[Scim-imengine-dev 298] scim-qtimm: Backspace doesn't work on scim-skk

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UTUMI Hirosi utuhi****@yahoo*****
2005年 4月 29日 (金) 13:09:31 JST

// To: scim-****@lists*****
// Cc: scim-****@lists*****

Hi Cougar,

I tested scim-qtimm-0.8.9. There are some problems.

A) Backspace doesn't work on scim-skk.

How to test it:
1. Install scim-skk. scim-skk is a module for Japanese.

2. Run kwrite -> enable scim-skk ->
type "siro" (it means "white" in Japanese).

bug 1:
You'll find two Hiragana and an unnecessary "r".

bug 2:
Press Backspace twice.
You can remove "ro", but you can't remove "si".

B) We can't select multiple lines by left click + drag on Kmail.

How to test it:
1. Run kmail.
2. Get some mails.
3. Press "Reply".
4. Enable scim-anthy. scim-anthy is another module for Japanese.

5. Select multiple lines by left click + drag
-> You can't do it.

C) We can't switch SCIM modules by Ctrl+Alt+Up or Ctrl+Alt+Down on scim-qtimm.

How to test it:
1. Run kwrite -> enable scim-skk.

2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Up or Ctrl+Alt+Down ->
You can't switch SCIM modules.

I applied these patches:
qt-x11-immodule-unified-qt3.3.4-20041203.diff.bz2 (an official patch)
fix-x11-immodule.diff.bz2 (from SUSE)
qt-x11-immodule-fix-qwidget.diff.bz2 (from Cougar)

If you have some time, please check them.


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-------------- next part --------------
ファイル名: fix-x11-immodule.diff.bz2
型:         application/x-bzip
サイズ:     216 バイト
説明:       fix-x11-immodule.diff.bz2
-------------- next part --------------
ファイル名: qt-x11-immodule-fix-qwidget.diff.bz2
型:         application/x-bzip
サイズ:     394 バイト
説明:       qt-x11-immodule-fix-qwidget.diff.bz2
URL:        http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/archives/scim-imengine-dev/attachments/20050429/0cdbbae6/attachment-0001.bin 

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