Project Description

This project is based on the original open source MegasquirtAVR, which became the closed source commercial product known as VEMS. There is a full copy of the original website in the Downloads section.

The code is at the stage where it can be tested on actual engines so please test it and let me know how it goes. It has the same features as Megasquirt 1 and can be tuned in MegaTunix, MegaTune or TunerStudio as a Megasquirt 1 B&G2.0-3.0.

The code is compiled for the ATmega328p so the supported boards should be:
- Arduino Uno
- Arduino Duemilanove
- Arduino Diecimila
- Arduino NG
- Arduino Extreme v2
- Arduino Extreme

Note: only tested on Arduino Duemilanove

No schematics are available yet, but please have a look at the MegasquirtAVR schematics. It is meant for the ATmega128 so not pin compatible.

Unfortunately I am very busy with Uni so progress is slow, but feel free to make changes and let me know so I can incorporate them into the main project.

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2017-01-05 07:06
Opinión por Cris75

(0 of 0 people found this review helpful)
MsAVR V1 Good EFI ! ................................. .................................
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