Project Description

A 32/64/16-bit Pascal compiler for Win32/64/CE, Linux, Mac OS X/iOS, FreeBSD, OS/2, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo NDS and DOS; semantically compatible with Delphi, Borland Pascal and Mac Pascal (partially) with extra features, e.g. operator overloading.


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2023-02-01 08:54
Opinión por Pascal mania

(1 of 1 people found this review helpful)
Borland Turbo Pascalとよく似た画面、操作性でTurbo-Pascal使った経験のある人なら直ぐに使えて、簡単に実行形式の.exeファイルもできるのでとても使い勝手が良い。

2020-07-18 22:15
Opinión por Select

(0 of 0 people found this review helpful)
Ok,like your sistem ..Ok,like your sistem ..
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