[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - Ruby/GIO

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2010年 12月 28日 (火) 05:40:46 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?Ruby%2FGIO
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
 * GLib::File File and Directory Handling
 * GLib::FileAttribute Key-Value Paired File Attributes
+* GLib::FileAttribute::Info Key-Value Paired File Attribute Information
+* GLib::FileAttribute::Info::List List of attribute information
 * GLib::FileInfo File Information and Attributes
 * GLib::FileEnumerator Enumerated File Routines
 * GLib::IO Errors and Miscellanea
@@ -48,36 +50,85 @@
 * GLib::DataInputStream Data Input Stream
 * GLib::DataOutputStream Data Output Stream
 * GLib::UnixInputStream Streaming input operations for Unix file descriptors
-* GLib::UnitOutputStream Streaming output operations for Unix file descriptors
+* GLib::UnixOutputStream Streaming output operations for Unix file descriptors
 * GLib::ConverterInputStream Converter Input Stream
 * GLib::ConverterOutputStream Converter Output Stream
+== File Types and Applications
+* GLib::ContentType Platform-specific content typing
+* GLib::AppInfo Application information and launch contexts
+* GLib::DesktopAppInfo Application information from desktop files
+== Volumes and Drives
+* GLib::VolumeMonitor Volume Monitor
+* GLib::Volume Volume management
+* GLib::Mount Mount management
+* GLib::Drive Drive management
+* GLib::UnixMount Unix mount
+* GLib::UnixMounts Unix mounts
+* GLib::UnixMountPoint Unix mount point
+* GLib::UnixMountEntry Unix mount entry
+* GLib::UnixMountMonitor Unix mount monitor
+== Icons
+* GLib::Icon Interface for icons
+* GLib::FileIcon Icons pointing to an image file
+* GLib::LoadableIcon Loadable Icons
+* GLib::ThemedIcon Icon theming support
+* GLib::EmblemedIcon Icons with emblems
+* GLib::Emblem An object for emblems
+== Failable Initialization
+* GLib::Initable Failable object initialization interface
+* GLib::AsyncInitable Asynchronously failable object initialization interface
+== Low-level Network Support
+* GLib::Socket Low-level socket object
+* GLib::InetAddress An IPv4/IPv6 Address
+* GLib::SocketAddress Abstract base class for representing end-points for socket communication
+* GLib::InetSocketAddress Internet GLib::SocketAddress
+* GLib::UnixSocketAddress Unix GLib::SocketAddress
+* GLib::SocketControlMessage A GLib::Socket control message
+* GLib::UnixFDList An object containing a set of Unix file descriptors
+* GLib::UnixFDMessage A GLib::SocketControlMessage containing a GLib::UnixFDList
+* GLib::Credentials An object containing credentials
+* GLib::UnixCredentialsMessages A GLib::SocketControlMessage containing credentials
+* GLib::Proxy Interface for proxy handling
+* GLib::ProxyAddress An internet address with proxy information
+== High-level network functionality
+* GLib::SocketClient Helper for connecting to a network service
+* GLib::SocketConnection A socket connection
+* GLib::UnixConnection A Unix domain GLib::SocketConnection
+* GLib::TcpConnection A TCP GLib::SocketConnection
+* GLib::SocketListener Helper for accepting network client connections
+* GLib::SocketService Make it easy to implement a network service
+* GLib::ThreadedSocketService A threaded GLib::SocketService
+== DNS Resolution
+* GLib::Resolver Asynchronous and cancellable DNS resolver
+* GLib::ProxyResolver Asynchronous and cancellable network proxy resolver
+* GLib::SocketConnectable Interface for potential socket end-points
+* GLib::NetworkAddress A GLib::SocketConnectable for resolving hostnames
+* GLib::NetworkService A GLib::SocketConnectable for resolving SRV targets
+* GLib::SrvTarget DNS SRV record target
+== Utilities
+* GLib::FilenameCompleter Filename Completer
+== Extending GIO
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
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-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
-* GLib:: 
+* GLib::Vfs Virtual File System
+* GLib::IOModule Loadable GIO Modules
+* GLib::IOExtension 
+* GLib::IOExtensionPoint 

ruby-gnome2-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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