[Scim-imengine-dev 592] Re: scim-1.4.0 works fine with gcc-4.0.1-2mdk/glibc-2.3.5-3mdk

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Yukiko Bando yband****@k6*****
2005年 8月 6日 (土) 21:55:35 JST


On Saturday 06 August 2005 04:56, UTUMI Hirosi wrote:

> > I upgrated to glibc-2.3.5-3mdk and recompiled scim-1.4.0,
> > scim-anthy-0.5.3, scim-skk-0.3.0 and scim-qtimm-0.9.3 from tarballs
> > while reciting a charm.  And it worked!!  scim-helper-manager doesn't
> > eat up 90% CPU anymore and the input methods work fine both in Qt and
> > GTK apps. No problem with rpmdrake, userdrake etc. either. :)
> >
> > Can anyone confirm?
> I rebuilt scim-1.4.0 against gcc-4.0.1-2mdk/glibc-2.3.5-3mdk.
> It's working fine for me.
> I posted it to scim-user-ml at 2005-05-13:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=7250016&forum_id
> > Subject: gcc-4.0.0 breaks scim-1.2.2 (?)
> > It shows "%CPU 90% scim-helper-man".
> It was a long way...

内海さん、これからも Mandriva をよろしくお願いします。 :) 

皆様、あっち (SCIM ML) でもこっちでも大変お騒がせし、すみませんでした。

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