Download List

Descripción del Proyecto

The projects aim to help college and university election be easy, the code are still rough which need finalization but they are working.

i. Download the project
ii. Find poll.sql file and import on Mysql Database.
iii. Open READ ME and get the username and password for students and admin
v. Ready to Go!!!

NB: Send me email for any other suggestions and advice if needed, otherwise enjoy the voting project.

System Requirements

Sistema Operativo: All 32-bit MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7), POSIX (Linux,BSD,Solaris etc..), BSD

Download Package list

Latest 5 files
Nombre Tamaño Fecha Download count
voting.css 2.1 KB 2014-01-25 20:27 37
votes.php 1.1 KB 2014-01-25 20:27 34
users.php 3.1 KB 2014-01-25 20:27 28
student_vote.php 1.3 KB 2014-01-25 20:27 29
student_reg.php 3.5 KB 2014-01-25 20:27 29
Todos los Ficheros
voting.css2.1 KB2014-01-25 20:2737
votes.php1.1 KB2014-01-25 20:2734
users.php3.1 KB2014-01-25 20:2728
student_vote.php1.3 KB2014-01-25 20:2729
student_reg.php3.5 KB2014-01-25 20:2729
student.php1.7 KB2014-01-25 20:2713
search_results.php1.9 KB2014-01-25 20:2713
search.php1.0 KB2014-01-25 20:277
reg1_action.php1.5 KB2014-01-25 20:2711
question_action.php0.6 KB2014-01-25 20:2717
READ ME.1.6 KB2014-01-25 20:2710
question.php2.4 KB2014-01-25 20:2714
poll.sql3.2 KB2014-01-25 20:2717
logout.php0.2 KB2014-01-25 20:2771
login_reg_action.php0.6 KB2014-01-25 20:2715
login_reg.php2.6 KB2014-01-25 20:2728
login_action.php1.2 KB2014-01-25 20:2717
login.php1.4 KB2014-01-25 20:2746
index.php0.7 KB2014-01-25 20:2714
header_student.php1.0 KB2014-01-25 20:276
header_candidate.php0.9 KB2014-01-25 20:2712
header.php1.0 KB2014-01-25 20:2721
footer.php0.1 KB2014-01-25 20:2714
delete.php0.3 KB2014-01-25 20:2613
deactivate.php0.2 KB2014-01-25 20:2626
contact.php0.4 KB2014-01-25 20:268
connection.php0.2 KB2014-01-25 20:267
change_pass_action.php1.1 KB2014-01-25 20:2624
change_pass.php1.7 KB2014-01-25 20:268
can_view.php1.0 KB2014-01-25 20:2622
candidate.php1.1 KB2014-01-25 20:2614
auth.php0.3 KB2014-01-25 20:2611
answer_action.php0.5 KB2014-01-25 20:2617
answer.php2.5 KB2014-01-25 20:2520
admin_header.php1.0 KB2014-01-25 20:2527
admin_auth.php0.3 KB2014-01-25 20:2513
activate.php0.2 KB2014-01-25 20:2519
about.php0.4 KB2014-01-25 20:259
gen_validatorv4.js31.3 KB2014-01-25 20:24749
cand4.jpg2.6 KB2014-01-25 20:2421
cand3.jpg3.2 KB2014-01-25 20:245
cand2.jpg1.9 KB2014-01-25 20:237
cand1.jpg1.7 KB2014-01-25 20:2315
logo2.jpg13.1 KB2014-01-25 20:2214
logo1.jpg14.7 KB2014-01-25 20:2214
bt_qsexport_excel.gif0.8 KB2014-01-25 20:2112
bt_qsadd_new.gif0.9 KB2014-01-25 20:215
bt_delete.gif0.2 KB2014-01-25 20:2112
bt_add.gif1.3 KB2014-01-25 20:2117
bbt_search.gif2.3 KB2014-01-25 20:2119