Benjamin Jackson
Sun Jan 28 03:20:27 JST 2007
This code snippet runs fine in the main thread, but my app crashes when I put it in a thread as below. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks, Ben Thread.start do rows.times do |row| puts "\nRow #{row}" columns.times do |column| write_column image, row, column end end end def write_column image, row, column puts "Column #{column}" dest = "#{@dirname}/TileGroup0/#{@numtiers}-#{row}-#{column}.jpg" image_width, image_height = image.extent.size.width, image.extent.size.height tile_width, tile_height = TILESIZE, TILESIZE tile_width = image_width - row*TILESIZE if row*TILESIZE + TILESIZE > image_width tile_height = image_height - column*TILESIZE if column*TILESIZE + TILESIZE > image_height write_image image, dest, { :w => row*TILESIZE, :y => column*TILESIZE, :width => tile_width, :height => tile_height } @numtiles = @numtiles + 1 end def write_image image, path, options={} x, y = 0, image.extent.size.height width = options[:width] || image.extent.size.width height = options[:height] || image.extent.size.height x = options[:x] unless options[:x].nil? # we have to calculate the y from the top to conform to Flash's coordinate system y = image.extent.size.height - options[:y] - height unless options[:y].nil? @mutex.synchronize do bitmap = OSX::NSBitmapImageRep.alloc.initWithBitmapDataPlanes_pixelsWide_pixelsHigh_bitsPerSample_samplesPerPixel_hasAlpha_isPlanar_colorSpaceName_bytesPerRow_bitsPerPixel( nil, width, height, 8, 4, true, false, OSX::NSDeviceRGBColorSpace, 0, 0) context = OSX::NSGraphicsContext.graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep bitmap OSX::NSGraphicsContext.saveGraphicsState OSX::NSGraphicsContext.setCurrentContext context context.CIContext.drawImage_atPoint_fromRect image,, 0),,y),, height)) OSX::NSGraphicsContext.restoreGraphicsState representation = bitmap.representationUsingType_properties(OSX::NSJPEGFileType, nil) representation.writeToFile_atomically(path, true) end end