  * Gtk::Plug
  * Gtk::Progress
  * Gtk::ProgressBar
  * Gtk::RadioButton - Done.
  * Gtk::RadioMenuItem - Done.
  * Gtk::Range
  * Gtk::Ruler
  * Gtk::Scale
  * Gtk::Scrollbar
  * Gtk::ScrolledWindow
  * Gtk::SelectionData
  * Gtk::Separator - Done.
  * Gtk::SeparatorMenuItem - Done.
  * Gtk::Socket
  * Gtk::SpinButton
  * Gtk::Statusbar
  * Gtk::Style
  * Gtk::Table
  * Gtk::TearoffMenuItem - Done.
  * Gtk::TextAttributes
  * Gtk::TextBuffer - 5%
  * Gtk::TextChildAnchor
  * Gtk::TextIter - 95%
  * Gtk::TextMark - Done.
  * Gtk::TextTag
  * Gtk::TextTagTable  - Done.
  * Gtk::TextView
  * Gtk::ToggleButton - Done.
  * Gtk::Toolbar
  * Gtk::Tooltips
  * Gtk::TreeIter
  * Gtk::TreePath
  * Gtk::TreeRowReference
  * Gtk::TreeSelection
  * Gtk::TreeStore
  * Gtk::TreeView
  * Gtk::TreeViewColumn
  * Gtk::VBox - Done.
  * Gtk::VButtonBox - Done.
  * Gtk::VPaned
  * Gtk::VRuler
  * Gtk::VScale
  * Gtk::VScrollbar
  * Gtk::VSeparator - Done.
  * Gtk::Viewport - Done.
  * Gtk::Widget
  * Gtk::Window - 5%
  * Gtk::WindowGroup - Done.

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