kimura wataru
Mon Aug 25 22:58:47 JST 2008
Thanks Jonathan, I commited your patch into trunk as r2218. On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 15:27:15 -0600, Jonathan deWerd wrote: > Here's a patch that fixes a particularly nasty bug in RubyCocoa's > "bundle support" (bundle for class and friends). RubyCocoa replaces > bundleForClass so that it works on ruby classes. However, when > injecting RubyCocoa into various applications, this causes mysterious > crashes: the host application often calls -bundleForClass: which > By the way, has anyone gotten the latest 1.8 (or 1.9 for that matter) > ruby to compile into a fat binary? When I try to compile the ruby_1_8 > head into a fat binary by passing -arch ppc, -arch i386, -arch ppc64, > and -arch x86-64 as CFLAGS, ld complains that _Init_ext isn't defined > in any of the non-native architectures. It also seems that the > --enable-fat (or whatever it was) option in the configure script has > disappeared. What gives? What's the latest version everyone is using > that *does* compile across all > archs?_______________________________________________ Unfortunately, configure with -arch options is not a perfect solution to make a fat binary. We can see some tricks to make a fat Ruby in Apple's Ruby code. I think to make a fat binary with `lipo' from each arch module is a reliable way. -- kimura wataru