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Descripción del Proyecto

Nostalagia from old type arcade game like missile command, cyber tank, etc. brought me to make this very simple game, rules are easy, kill enemy and go as far as possible in levels...with today technology, mouse input, 3d graphs and sound, etc.

System Requirements

Sistema Operativo: OS Portable (Source code to work with many OS platforms)

Download Package list

Latest 5 files
Nombre Tamaño Fecha Download count
nostalgia.ico 1.4 KB 2011-01-29 17:34 44
nostalgia.iss 0.7 KB 2011-01-29 17:34 32
readme.txt 3.2 KB 2011-01-29 17:34 52
Irrlicht.dll 5.0 MB 2011-01-29 17:34 180
Nostalgia.exe 2.0 MB 2011-01-29 17:34 90
Todos los Ficheros
nostalgia.ico1.4 KB2011-01-29 17:3444
nostalgia.iss0.7 KB2011-01-29 17:3432
readme.txt3.2 KB2011-01-29 17:3452
Irrlicht.dll5.0 MB2011-01-29 17:34180
Nostalgia.exe2.0 MB2011-01-29 17:3490
parameters.xml0.4 KB2011-01-29 17:3418
settings.xml0.5 KB2011-01-29 17:3463
tips.xml0.5 KB2011-01-29 17:3432
default_parameters.xml0.4 KB2011-01-29 17:3414
default_settings.xml0.2 KB2011-01-29 17:3429
Help.xml1.3 KB2011-01-29 17:3415
about.xml0.5 KB2011-01-29 17:3418
controls.xml0.9 KB2011-01-29 17:34698
irrKlang.dll562.0 KB2011-01-29 17:3317003